Wednesday, July 31, 2019
Why the Hawaii Light Rail Should Be Built.
Harold Ano Ho Argument Paragraph Second Draft 9/26/12 ENG22 T/Tr 1:30 Why the Light Rail Should Be Built. The light rail project will benefit Oahu in many ways, and should be constructed without delay. The first reason that the rail should be constructed is because it will help the economy. One example of how the rail will benefit the economy is that it will create many lasting jobs for workers due to the fact that the rail is a massive project that will last years.Additionally, once the rail is completed it will increase tax revenue, and eventually the taxes used to complete the project will be gained back through the project itself. The second reason why the Light rail should be built is that it will benefit the community. For example, traffic is getting worse by the year, and it will continue to do so unless we do something about it. The rail will provide an alternate means of transportation that is safe, quick, and more efficient than our current transportation.Those who wish to ride the rail will be saving money on gas, and those who wish to drive their cars will be able to do so in less traffic due to the decrease in cars on the road, so everyone wins. The third and final reason why the rail should be built is that it will help protect the environment. The pollution from cars is immense, and there is no way to remove the damage already done, only reduce the amount that we are damaging it by. The rail is electric powered, which is eco friendly.The more people who ride the rail, the less cars there will be on the road; the less cars there are on the road, the less pollution there will be. Those who are against the Light rail claim that during the construction it will cause more traffic, instead of decreasing it. While this is true, it is very short sighted and they are only looking at the small picture. The reality of the matter is that there are more cars on the road every passing year, and if we don’t do something now, it will eventually become so bad that the time spent in traffic will become infinitely worse.Spending a few years with slightly worse traffic is worth it if it will improve traffic matters for many decades to come. Another thing opponents say is that the rail will be disruptive to neighborhoods. They would be correct in this if the rail was at ground level, but since the rail will be elevated above the ground, the sound will be no worse than a freeway. For these reasons and more, the construction of the Light rail should be allowed to be continued, and completed.
Tuesday, July 30, 2019
Parties and party systems: A framework for analysis Essay
Political parties Introduction            Political parties are present in nations all over the world and politicians use parties as a way to outline their efforts in order to be elected. Political parties can be seen as social movements, with politicians trying to persuade people to consider their party. However, they have created legitimacy in a nation with widespread approval of institutional or government power. Although political parties have varying ranks of participation in their corresponding governments, many nations are used to permit members of several political parties to be represented in the ratio with a prevalent electoral vote. Moreover, other nations comprise of only one political party and still other nations are controlled by a small number of political parties. Consequently, political system of America has extensively been described as a â€Å"two political parties’ nation. This has endured persistent, although the political parties which were in charge have been modified and there are a number of outlooks as to why this is so (De Leon, 2004).            The two major parties in the United State have failed to meet the expectations of their followers. Their supporters are looking forward for a day when other political parties will have a say in the United State, a day when they will vote for a president from another party other than the Democrat or Republican. Is not that they are no other political parties in the United State, but there are small parties that cannot fit in the current political system (Mann, 2013). Two-party system was introduced in the United State by Alexander Hamilton’s with an aim of introducing a new political era. The system was effective because there was healthy competition between the Republicans and the Democrats for many years. However, this system has been misused by the current political leaders.            According to Popkin (2012), in the past, Republican were known for their interest on matters of private enterprise and government while the Democrats were well known for their fighting spirit when it comes to the issues of the common man and labor rights. Currently there has been a dramatic change in these responsibilities because politicians of both parties have become selfish, self-centered and corrupt. Republicans leader’s supports lobbying groups which they well know that they have huge number of followers; a good example is the gay marriage group which was in support by the republicans in 2012 presidential elections. The common people are left to suffer and that is a good reason why voters are looking for another presidential candidate from a different party other than republicans or democrats.            United State needs another party which will be moderate. Citizens need a party that will consider the rights of all citizens regardless of their race, gender or financial status. A party that will not support lobbying groups and its leaders will not be self-centered or corrupt. The moderate party will be run with transparency and thus they will be free to tell the truth to its followers. This party will force the democrats and the republicans to change their leadership system, and thus the Democrats and the Republican will try to copy the moderate party policies. All that is the dream of the voters who are tired of the two-party system in the United State and maybe it will come to reality one day (Ornstein, 2013).            The republicans and the democrats have a strong influence in the government because they believe if they are in the government, they have the rules. This slogan makes it hard for other parties to rise inthe United States (Mair, 2005). The two parties are rich and thus they have all the money to support their presidential candidates. This enhances the popularity of the candidate and thus they end up winning the elections. The solution to this dominance of the two political parties is that all the presidential candidates should be publically funded so that they can be given equal amount of money for their campaigns. Voters now will be free to elect leaders not because of their political parties or financial status but because of their ideology.            The topic of the two political parties in the United State and the demand for a change from the voters is interesting to everybody in the whole world. People all over the world find this topic of political system in the United State interesting because of its uniqueness. Many democratic countries have multi-party system where various political parties are involved in the government compared to the United State where there are only two horses. A lot of people tend to study this topic in order to know how the government is run by the two parties, how elections are conducted with only two candidates and why the other parties fail to rise in this system. Demand by voters for another moderate party is the most interesting issue in this topic, but will the current dominance of the republicans and democrats allow this change? And who will introduce this moderate party? This is the most interesting topic in the Americans politics (McAuliffe, 2007) .            The current evolution of politics in the United States must include numerous political parties to vie for the presidency position and other positions. The idea of considering only two parties does not fulfill the rights of political development in any governing nation and inclusion of third parties should mostly be deliberated. Though the American political structure has reliably been in this two party system, third parties occasionally stimulate elections and the candidates for those third party still sometime obtain elected posts in various states. The two party system is an influential system of politics because the two parties recognizes their mutual interests and they can keep for third party from gaining popularity and impact (Holt, 1992). New parties bring new ideas and philosophies in the world of politics. Collaboration of the two main parties to keep any other competitor party from gaining ground extremely brings a difficult chal lenge to any incoming third party.            Since the representation of the Green Party in the 1984 election, where it acted as the third party, deduction can be made that third parties have lacked interest in politics. Inclusion of third parties comprises much significance to many citizens and the same time offer great threat to the dominating parties. Third parties embrace people who feel strongly about a certain issue because that party focuses exclusively on it and this party can be closely tied to a particular region, which can raise their appeal. A third political party suggests numerous government practices and policies which lead to progress in a state generally. Third parties accomplish an impression on the political landscape and they have been having more achievement in elections than before (Conor and Lem, 2006).            If there is an inclusion of a third party in the current politics of the United States, major and prominent parties (Republican and Democrat) can address positively on divisible problems due to pressure and stiff competition. Moreover, third party like the Green Party can challenge one of the dominant party on various issues such as social justice while the other third party can position problems to the other major party. In simple terms, candidates of third party speak more honestly and freely than their major party opponents, addressing issues and facts that the foremost parties would often prefer to disregard. The reason behind this is because third parties usually consider themselves as having little chance of winning thus displaying their infidelity to the citizens (Hirano, 2007).            Snyder and Hirano (2007) have stated various factors which have potentially contributed to the existence of a two party system in the United States. One of the factors that influence mostly is the state of the economy in America. The state of the economy in America discourages the third party due to its necessities since third parties are just developing parties. Therefore, they do not have adequate funds to manage the status of the economy. High cost of political campaigns contributes greatly to lack of third political in the politics of the United States. The cost of managing and maintaining campaigns in all states of America is extremely high and this is a disadvantage to third parties because of inadequate funds. In addition, the rise of candidate-centered politics and political power at the national level has resulted to the two party system. However, electoral legislation which has influenced America is the Australian ballot whereby it involves restrictions as to who can appear on it. These limits create high obstacles which can only be controlled by any political with high amount of money.            In conclusion, these views and opinions can be considered as theory which needs to be validated in the political system of America. All factors leading to the deterioration of third parties can be tied to diversity. A great compact of resistance happens between political parties due to pressure on competition of generating voters thus strengthening the democracy of a nation. Existence of political parties ensures that there is no political perspective ignored and may be the reason the two party systems is well accepted in America. Generally, the dominance of third party in the political system of America will highly influence and modify its development. The foundation of all factors that are hindering the existence of a third party is based on the current political system in America and this gives an impression that with most factors considered, it is possible for things to change. References De Leon, C. (2004). â€Å"Radicals in Our Midst: the American Critique of Capitalism in Hirano, S. and James M. Snyder, Jr. (2007). â€Å"The Decline of Third-Party Voting in the United States†The Journal of Politics, 69:1.Holt, M. F. (1992). Political parties and American political development: From the age of Jackson to the age of Lincoln. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press. Lem, S. B., and Conor M. D. (2006). â€Å"Picking Their Spots: Minor PartyCandidates in Gubernatorial Elections†Political Research Quarterly, 59:3. Saved April 6, 2012. Available: JSTOR Mann, T. E., & Ornstein, N. J. (2013). It’s even worse than it looks: How the American constitutional system collided with the new politics of extremism. New York: Basic Books. McAuliffe, T., & Kettmann, S. (2007). What a party!: My life among Democrats : presidents, candidates, donors, activists, alligators, and other wild animals. New York: Thomas Dunne Books. Popkin, S. L. (2012). The candidate: What it takes to win, and hold, the White House. New York: Oxford University Press. Sartori, G., & Mair, P. (2005). Parties and party systems: A framework for analysis. Colchester: ECPR. The Chicago Two-Party System, 1833-1867.†Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Sociological Association San Francisco, California. Source document
Nutritional Needs over a Life Span Essay
As we grow older, our nutritional needs begin to change. Not only do they change throughout different stages of life, but they also vary depending on whether you are male or female. The following are nutrient requirements for the lifespan of both men and women: Infants Infants of both sexesleave the mother’s womb and live on their mother’s breast milk for the first four to six months of their life. If breastfeeding is not possible, then the infant should be formula fed.This provides all the necessary nutrients to sustain good health during this time frame. From age six to 12 months, infants can begin eating solid foods such as rice, oatmeal, soft fruits, cooked veggies and meats. After they are a year old, they can graduate to eating larger, raw fruits, vegetables and lean meats. Teenagers Teens have to keep a well balanced diet because they are growing during these years. They also have to be able to concentrate in school and get adequate nutrition to help them play sports, as well. They need sufficient iron in their diet; teenage girls usually do not get enough of this. Protein, calcium and Vitamin D are particularly important during a teenager’s growth spurt. This includes fish, chicken breast, skim milk, cheese and low fat yogurts. Boys usually need more calories than girls because they have more muscle mass and tend to grow taller. Another facet of teenage life, particularly for women is the pressure to stay thin. They are more likely to suffer from eating disorders and inadequate nutrition, than males. Read more: Essay on Nutritional Requirements Adults Adult men and women have different nutritional needs based on their occupation and activity level. Those who have sedentary jobs, can get away with eating a 1500-1800 calorie a day diet, without weight gain. However, those who work in field such as construction, cleaning, fitness instruction, etc..require a greater calorie intake of at least 2000-3000 calories daily. Women of child bearing age, must eat plenty of iron rich foods like cooked fish and poultry products, as well as spinach and other leafy green vegetables. Just before and during pregnancy, women have to pay close attention to the diet, as this can affect the health of the baby. Along with obtaining nutrients from all of the major food groups, she may take folic acid supplements to aid in proper development of the child’s spinal cord. They should also avoid raw foods that may contain poisonous bacteria, like fish, eggs and soft cheeses. Older Adults Older adults are not as physically active as younger adults, so their calorie needs are reduced. Calcium is very important to maintain strong bones. Women are particularly susceptible to developing osteoporosis later in life, so they should increase their calcium intake Fiber rich foods such as multigrain breads and slow cooked oatmeal aid in the digestion of older adults. A variety of B-vitamins plus protein help maintain a healthy central nervous system and protects body tissues from damage.
Monday, July 29, 2019
What are some of the gender implications of the current global Essay
What are some of the gender implications of the current global financial crisis How would a gendered perspective influence responses to the current recession at a global level - Essay Example Mortgage collapse was accelerated by credit default swaps. This led to credit freeze thus limiting investments and consumption leading to insufficient aggregate demand and economic crisis (Seguino, 2009). Governments resorted to bail outs thus cutting expenditure on social services such as; education, health and child care. There were massive job cuts leading to human rights crisis due to mass unrests as a result of economic hardships. This paper is a critique of the gender implications of the crisis and influence of gender perspective on responses to current recession. The current global financial crisis which has transformed into global economic crisis due to credit crunch has affected all people all over the world but the women are the most affected. This is because women are the caregivers at home and to the community and engage in unpaid, informal and volunteer work and mostly work in the services sector. The millennium development goals focus on women’s access to work opportunities, income and resources and hence improve the welfare of children, families, community and promote economic growth (Antonopoulos, 2009). Jobs were thus created in textile sector through export processing zones, tourism and agriculture and also work in public service as social workers. Men on the other hand are involved in masculine jobs such as construction work in public works and are highly paid while females engage in lowly paid jobs. Globalization enhances masculine dominance (Acker, 2004). Due to traditions, women are considered dependent on men thus bene fits such as; social insurance, pensions and welfare benefits are paid through the husband (Elson & Cagatay, 2000). Privatization makes women more dependent on men as women lose public service jobs. The cut in government expenditure on social services has great effect on women. It translates to loss of jobs for women who are concentrated
Sunday, July 28, 2019
NOKIA Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
NOKIA - Essay Example eting Mix is a combination of variables which can be controlled by the organization, and those variables which can be used to increase the buyer’s numbers and also improve the buyer’s response. The variables are the 4p’s of marketing mix which are the Product, Price, Place, and Promotion of every product launched by every company as every firm tries to create all these variables in the correct perfection to achieve the highest customer satisfaction (Burrow, 2011, pp. 172-177). This refers to the various goods and the particular services being provided by the company to its target customers. Customers do buy a particular product because of their needs and they look to get high level of satisfaction from the product which they buy and spend their money in buying. Price is the variable which refers to the amount that the particular product or service is been charged from the customers. It is one of the very important variables as setting up the right price for the product or service is very important, as it affects a lot on the buyer’s buying decision. The goods or services been provided to the customers must be at the reach of the customers, customers will always prefer a service or a product which is easily available to them. So deciding the correct place for the launch of the particular product and the chain through which it is been launched is very important decision to be made. Customers must have the knowledge about the products or services that are been developed by the companies. For making the products visible and creating its brand image in the market it is very important to pitch the product in the market in the correct way using the various platforms like advertising, publicity and sales promotion. This helps the company to make their products visible to the customers and make their message reach the customers (Belchand and Michael, 2005, pp. 75-82). Nokia started way back in 1865, it first started with the production of paper that was been
Saturday, July 27, 2019
Baderman Island Resort Risk Assesment Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Baderman Island Resort Risk Assesment - Article Example It is also time consuming. The implementation of information systems to achieve a competitive advantage is a perfect example of a situation in which firms and governments find themselves investing a lot to enjoy a marginal ROI. If achieving a competitive advantage were easy, then a firm's competitive advantage would be no advantage. There are also risk and uncertainty in the implementation of information systems (Grey, (1995). One approach to strategy selection is the "Z" model of strategy assessment. In table 1 (see appendix), the arrows illustrate an increasing degree of risk as they follow a z-shaped path. That is, starting with existing services and clients, there is increased risk in attempting to cultivate new clients; there is even greater risk in attempting to develop new services; and there is the greatest degree of risk in attempting to develop new services for new clients. In the case of a strategic issue for economic development, the dimensions might be cost versus return on investment (Grey, (1995). If a new software is being installed, it has a high cost and low return on investment. If a small amount of expenditure encourages improvement in performance and productivity leading to improved service and customer satisfaction, , C might be the best alternative. t is important to use objective criteria to assess competing strategies so as to determine their individual cost/benefit and to gain so me information about their potential risks. The purpose of this analysis is to provide alternative approaches to use for making such assessments (Grey, 1995). In addition to this mode, a traditional rank possible strategies to address key strategic issues along certain dimensions. This risk analysis will consist of four steps: The first step is to identify a treat. Traditionally, managers prefer to maintain the status quo rather than subject their firms to the downside risk of failure, even at the expense of losing market share. Gaining market share is the upside potential of investing heavily in IT. New information technology results resolutely from changes in strategy. Reducing resistance to change again requires investing in human, financial, and time resources (Grey, (1995). At this stage, a special attention will be given to such possible weaknesses as time of installation and limitations of the proposed software, its weaknesses and possible breakdowns. Also, the management will calculate budget expenditures required for additional services and additional training of staff. The second step is to identify who might be harmed and how. Fortunately, the global business environment and fierce overseas competitors now focus managers' attention on computer and information resources. Firms and governments that challenge their managers to tap the potential of these resources are gaining a competitive advantage. These successes press status quo champions to change their attitude (Grey, (1995). The third step is to analyze risks and develop contingency plans. Contingency planning provides a course of action for unplanned events. Contingency plans are preparations to take specific action(s) when an event not planned for in the formal planning process takes place. As the definition states, events in the business, political, or even personal worlds of employees and decision makers can have an effect upon
Friday, July 26, 2019
Define managers and discuss the changing nature of management Research Paper
Define managers and discuss the changing nature of management - Research Paper Example The managers lead teams, execute ideas, develop the workforce and allocate resources for the sake of all concerned. Their essential duty is to bring out the very best through collective efforts of the team members and to ask of these very team members to give in their best on a proactively consistent basis. Managers therefore have a definitive role to play within the midst of an organization and it is because of the above-mentioned reasons that managers have had their say within the decision-making tenets. Managers are responsible for nearly all aspects that come under their auspices. The management realms ask of the managers to take the initiative, gain control and lead teams so that their end results are significant towards the eventual goals of the organization. Managers are usually very accessible in their working methodologies and hence it is easy to get along with them on the part of the people who work with them or under their aegis. Management is therefore a very broad area which must be understood within the proper domains before moving ahead any further. Management stems its basis from the classical perspective, an area that banked heavily on the use of more leaders rather than managers. However with the changing times, the focus has been put on the shoulders of managers so that they could showcase their management talents and abilities as well as deliver instant results for the sake of the business entities they work for. Management has remained firm in the belief that people need to be supervised in an able capacity by a leader who can deliver whenever the going gets tough. This leader must stand up and be counted for the sake of not only his own self but also the subordinates who work under him. In essence, he is actually working towards building a solid base for the sake of his organization which is all the more important. Once again, the emphasis is on building capacity management
Thursday, July 25, 2019
Discourse Community Analysis Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Discourse Community Analysis - Research Paper Example A discourse community can be defined as a group of individuals or people with common texts and practices whether a group of social network users or group of academicians (Boreczky &Wyclif's 34). Members of a discourse community usually use both verbal and written communication to express their feelings emotions and interest and these will be understood and acted upon by their audience. Communication among mothers is one that is often characterized by the use of abbreviations and other non-verbal symbols that is clearly understood within their social cycles. The kind of abbreviations used while communicating depends on various factors like age, location, and experience that one is undergoing. Understanding the abbreviations and the nonverbal signs used by mothers requires one to have interest and remain abreast with the current dynamics and changing terminologies. One of the common abbreviations used by mother is BM which is used to refer to the breastfeeding mothers. The abbreviation is common amongst mothers who are breastfeeding or used by other women when referring to mothers with young babies. Women who undergo pregnancy tests also prefer using the abbreviation BFN standing for the big fat negative. The abbreviation is also prevalent amongst mothers who intend to pursue a pregnancy test to enable them to know their status. The term is normally used to help confine the communication amongst themselves in order to preclude others from being privy to such information, especially at the earliest stage. To describe the menstrual cycle experienced by women, mothers have mostly used the abbreviation AF- Aunt Flo. The term is largely common amongst mothers and women during their menstrual cycle. Most mothers feel shy to have unintended individuals to be privy to their menstrual cycle except for those they are considered very close with.Â
Role and responsiblity of newly qualified nurse Essay - 1
Role and responsiblity of newly qualified nurse - Essay Example This period is a thrilling one for nurses as they start developing new roles, focused on prescribing and these new roles have undoubtedly benefited patients and significantly contributed to expanding nurses’ roles, hence promoting the nursing image as a prime profession (Sines, Saunders & Forbes-Burford 2009, P.294). This paper aims to discuss the nursing roles of Patient Group Directions and Supplementary Prescribing by newly qualified nurses. The structure of the paper covers a detailed analysis of what the roles entail, the definitions of these roles, reasons for selecting these particular roles for the study and an in- depth discussion of these roles supported by relevant literature. The paper covers the legal, ethical and professional issues related to these roles. The paper ends with a summary and conclusion of the discussed roles. Taking up these roles for newly qualified nurses may be challenging. The claim has been that less than 50% of nurses in practice would recomm end their career option and 25% on the other hand, would keenly discourage from the nursing profession. It is no surprise that 33% to 61% of newly recruited nurses plan to depart from nursing in their initial year as professional nurses or completely change employment (Basford, 2003). It is important to explore the adaptation process of newly qualified nurses to the professional job environment, so as to respond and understand issues causing motivated and energetic nurses to leave the profession altogether. It is evident that the transition journey for newly qualified nurses is often frustrating, disillusioning, stressful and discouraging (Basford, 2003).Existing knowledge indicates that new nurses experience moral distress, disillusionment and discouragement in the early stages of practicing professional nursing. Other than undergoing developmental and personal changes, it is expected they make clinical judgments and decisions that are advanced. However, confidence develops into co mpetence, and as the nurse prescribers multiply in number so will the attitude towards the new role become more encouraging (Sines, Saunders & Forbes-Burford 2009, p.293) Rationale for Role Choices The increasing roles of nurses from the traditional medicine administration to current prescribing roles have played a significant role in the provision of quality healthcare to patients. There has been growing acknowledgment that pressures experienced by the health care sector could be partly solved by nurses providing a wider variety of services including prescribing, to patients. The programs have resulted into considerable savings from efficiently using nurses’ and doctors’ time. The important extended roles for nurses have played a critical in improving health care provision and hence are important topics of study in the medical field. Supplementary Prescribing Supplementary prescribing refers to a partnership of voluntary prescription between an independent and supplem entary prescriber, for implementation of a plan on clinical management that is patient specific. The patient has to be in agreement and the role of independent prescriber played by a doctor. It is therefore about the relationship between a patient, nurse and doctor, each
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
Should People Be Able To Vote Online Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Should People Be Able To Vote Online - Essay Example the main reason due to which promoters of online voting are favoring the system is that they believe that such a voting system will increase the participation of the youth which forms the majority of the population throughout the world and are even the majority in the case of internet users. Online voting may increase the participation of the youth but may result in a digital divide. This means that only those individuals will be able to case votes online that have access to internet while those who do not have access to this resource will be left behind. Due to this the outcome of the elections will be favoring a few and will become a disadvantage for others. According to Cavanagh, during the period of 2003 a total of only 30% of those individuals who belonged to families earning less than $25k per year had internet access, while more than 90% of those who belonged to families that earned more than $100k had internet access (Cavanagh, 2007, p.65). This means that online voting will benefit only those who belong to higher income earning families. Another reason due to which people are in favor of internet voting is that it is inexpensive as it does not require the government to print ballot papers and hire individuals for the voting process. Government might be able to save money by implementing online voting but at the same time government expenditure will rise as the government will have to spend money on first developing such a system, they will have to spend money on educating people about the system and helping them understand the system. Chapman states that educating the public about the electronic voting system will alone cost  £9million (Chapman, 2011). This is just the cost of educating people, there are various other monetary costs associated with creating and adopting online voting system. The third reason for supporting online voting system is that it will provide accurate results. it can never be appropriate to suggest that online voting system will
Tuesday, July 23, 2019
Proposal assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Proposal assignment - Essay Example The current learning support services offer two kinds of tutoring the drop in/ walk in tutoring and the group tutoring services. These two types of tutoring services have been very beneficial to students. However, there is need to establish peer guided group tutorial program. In this type of tutorial the instructor is a student that has gone through the same class and excelled. More than 600 college campuses around the world have registered success when using this type of tutoring around the world. Peer tutoring benefits both the tutor and the person receiving the tutoring. The student tutor will understand the subject or concept better, increasing confidence on the subject and the desire to learn other subjects. It also develops leadership skills. Peer guided tutoring helps the students being tutored be more at ease helping them concentrate more and understand better than when with a professional tutor (Falchikov and Blythman.21). Content related tutoring is another type of tutoring that can be integrated into the tutoring program. This type of tutoring involves a one on one discussion instead of group discussion. Unlike the walk in / drop in type of tutoring that is available in the university, I suggest a more elaborate program where the student makes an appointed with an assigned tutor and give the tutor the concept, topic or subject that he needs further instructions on. This ensures that the tutor prepares on the topic in advance has researched on it to ensure that the student is completely satisfied at the end of the session. Assignments are important part of course work. They help the lecturers asses if the student understood the important concepts taught in class. The aim of homework help sessions is not to do the homework for the student but to discuss the concept that the homework addresses. These help sessions are particularly helpful for mathematical
Monday, July 22, 2019
Yahoo Versus Survivors of the Holocaust Essay Example for Free
Yahoo Versus Survivors of the Holocaust Essay The case Yahoo versus Survivors of the Holocaust is based on a lawsuit that was made by a group of French Nazi concentration camp survivors against the website for the auction of Nazi materials and other hate related contents. The Holocaust survivors sued the company in a French court after the US based Yahoo Company refused to respond to the warnings block access to neo-Nazi contents on its US based servers. The case was targeted towards accusing CEO of Yahoo Timothy Koogle as responsible for the controversial auctioning of Nazi artifacts on the Yahoo website and if he is found guilty he faces potential incarceration in France. The case also provides information on the crash which had a negative impact on Yahoo’s performance which experienced serious decline alongside other companies in the advertising budget. In April 2001, Yahoo suffered a 42% decline in advertising revenue which led to mass exodus of the company’s leading staff and threatened to replace Koogle. The case also point out that Yahoo France which was established in 1996 as a subsidiary of Yahoo International shares similar organizational structure, same look, and tailored its contents according to local tastes. It is therefore, a shared system whereby information that comes up on the company’s US site also shows up on the French site. Thus, there was a challenge in creating a global brand that is able to adapt to suit local tastes. In this case, the challenge of a shared website has led to a lawsuit which was put together in April 2000. La Ligue Contre le Racisme et l’Antisemitisme (LICRA) and the French Jewish Students filed a lawsuit against the US based company Yahoo, for posting Nazi-era contents for sale on the company’s auction site. Yahoo responded to the lawsuit by countersuing LICRA with the US District court for violating of constitutional rights of free speech in the US. Analyze the opportunities and threats of Yahoo establishing subsidiaries in foreign countries which maintain majority ownership. Yahoo International has developed subsidiaries that are suitable for the company image as a major MNC working in Information Technology (IT). The company is establishing subsidiaries in foreign countries around the world so that they can maintain majority ownership. For instance, in Yahoo France, the contents are tailored to fit local culture through specific contents such as sports categories focused on Tour de France, world cup soccer and the French Decathlon; while in the UK these categories focused on rugby, cricket, and equestrian events. Yahoo subsidiaries also enjoy the opportunities of majority ownership which allows the MNC to benefit from IT advancement and ease of transportation which makes it easier for the home and host country to have an effective international business. An example of the expected experience of Yahoo subsidiaries right to maintain majority ownership is similar to MTV network International, the music channel operation that reaches 1 billion people in 18 different languages and 164 countries; MTV management assures host countries that they are not in the business of exporting American culture, they point out their policy of 70% local content (Fatehi, 2008). Like MTV Network International, Yahoo International is advance in that it has developed 24 international sites in 13 languages, in each of its international markets Yahoo built independent directories of local language websites and other contents. The company yahoo is able to benefit this way by attracting 40% users from foreign countries. Nonetheless, the threats of having Yahoo in foreign subsidiaries which maintain majority ownership is that they risk having problems of hosting contents that are not culturally acceptable such as in the case of the Nazi artifacts showing up on the company’s French website and thereby signaling dispute due to local culture. The French representatives, primarily LICRA finds Yahoo as supporting unlawful act of hosting Nazi and other hateful contents which is against the Nazi Symbols Act. The symbols associated with Hitler’s Nazis are attractive to bigots on the Web because they suggest anti-Semitism in an immediate, forceful way to the general public (Poisoning the Web, n.d.). Based on the conflict in thoughts between the US based company and their French subsidiary, there are risks that are involved in providing foreign subsidiaries or their communities’ with the authority to accuse the company’s actions. According to the claim of Yahoo their intentions appear innocent. Thus, Yahoo is able to take a stance to protect their Freedom of Speech so that they do not experience continued accusation associated with hateful contents. Yahoo calls for protection of the First Amendment of the US Constitution which includes the most basic component of freedom of expression, the right of freedom of speech, the right to freedom of speech allows individuals to express themselves without interference or constraint by the government (First Amendment, 2010). The information on the First Amendment of the US Constitution is important for Yahoo to use in defense of the risks that they could experience from their accusers who have consider them as disobeying th e Anti-Nazi Act and French laws that prohibited the display of Nazi contents and other hateful material. Analyze Yahoo’s social responsibility from a stakeholder perspective Yahoo’s social responsibility in this case will have a negative effect on the stakeholder perspective and their capacity for prosperity due to the conflict laid out in the lawsuits by Yahoo and LICRA. Yahoo is responsible for providing social responsibility to their customers, by providing safe products at reasonable costs. However, Yahoo was accused of showing auctions of Nazi contents on the companys U.S.-based Website which was accessible by French users and thus Yahoo was condemned by French Holocaust survivors. Yahoo’s social responsibility is also negative due to its acts that are found by LICRA as disobeying local laws and customs. Yahoo made progress in a countersuit against LICRA which accused that the French’s decision was in violation of the Communication, Decency Act, and Article 19 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, Article 10 of the convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Yahoo’s countersuits provide stakeholders with confidence in the organizations ability to overcome the constraints of the lawsuit. Yahoo’s stance in taking on a countersuit is a strong defense which creates opportunity to regain respect for the company and their stakeholders without acknowledging a prejudice intent or reference to Nazi auctions. Take a position on whether Yahoo acted in a manner that was ethically and socially responsible. In the case Yahoo versus survivors of the holocaust who is particularly Jewish students, the company did not meet the high expectancy level of ethical and social responsible standards. This is due to the auction of materials that are intolerant. The web displays of Nazi contents and other hateful materials which were found on Yahoo website are unethical and unlawful. MNCs are responsible to act in a social responsible way; this includes operating within a certain parameter. There is thus a demand for the company to react quickly toward such contents of hate so that they will protect the company’s image and mission without experiencing accusation. Neo-Nazis use the Web to market merchandise, selling items emblazoned with the instantly recognizable symbols of Hitler’s Nazi party†¦ Like the T-shirt a music fan might buy at a rock concert, one shirt reads Adolf Hitler European Tour 1939 1945(Poisoning the Web, n.d.). Based on such negative intents, Yahoo is obliged to take serious future steps to isolate neo-Nazi contents from the website to protect the company’s image and promote social responsibility and ethics by condemning those that misuse the web to spread hate. Besides excluding Nazi-era memorabilia from the company’s French-language portal, formulate two additional business strategies to address the issues faced by Yahoo as well as the risks associated with implementing those strategies. Besides excluding Nazi era memorabilia from the company’s French language portal, it is important that Yahoo applies additional business strategies to address the issues faced by the company. One strategy that could benefit the organization is the Strategic planning which is the alignment of organizational capabilities with anticipated environmental changes in the pursuit of goal attainment (Fatehi, 2008). This strategy is important because it will provide Yahoo with the understanding of their environment and the forces that are likely to determine how they secure resources and achieve goals. However, there is a downside to this strategy and it is the risks involved in planning strategy which is somehow limited to the extent of difficulties that can occur as Yahoo expands globally. The multiplicity of cultural, sociopolitical, legal, and economic environments creates quantitative and qualitative difficulties (Fatehi, 2008). The problems that are likely to arise from Yahoo’s internationalization are risky and there is a chance that the firm will experience additional complexity that is outside of their strategic planning due to new problems can be a burden to the MNC. Cultural aspects of strategy are important strategies and will be the second business strategy that will address Yahoo’s problems in their foreign markets. This strategy is important because culture plays a vital role in controlling MNCs to better support them in achieving their goals (Fatehi, 2008). In most business situations individuals are expected to apply self control and abide by culture norms. Cultural aspect of strategy is an important influence in determining the firm’s role in globalization and controlling its foreign operations. The risks of applying culture aspects of strategy is that the cultural difference are vast and vary in concept. Thus, there is a demand for Yahoo to meet cultural differences particularly by understanding the thoughts of foreign cultures. Without understanding the mentality and beliefs of a certain culture where they operate, Yahoo is likely to reencounter difficulties similar to the Nazi artifacts auction. Thus, the risk of cultural aspects of strategy will develop difficulties due to complications from various cultural differences which should be control in order to promote the company’s international objectives. Predict the consequences had Yahoo complied with LICRA’s initial demands. There would have been limited consequences for Yahoo if they had complied with LICRA’s initial demands to remove Nazi contents from their website. Instead, Yahoo initially responded that they had complied with French law on this issue and that there website did have a display or auction of hateful contents or Nazi materials. The case was initially made by LICRA charging Yahoo with illegally hosting auctions of Nazism, thereafter, the French court gave Yahoo a warning to block French residents from viewing Nazi auction or face fines. Yahoo adhering to LICRA would have violated their constitutional rights to protect free speech in the US Constitution. Thus, Yahoo would risk having to address serious issues from their home country about freedom of press which is linked to freedom of speech in the US constitution. The right to freedom of the press guaranteed by the first amendment is not very different from the right to freedom of speech; it allows an individual to express themselves through publication and dissemination; it is part of the constitutional protection of freedom of expression; and it does not afford members of the media any special rights or privileges not afforded to citizens in general (First Amendment, 2010). Yahoo faces the possibility of running into further problems from their users who could use the First Amendment as a bargain power to use the website without compromising their constitutional rights. It is however a limited consequence if Yahoo is able to respond early to users or law enforcers on the contents display on their websites, this will avoid expenses for lawsuits and avoid challenges in securing revenues for stakeholders. References: 1. Fatehi, K. (2008). Managing internationally: Succeeding in a culturally diverse world (1st ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications Ltd. 2. First Amendment (2010) Cornell Universitys Legal Information Institute. Retrieved 5/26/2012 from 3. Poisoning the Web: Hatred Online (n.d.) Neo-Nazis: Stormtroopers of the Web. Retrieved 5/26/2012 from
Sunday, July 21, 2019
Implementing Strategic Decisions and Analysing Effects
Implementing Strategic Decisions and Analysing Effects Although formulating a consistent strategy is a difficult task for any management team, making that strategy work implementing it throughout the organization is even more difficult (Hrebiniak, 2006). A myriad of factors can potentially affect the process by which strategic plans are turned into organizational action. Unlike strategy formulation, strategy implementation is often seen as something of a craft, rather than a science, and its research history has previously been described as fragmented and eclectic (Noble, 1999b). It is thus not surprising that, after a comprehensive strategy or single strategic decision has been formulated, significant difficulties usually arise during the subsequent implementation process. The best-formulated strategies may fail to produce superior performance for the firm if they are not successfully implemented, as Noble (1999b) notes. Results from several surveys have confirmed this view: An Economist survey found that a discouraging 57 percent of firms were unsuccessful at executing strategic initiatives over the past three years, according to a survey of 276 senior operating executives in 2004 (Allio, 2005). According to the White Paper of Strategy Implementation of Chinese Corporations in 2006, strategy implementation has become the most significant management challenge which all kinds of corporations face at the moment. The survey reported in that white paper indicates that 83 percent of the surveyed companies failed to implement their strategy smoothly, and only 17 percent felt that they had a consistent strategy implementation process. Modern organizations operate in an increasingly complex environment and the magnitude of the consequences of decisions at the strategic level demands high quality responses from the management. The ever-changing and turbulent internal and external environments of the organization demands extreme sensitivity from the management in their reactions towards change. This often requires rapid response and the consequence of one course of action could be dramatically different from an alternative course of action. Strategic decisions are a reflection of the a ttitude, values and expectations of the decision-makers at the top level. They have a long term effect on the direction and future activity of the organization, and have resource implications, affecting decisions at the lower levels and initiating a wave of other, often lesser decisions (Hickson et al. 1986). The uncertainties and complexities of strategic decisions direct the decision makers to reduce the infinitely large problem into a manageable one. This conversion to a manageable model of reality inherently involves a great number of assumptions, many of which rely on the judgement of the decision maker. But the scale of the complexity and variety of variables surrounding the decision is such that some of the assumptions are ill-defined and possibly wrong. To combat these problems the managers categorize the uncertain decisions into a number of criteria: Laplace, insufficient reason to believe otherwise; Minimax, making the best out of worst possible conditions; Maximax, the best out of the best alternatives; Savage, the best of the regrets for not taking the right actions; and Hurwicz, giving a range of attitudes from optimistic to most pessimistic (Turban 1993). The choice of the approach is linked to decision-makers conservatism. This question is crucial since decisions, especially those of a strategic nature, tend to have widespread effects on organizational members, processes, and structure. This paper is concerned with one foundation of strategic decision making: More specifically, we aim to empirically address the why, what, how and where of this process. Thus, we conceive a firms external environment to be a source of information (Aldrich and Mindlin, 1978) but also its internal environment, sometimes referred to as invironment. To scan the environment in order to make better-informed decisions (Choo, 1996) is an important task on the corporate agenda. Environmental scanning, whether or not it is referred to as such (Frishammar, 2002), may be defined as the activity of acquiring information (Aguilar, 1967, p. 1) and is the method by which managers perceive events and trends (Hambrick, 1982). Acquiring information is imperative in ascertaining environmental change and has implications for strategic decision making (Lozada and Calantone, 1997). In this study, strategic decisions are concerned with long-term direction and are normally about trying to achieve some advanta ge for an organization (Johnson and Scholes, 1999). A decision is, in accordance with Mintzberg et al. (1976), defined as a set of actions and dynamic factors beginning with the identification of a stimulus for action and ending with a specific commitment to action. Strategic simply means important, in terms of the actions taken, the resources committed, or the precedents set (Mintzberg et al., 1976). Formulating strategy is difficult. Making strategy work executing or implementing it throughout the organization is even more difficult. Thompson Strickland (2003) have stressed that the strategy-implementing/strategy-executing task is the most complicated and time-consuming part of strategic management (cited in Schaap, 2006). CHAPTER TWO: LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 Strategic Decision Making By definition, decision making is the process through which managers identify organizational problems and attempt to resolve them (Bartol Martin, 1994). Crook, Ketchen, and Snow (2003) stated that the purpose of strategic management research is to help find ways to improve their performance. Further, strategic decision makings are those that determine the overall direction of an enterprise and its ultimate viability in light of the predictable, the unpredictable, and the unknowable changes that may occur in its most important surrounding environments. They ultimately shape the true goals of the enterprise (Mintzberg Quian, 1991). Pearce and Robinson (1997) underlined the characteristics of strategic decision making as corporate level decisions (greater risk, cost, profit potential; greater need for flexibility and longer time horizons), functional level decisions (implement the overall strategy formulated at the corporate and business levels), action oriented operational issues; sh ort range and low risk. Modest cost; dependent on available resources, and business level decision (bridge decisions at the corporate and functional levels; which is less risky, costly, and potential profitable than corporate level decisions, but more risky, costly, and potentially profitable then functional level decisions). Tatum et al. (2003) stated that managers make day-to-day decisions, or resolve immediate problems. They also elaborated that managers have different decision styles due to the amount of information, number of alternatives, and attempt to integrate and coordinate multiple sources of input. Vroom (2003) in his study quoted Nutt (2002) on a study of 400 decisions that had been made by managers in medium to large organizations in the USA, Canada and Europe. Surprisingly, half of the decisions failed; either never implemented or subsequently unraveled during the two-year observation period. Nutt (2002, in Vroom, 2003) stated that effective decision making is not merely a matter of decision quality but also of ensuring that the decision will have the necessary support and commitment for its effective implementation. Nevertheless, all strategic decision making must go through the decision making process in order for managers to come up with a good decision. 2.2 Decision Making Process Decision makers and managers need to allow themselves to be in the process of decision making. This decision making process will give the opportunity to decision makers and managers to come up with the alternatives, evaluate each alternatives, and select the best alternative or solution to the problem. Decision making process comprise of the steps the decision maker has to arrive at his choice. The process a manager uses to make decisions has a significant impact on the quality of those decisions (Certo, 2003). Moreover, Provan (1989) stated that people who participate in the strategic decision making process are at a high level in their organization, are competent, and are reasonably intelligent and articulate. Strategic decision making process can be and is influenced by those major groups in the organization that are most powerful and that a rational consideration of external environmental factors may have little direct impact on how strategies are actually formulated and implemen ted (Provan, 1989). Basi (1988) stated that type of decision is a function of administrative level, and the style is a function of organizational culture. Administrative level is classified as institutional or executive or upper level, organizational or managerial or middle level, and technical or lower level. Meanwhile organizational culture is known as paternalistic, bureaucratic, and synergistic. Meanwhile, Nutt (1976) indicated in his study on the decision making models. He discussed 6 models of decision making of which bureaucratic model, normative decision theory, behavioral decision theory, group decision making, equilibrium-conflict resolution, and open system decision making. Nutt (1976) also discussed on the limits and ways to select the appropriate model for decision making for organization. As such organizations perform unique functions; the levels identified were technological or primary level, managerial level, and institutional level. Thus, factors which characterize the decision making e nvironment will stipulate the appropriate model that can be optimally used (Nutt, 1976). 2.3 Approaches to Strategy Implementation There are different factors that affect strategy implementation. These factors can be divided into soft, hard, and mixed factors. Soft factors (or people-oriented factors) include the people or executors of the strategy, the communication activities (content and style issues) as well as the closely related implementation tactics, the consensus about and commitment to the strategy, while the hard (or institutional) factors include the organizational structure, the administrative systems. The way in which the strategy was developed and articulated (strategy formulation) contains hard and soft factors alike and is thus considered a mixed factor. Relationships among different units/departments and different strategy levels also is treated as a mixed factor. In the following paragraphs we discuss these factors and how they affect strategic implementation of decisions. 2.3.1 Strategy Formulation It is clear that a poor or vague strategy can limit implementation efforts dramatically. Good execution cannot overcome the shortcomings of a bad strategy or a poor strategic planning effort (Hrebiniak, 2006). Several studies mention the fact that the kind of strategy that is developed (Alexander, 1985; Allio, 2005) and the actual process of strategy formulation, namely, how a strategy is developed (Kim Mauborgne, 1991, 1993; Singh, 1998) will influence the effect of implementation. Alexander (1985) believes that the need to start with a formulated strategy that involves a good idea or concept is mentioned most often in helping promote successful implementation. As Allio (2005) notes, good implementation naturally starts with good strategic input: the soup is only as good as the ingredients (Allio, 2005). Whether a strategy itself is consistent and fitting or not is a key question for successful strategy implementation, but even a consistent strategy cannot be all things to all peop le. Bantel (1997) suggests that particular product/market strategies are effective at achieving particular performance goals to the exclusion of others. One of his conclusions is that synergies between strategy types and implementation. 2.3.2 Relationships among Different Units/Departments and Different Strategy Levels Several studies treat institutional relationships among different units/ departments and different strategy levels as a significant factor that affects the outcome of strategy implementation (Walker Ruekert, 1987; Gupta, 1987; Slater Olson, 2001; Chimhanzi, 2004; Chimhanzi Morgan, 2005). Walker Ruekert (1987) divide business strategy behaviors into three types: prospectors, differentiated defenders and low cost defenders. These distinctions are based on the strategy categories introduced by Miles Snow (1978; prospectors, defenders, analyzers, reactors) and by Porter (1980; overall cost leadership, differentiation and focus). Walker Ruekert stipulate that corporate-business unit relationships, inter-functional structures and processes, marketing policies and processes may all significantly influence business strategy implementation. Three aspects of the corporate-business unit relationship are especially likely to affect a units success in implementing a particular strategy: bus iness unit autonomy, sharing programs and synergies across SBUs, as well as control and reward systems. In addition, functional competencies, allocation of resources, decision-making participation and influence, inter-functional conflict and coordination may have vastly different effects on the implementation of different kinds of strategies. Walker and Ruekert also assume that decision-making and coordination structures in the marketing department, and marketing policies and programs within the business unit, affect the performance of different business strategies in different ways. Chimhanzi (2004) suggests that cross-unit working relationships have a key role to play in the successful implementation of marketing decisions. Implementation effectiveness is affected negatively by conflict and positively by communication and specifically, interpersonal, not written. In turn, these interdepartmental dynamics are affected by senior management support, joint reward systems, and informal integration. Chimhanzi (2004) also points out that the marketing and RD interface remains the most extensively researched dyad within the specific context of the new product development (NPD) process. Chimhanzi provides a multitude of references to such studies in his 2004 article. Other relationships that have received empirical attention, albeit to a lesser extent, include marketing, and accounting, finance, manufacturing, engineering, quality, and sales. There are also those studies, according to Chimhanzi, that have not focused on dyadic and multiple relations, but rather on marke ting as the only one of many departments within a network of relationships. Chimhanzi Morgans (2005) findings indicate that firms devoting attention to the alignment of marketing and human resources are able to realize significantly greater successes in their strategy implementation. Specifically, these findings imply that marketing managers should seek to improve the relationship with their HR colleagues by emphasizing two of the process-based dimensions: joint reward systems and written communication. 2.3.3 Executors Executors are comprised of top management, middle management, lower management and non-management. Effectiveness of strategy implementation is, at least in part, affected by the quality of people involved in the process (Govindarajan, 1989). Here, quality refers to skills, attitudes, capabilities, experiences and other characteristics of people required by a specific task or position (Peng Litteljohn, 2001). Viseras, Baines, and Sweeney (2005) group 36 key success factors into three research categories: people, organization, systems in the manufacturing environment. Their intriguing findings indicate that strategy implementation success depends crucially on the human or people side of project management, and less on organization and systems related factors. Similarly, Harrington (2006) finds that a higher level in total organizational involvement during strategy implementation had positive effects on the level of implementation success, firm profits and overall firm success. Next to these overall findings regarding the who of strategy implementation, we will now review the individual groups of strategy executors at different hierarchical levels. Top management Top management refers to senior-level leaders including presidents, owners, and other high ranking executives (CEO, CFO, COO etc.) and senior-level managers. Several researchers have emphasized the effect of top management on strategic decision implementation (Hrebiniak Snow, 1982; Smith Kofron, 1996; Schmidt Brauer, 2006; Schaap, 2006). Most of them point out the important figurehead role of top management in the process of strategy implementation. Schmidt and Brauer (2006), for example, take the board as one of the key subjects of strategy implementation and discuss how to assess board effectiveness in guiding strategy execution and decision making. Hrebiniak and Snow (1982) find that the process of interaction and participation among the top management team typically leads to greater commitment to the firmà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã… ¸s goals and strategies. This, in turn, serves to ensure the successful implementation of the firmà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã… ¸s chosen strategy (cited in Dess Priem, 1995). Smith and Kofron (1996) believe that top managers play a critical role in the implementation not just the formulation of strategy. Middle management We can divide the viewpoints and approaches regarding middle managements effect on strategy implementation into three categories: The first one emphasizes the match of strategy and middle managers leadership style (Gupta Govindarajan, 1984; Guth MacMillan, 1986; Govindarajan, 1989; Judge Stahl, 1995; Heracleous, 2000). This viewpoint assumes that personality is the primary determinant of strategy implementation actions. The second perspective considers the effect of context on behavior (Waldersee Sheather, 1996). The third one analyzes the impact of relationships between top management and middle management on strategy implementation (Wooldridge Floyd, 1990, 1992b, 1997; Qi, 2005). There are also studies that have examined the ambiguous relationships between top management and middle management in the context of strategy implementation: On the one hand, middle managers expect direction and support from their top management. If they receive this guidance, then they will provide s upport for the strategy in return. One of the key factors determining their level of support is their demographic situation (such as age, gender, educational background, and business experience) (Qi, 2005). On the other hand, top management should expect middle-level managers to question strategic decisions (Wooldridge Floyd, 1990). Middle managers expect top management direction, but frequently feel that they are in a better position to start and evaluate alternative courses of action. Wooldridge Floyd (1992b) consequently classify middle management involvement in strategy into four types: championing alternatives, synthesizing information, facilitating adaptability and implementing deliberate strategy. The first two represent upward forms of involvement, while the last two are downward forms. Floyd Wooldridge (1997) investigate the relationships between middle managersà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã… ¸ formal position, their strategic influence and organizational performance. Lower management and non-management Unfortunately, few authors study the impact of lower management and non-management on strategy implementation. Gronroos (1985) believes that an organization must first persuade its employees about the importance of the strategy before turning to customers (cited in: Rapert Lynch Suter, 1996). Alexander (1985) suggests that there are many problems which over half of the corporations experienced frequently, such as the involved employees have insufficient capabilities to perform their jobs, lower-level employees are inadequately trained, and departmental managers provide inadequate leadership and direction. These three are the most frequent strategy implementation problems in relation to human resource. Line-level employees may use delay or prevent attempts toward change that they find particularly threatening or disagreeable. Nutt (1986) suggests that managerial tactics and leadership style can play a crucial role in overcoming the lower-level obstructionism that is prevalent (to so me degree) in many implementation efforts. Strategic decisions are nevertheless formulated by senior-level managers of the firm and then administratively imposed on lower-level management and non-management employees with little consideration of the resulting functional-level perceptions (Nutt, 1987). If lower-level management and non- management personnel are not aware of the same information, or if information must pass through several (management) layers in the organization, consensus regarding that information may never come about. Thus, the lack of shared knowledge with lower-level management and non-management employees creates a barrier to successful strategy implementation (Noble, 1999b). 2.3.4 Communication Forman and Argenti (2005) rightly note that, although an entire discipline is devoted to the study of organizational strategy, including strategy implementation; little attention has been given to the links between communication and strategy. But Forman and Argenti also note that business communication researchers have become increasingly interested in the contribution of corporate communication to a companys ability to create and disseminate its strategy in the last decade. However, very few authors have investigated the link between corporate communication and strategy, and when they have their focus has primarily been on how corporate communication affects the firms relationship with its various stakeholders. At least, numerous researchers have already emphasized the importance of communication for the process of strategy implementation (Alexander, 1985; Rapert Wren, 1998; Peng Litteljohn, 2001; Heide Grà ¸nhaug Johannessen, 2002; Rapert Velliquette Garretson, 2002; Forma n Argenti, 2005; Schaap, 2006). Rapert and Wren (1998) find that organizations where employees have easy access to management through open and supportive communication climates tend to outperform those with more restrictive communication environments. 2.3.5 Implementation tactics Bourgeois à  ¨ and Brodwin (1984) examine five process approaches used to advance strategy implementation: Commander model, Change model, Collaborative model, Cultural model, Crescive model. The first approach addresses strategic position only, and should guide the CEO in charting a firmà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã… ¸s future. The CEO can use economic and competitive analyses to plan resource allocations to achieve his goals. The change model emphasizes how the organizational structure, incentive compensation, control systems and so forth can be used to facilitate the implementation of a strategy. The collaborative model concentrates on group decision-making at a senior level and involves top management in the formulation process to ensure commitment. The fourth approach tries to implement strategy through the use of a corporate culture. The final approach draws on managersà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã… ¸ inclinations to want to develop new opportunities as see them in the course of their day-to-day management. The first three models assume implementation as after-the-fact. This implies that the number of strategy developers is few and that the rest of the organization is somehow manipulated or cajoled into implementation. For the latter two models, most of the energy is used for strategy formulation and the strategy requires relatively little effort in its implementation. Lehner (2004) takes implementation tactics as genuine organizational behavior based on the assumption that implementation in general is dependent on the environment, and various strategic and organizational variables. 2.3.6 Consensus Many authors focus on the role of consensus for strategy implementation (Nielsen, 1983; Floyd Wooldridge, 1992a; Dess Priem, 1995; Rapert Lynch Suter, 1996; Noble, 1999b; Dooley Fryxell Judge, 2000). Nielsen (1983) contends that firms must achieve consensus both within and outside their organization in order to successfully implement business strategies (Noble, 1999b). The consensus about a companys strategy may differ across levels: If members of the organization are not aware of the same information, or if information passes through different layers in an organization, a lower level of consensus may result. This lack of shared understanding may create obstacles to successful strategy implementation (Noble, 1999b). Floyd and Wooldridge (1992a) label the gulf between strategies conceived by top management and awareness at lower levels as implementation gap. They define strategic consensus as the agreement among top, middle-, and operating-level managers on the fundamental priorities of the organization. Consensus, in their approach, has four levels: strong consensus, blind devotion, informed skepticism and weak consensus. Floyd and Wooldridge argue that strong consensus exists when managers have both, a common understanding of, and a common commitment to their strategy. If, however, managers are committed to something, but do not share an understanding what that something is (they are well-intentioned but ill-informed) blind devotion is the likely result. If, by contrast, managers share an understanding of their strategy, but are not really committed to it, they are well informed yet unwilling to act. Floyd and Wooldridge call this realistic condition à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã… ¾informed skepticismà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã… ¸. Of course when neither shared understanding nor commitment is high, weak consensus is the likely result. Improving understanding and commitment can close this dangerous implementation gap. 2.3.7 Commitment Shared understanding without commitment may result in counter effort and negatively affect performance (Wooldridge Floyd, 1989, cited in Rapert, Lynch and Suter, 1996). Some authors take shared understanding as a commitment. MacMillan Guth (1985) and McDermott Boyer (1999) all think that the shared understanding of middle management and those at the operational level to the top management teams strategic goals is of critical importance to effective implementation (Rapert Velliquette Garretson, 2002). Strategy implementation efforts may fail if the strategy does not enjoy support and commitment by the majority of employees and middle management. This may be the case if they were not consulted during the development phase (Heracleous, 2000). Alexander (1985) thinks obtaining employee commitment and involvement can promote successful strategy implementation Some CEOs believe that one way to accomplish this is to involve employees and managers right from the start in the strategy fo rmulation process. Involvement and commitment should also be developed and maintained throughout the implementation process. If middle and lower level managers and key subordinates are permitted to be involved with the detailed implementation planning, their commitment will be likely to increase. 2.3.8 Organizational Structure Factors relating to the organizational structure are the second most important implementation barrier according to Heide Gronhaug Johannessenà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã… ¸s (2002) study. Drazin and Howard (1984) see a proper strategy-structure alignment as a necessary precursor to the successful implementation of new business strategies (Noble, 1999b). They point out that changes in the competitive environment require adjustments to the organizational structure. If a firm lags in making this realignment, is may exhibit poor performance and be at a serious competitive disadvantage. Gupta (1987) examines the relationships between SBUs strategies, aspects of the corporate-SBU relationship, and implementation and finds that structures that are more decentralized produce higher levels of SBU effectiveness, regardless of the strategic context. Schaap (2006) also suggests that adjusting organizational structure according to perfect strategy can ensure successful strategy implementation. 2.4 Decision Support Systems So and Smith (2003) stated that a major component of any information system is the individuals that supply, manipulate, access and rely on the system. Individuals information needs and requirements for decision making are the reasons information systems exist. Bounds, Dobbins, and Fowler (1995) defined decision support systems (DSS) as information systems that use decision rules, decision models, a comprehensive database, and the decision makers own insights in an interactive computer-based process to assist in making specific decisions. Pourvakhshouri and Mansor (2003) stated DSS is a well established area of information system applications, which assists the decision makers to derive an in-time, efficient solution. A DSS may also be defined as an integrated, interactive and flexible computer system that supports all phases of decision making with a user-friendly interface, data and expert knowledge (Fabbri, 1998 in Pourvakhshouri Mansor, 2003). Majchrzak and Gasser (2000) indicate d that TOP-MODELER can help managers in overcoming the burden of strategic decision making in their daily business operations. The system also assists the managers to understand their organization structure in gaining closest relationship possible. Ulvila and Brown (1991) stated that decision tree analysis is the oldest and most widely used form of decision analysis. Managers have used it in making business decisions. On the other hand, Heenan and Addleman (1991) proposed that mangers to use multivariate analysis (MVA), the quantitative methods can help to evaluate the complex and intangible factors that influence consumers. Moreover, MVA had been used for application to business problems in consumer packaged goods and services sector. 2.5 Decision Approach Decision making style of managers can be classified based on their approach towards the problem that they tried to solve. Barton and Martin (1994) stated that various models of decision style being adopted such as rational model, non-rational model, satisficing model, incremental model, and garbage-can model. Basically, these models are based on the individual managers perspective toward decision making. First, rational model suggested that managers engage in completely rational decision processes, ultimately make optimal decision, and possess and understand all information relevant to their decisions at the time they make them. Second, non-rational model suggests that information-gathering and -processing limitations make it difficult for managers to make optimal decisions. Third, satisficing model suggests that managers seek alternatives only until they find one that looks satisfactory, rather than seeking the optimal decision. Fourth, incremental model stated that managers make th e smallest response possible that will reduce the problem to at least a tolerable level. Finally, garbage-can model stated that managers behave in virtually a random pattern in making non programmed decisions. Basi (1988) identified that decision style is influenced by organizational culture; which will lead to decision making. So and Smith (2003) indicated that differences in decision makers cognitive styles, cognitive abilities and personality are important factors in decision making and performance. Further, the Myers-Briggs type indicator (MBTI) (Myers and McCaulley, 1985 in So and Smith, 2003) is used to determine cognitive styles along two basic dimensions, perception (information acquisition), and judgment (data processing and evaluation). MBTI categorizes individuals as sensors or intuitors in the perception dimension; and MBTI classifies individuals as thinking or feeling types in judgment dimension. Rausch (2003) indicated that managers leadership roles need to consider 8 suggested questions as they develop a plan, solve a problem, meet a cha
Comprehensive perspective of radical feminism
Comprehensive perspective of radical feminism In Rosemarie Putnam Tongs book, Feminist Thought: A More Comprehensive Introduction, she describes the perspective of radical feminism. By splitting radical feminism into two different parts, the radical-libertarian feminists and the radical-cultural feminists, Tong shows how two parties that have the same basic theory and goal can have significant differences. In the beginning of the chapter, Tong points out that a feminist must insist the sex/gender system is the fundamental cause of womens oppression (Tong, p. 46). This differs from the liberal view of feminism because the radical feminists want an entirely new system opposed to working with the system for change. Tong illustrates two very different methods for achieving a solution to womens oppression, the radical-libertarian and the radical-cultural feminists. The radical-libertarian feminists oppose the concept of femininity and all things including reproductive, mothering and sexual roles. They believed in an androgynous society which combines both masculine and feminine characteristics exemplified by society. This expressed radical feminists original desire to transcend the limits of the sex/gender system by daring women to be masculine as well as feminine (Tong, p. 47). The radical-cultural feminists differs from radical-libertarian because it rejects masculinity and encourages women to be more like women and emphasizes the values and virtues associated with women (Tong, p. 47). Both methods have conflicting ideas about sex, reproduction, and mothering. The radical-libertarians believe in all forms of sexual expression and freedom as long as pleasure is achieved for both parties. Any form of sexual restriction is looked at as cruel (Tong, p. 62). Pornography is looked at as a way to control sexuality (p. 68). On the other hand, the radical-cultural feminists see male sexuality as flawed (Tong, p.62). When looking at reproduction and mothering, radical-libertarian feminists look at reproduction as a weakness. They are also against biological motherhood and prefer reproduction to be done artificially. Radical-cultural feminists see reproduction as a womans source of power, hence men always trying to control it. The best choice is for women to be mothers on their own terms (Tong, p. 80-81). Planned Parenthood founder, Margaret Sanger was one of the cornerstone representatives of radical feminist movement of the twentieth century. In her book, Woman and the New Race, Sanger discusses birth control and womens rights to her own body. As she states clearly in the beginning of the section, no woman can call herself free who does not own and control her body. No woman can call herself free until she can choose consciously whether she will or will not be a mother (Sanger, 138). Sanger compares both man and woman and the effects of pregnancy on both of them. Though men do suffer from the consequences of the situation, Sanger feels women suffer much more. The woman is the one who has to face the physical difficulty of bearing and rearing the unwanted children (Sanger, p. 139). Like many liberal feminists, Sanger touches on the fact that a change needs to be made. Unlike other feminists though, Sanger took action. Regardless of what is right, the fact is that women will never gain freedom until women take it for themselves. Women should not accept but challenge as pointed out by Sanger. Instead of looking into the past like most of society would, look at what should be. Before it is a mans problem, it is a women and she should therefore be able to decide for herself (Sanger, p. 139). Birth control is womans problem. The quicker she accepts it as hers alone, the quicker will society respect motherhood (Sanger, p. 139). Sanger brings up an important fact about motherhood. No one can enjoy something they never really wanted in the first place. By giving women the right to choose, society is making it more likely for woman to be satisfied and enjoy motherhood. By just giving woman the choice is a satisfying enough step for Sanger. This relates to radical feminism in that as Tong stated earlier, Sanger wanted a completely new system of womens right to her own body rather than just fixing what society saw as acceptable (Sanger, p.139). Kate Milletts Theory of Sexual Politics relates to radical feminism by showing how thoroughly culture and society are dominated by men. The central thesis to this theory of sexual politics is that when one group rules another, the relationship between the two is political. When this is carried out over a long period of time it develops into a belief. She defined sex as a status category that contained political implications. Such areas in society like the military, industry, technology, universities, science, political office, finance, and police force are all powered by males (Millett, p. 219). Politics equals power and according to Millet, males dominate female and elder males dominate younger (Millett, p. 220). Millet also touches point on democracies, aristocracy, and patriarchy. In a democracy, females have not held office except in small areas. This differs from an aristocracy in that women are permitted to hold power and the elder male rule is not present either. In a patriarchy, men hold power over women, children, and most areas of society (Millett, p. 220). Milletts beliefs of sexual politics can be related to Tongs original theory of radical feminism. Millet wished to destroy the sex/gender system and create a new society where men and women are equal throughout society. Millett also believed in the idea of androgyny and that it was only valid if feminine and masculine qualities are worthy enough separately (Tong, p. 51). This androgynous person must combine the balance of the best masculine and feminine characteristics (Tong, p.53). Tong ends chapter two with a critique of radical feminism. This theory of women is shown to be fascinated by roles and stereotypes that ignore the flaws of women. It is also described as being a historical by social feminists. Radical Feminism is the root to womens oppression. Women realize their strength and power and want society to acknowledge that. Women are given few choices in a male dominated society. Sanger and Millett focus on the lack of choices when dealing with birth control and political power. Both want a change and an entirely new system.
Saturday, July 20, 2019
The Letter from Birmingham Jail Essay -- Martin Luther King
On April 16, 1963, from a jail in Birmingham, Alabama, Martin Luther King Jr. composed an extensive letter to eight clergymen who condemned the timing of the civil rights movement. Although the letter was addressed to these eight clergymen, the Letter from Birmingham Jail speaks to a national audience, especially King’s â€Å"Christian and Jewish brothers†(King, 29). His peaceful but firm letter serves as a remarkably persuasive voice to an immensely chaotic mess, and is seen as a major turning point in the civil rights movement. King believes that without direct action, the full rights for African Americans could never be achieved. He defends the impatience of people in the civil rights movement, upholding that without forceful demonstrations, equality will never be reached. King upholds that human rights must take precedence over unjust laws. His eloquent language and use of classical argumentation make his case resilient and convincing. King’s expert use of pathos invokes anger, sympathy and empathy; his impeccable use of logos made his argument rational to all; and his use of ethos, especially his use of biblical references, makes his opinions more authoritative. Through his vivid descriptions, passionate tone, and expressive examples, King’s arguments evoke an emotional response in his readers. King’s use of pathos gives him the ability to inspire fellow civil rights activists, evoke empathy in white conservatives, and create compassion in the minds of the eight clergymen and the rest of his national audience. King seeks to lessen the aggression of white citizens while revitalizing the passion for nonviolent protest in the minds of African Americans. King cautions, â€Å"injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere†(K... ...ivil rights movement. Overall, I believe King’s letter his extremely influential due to his impeccable use of argument within it, incorporating logos, pathos and ethos. In my opinion, King’s use of pathos is one of the factors behind the success of his letter. Although his letter was addressed to the eight clergymen, I believe that King intended for the entire nation to read it and react to it. The variety of literary devices in his letter makes King sound intelligent and convincing. On the other hand, I believe that King incorporates too much alliteration within his letter; many times, King makes a historical or biblical reference without delving into its relevance or meaning, leaving the reader questioning his intentions. In my opinion, if King would have described these alliterations more or, rather, left them out entirely, his argument would be deeper.
Friday, July 19, 2019
Economics, Winning Bolivias Drug War :: essays research papers
Economics is Winning Bolivia’s Drug War      A 1998 article from the New York Times reported that Bolivia was winning its war against drugs as a result of two factors that influence the market for coca, which is used to make cocaine. First, Bolivian soldiers raided a number of coca plantations and destroyed the crops. Second, Colombians began growing more of their own coca and, as a result, now buy less from Bolivia than in the past. I am proposing that the basic principles of supply and demand are what helped to solve the drug problem. The following paragraphs will support my argument.      Figure 1 shows the supply and demand curves before and after the changes occurred in Bolivia. As you can see, after the coca plantations were raided, the supply of cocaine was cut short, thus shifting the supply curve to the left. Also, because Colombians began growing their own coca, demand decreased for the cocaine from Bolivia, shifting the demand curve to the left also. To sum up, supply decreased from S to S1, because of the raids, and demand decreased from D to D1 because Colombians began to grow their own coca and didn’t need to rely as much on Bolivia. The diagram clearly shows that the quantity sold at P* decreased from Q* to Q** due to these two changes.      According to the article in the New York Times, the Bolivian government hopes these changes in the coca market will motivate coca growers to switch to a substitute crop such as pineapple. This is a possibility if the price of coca falls. If the price of coca falls, supply will also decrease because it won’t be as profitable to farm coca as it was before. The falling price would then trigger farmers to switch to another crop such as pineapple.      The Bolivian government, hoping to eliminate the cocaine problem, indirectly turned to economics for a solution. That solution is a simple tale of cutting supply in a way that leads to a decrease in demand. That decrease came because Colombians couldn’t get the supply they wanted at the price they wanted to pay so they grew their own and helped eliminate coca growth within Bolivia. They can further solve the problem by perhaps raising the price paid for other crops so farmers will switch from growing coca to growing something else for a bigger profit.      Although farms in other South American countries grow acres and acres of coca plants, the raw material from which cocaine is made, today, Columbia is the leading Economics, Winning Bolivias Drug War :: essays research papers Economics is Winning Bolivia’s Drug War      A 1998 article from the New York Times reported that Bolivia was winning its war against drugs as a result of two factors that influence the market for coca, which is used to make cocaine. First, Bolivian soldiers raided a number of coca plantations and destroyed the crops. Second, Colombians began growing more of their own coca and, as a result, now buy less from Bolivia than in the past. I am proposing that the basic principles of supply and demand are what helped to solve the drug problem. The following paragraphs will support my argument.      Figure 1 shows the supply and demand curves before and after the changes occurred in Bolivia. As you can see, after the coca plantations were raided, the supply of cocaine was cut short, thus shifting the supply curve to the left. Also, because Colombians began growing their own coca, demand decreased for the cocaine from Bolivia, shifting the demand curve to the left also. To sum up, supply decreased from S to S1, because of the raids, and demand decreased from D to D1 because Colombians began to grow their own coca and didn’t need to rely as much on Bolivia. The diagram clearly shows that the quantity sold at P* decreased from Q* to Q** due to these two changes.      According to the article in the New York Times, the Bolivian government hopes these changes in the coca market will motivate coca growers to switch to a substitute crop such as pineapple. This is a possibility if the price of coca falls. If the price of coca falls, supply will also decrease because it won’t be as profitable to farm coca as it was before. The falling price would then trigger farmers to switch to another crop such as pineapple.      The Bolivian government, hoping to eliminate the cocaine problem, indirectly turned to economics for a solution. That solution is a simple tale of cutting supply in a way that leads to a decrease in demand. That decrease came because Colombians couldn’t get the supply they wanted at the price they wanted to pay so they grew their own and helped eliminate coca growth within Bolivia. They can further solve the problem by perhaps raising the price paid for other crops so farmers will switch from growing coca to growing something else for a bigger profit.      Although farms in other South American countries grow acres and acres of coca plants, the raw material from which cocaine is made, today, Columbia is the leading
Thursday, July 18, 2019
Consciousness As Determined Th Essay examples -- essays research paper
Consciousness is understood in a variety of ways. In one belief, a person is conscious when awake, but unconscious when sleeping or comatose. Yet people also do things requiring perception and thought unconsciously even when they are awake. A person can be conscious of their physical surroundings, pain and even a wish or fantasy. In short a creature is conscious if it is aware of itself and that it is a physical and emotional being. Consciousness is a psychological condition defined by the English philosopher John Locke as "the perception of what passes in a man’s own mind".1 Consciousness is defined and perceived differently in many psychological view points. For instance the earlier views around the 19th century was diversely considered. Most perceived consciousness as a substance or "mental stuff" unlike an object from the physical world. Others deferred that the conscious mind was what separated man from lower forms of life. It is an attribute characterized by sensation and voluntary movement which described the difference between normal waking state of animals and men and their condition when asleep.2 Other descriptions included an analysis of consciousness as a form of relationship or act of the mind toward objects in nature, and a view that consciousness was a continuous field or stream of essentially mental "sense data." The method believed by most early writers in determining consciousness was introspectionâ€â€looking within one’s own mind to discover the laws of it’s operation. This belief was limited when it was apparent when observationalists could not agree on observations. Obviously due to the differences in one’s own idea of introspection and the underlying views they possessed. The failure of introspection to reveal consistent laws led to the refection of all mental states as subjects of scientific study and thus psychology attached consciousness to its diversity. The term consciousness is most often used by philosophers and psychologists as meaning "attention to the contents or workings of one’s own mind." This notion had little significance for the ancients, but it was emphasized in the 17th century by John Locke and Rene Descartes. Contemporaries of ... ... physical framework of reality.6 Smythies presents that everyone has a private space in addition to the shared, public version. Each individual’s personal framework intersects with the familiar dimensions while remaining distinct from them, and it provides an arena for all conscious sensations that have spatial extension or location–objects discernible by sight or touch.7 To understand Smythies’ theory see Appendix A. In conclusion one can determine a variety of theories in the evolution of consciousness. As cited earlier, consciousness is viewed as being physical or material in some cases and yet in others it is viewed as a function of the inner mind or the minds eye. These theories have even been as radical as Smythies’ philosophy that the state of consciousness is a sort of physical plane. If we were to collaborate these theories to form a conclusive view point, individuals would possibly be able to understand consciousness and the workings of consciousness. Perhaps the mystery of consciousness is to remain a mystery. Possibly this mystery is the key to cognitive thinking. And perhaps the key to our personal evolution.
European Colonization of the Americas and What It Meant
Chloe Chandler European resolution of what would move over-up the ghost North the States was motivated by various reasons, including the desire for unearthly license, pull ahead, or a contingency to start over. The colonies were be by religious themes want freedom to practice their trusts without interference from England, destined servants, debtors seeking a clean slate, rigtlers hoping to find a get and good deal who were brought to the States involuntarily as slaves from Africa. The establishment of European colonies in North the States meant dealing with the indigen American common peoples who had already embodyd in the state for centuries.More often than not, settlers treated the essential peoples as lesser worlds and savages, and tensions amidst immanent-borns and Europeans led to legion(predicate) inhumane acts and cobblers lasts, startleicularly deaths of the homegr suffer peoples. incline colonization took approximately a(prenominal) trial and delusion attempts to begin with they were commensurate to establish the noted thirteen colonies that would eventu everyy go on to get under ones clamber the coupled States of America. Despite the sly assertion that in 1492, capital of Ohio sailed the ocean blue and became the starting person to display the refreshful World, he was not the prime(prenominal) foreigner to set hoof in what would decease North America.Aside from the indigenous nations that had already been in the Americas for centuries, in that location was anformer(a)(prenominal) group of people to find America before Columbus. The Vikings were the first to discover what would become North America. However, the Vikings did not remain in the area and their discovery of North America became something of a Viking legend. In 1492 an explorer named Christopher Columbus set out to find a crude travel plan to Asia in ordinate to maximize the efficiency of the spice mountain amidst Asia and Europe. Instea d of discovering a shorter route to Asia, Columbus stumbled across the new-fashioned military man that would come to be known as America.Though his discovery is referred to as the new world, there were countless groups of domestic-born American tribes who had been accompaniment in America for centuries and had their own cultures and slipway of life. Columbus did not arrive in the new world with an open promontory regarding the native cosmoss. Like umpteen people at the time, Columbus regarded those with a peel color diametric from his own to be inferior. On Columbus second part to America, he wrote a letter to the queen regnant and Queen suggesting that they subjugate a puffy portion of the Native American population. Their Highnesses allow see that I can give them as much gold as they desire nd as some(prenominal) slaves as they choose to send for, all hea consequentlys (Columbus first letter, 1493) After the monarchy refused this suggestion, Columbus proceeded to enslave the native peoples regardless. 1,200 natives were taken from their homes and enslaved by Columbus. 560 of these natives were forcibly sent on a beam to Spain where 200 of them died of illness during the trip (Weatherford). In 1584, Sir Walter capital of North Carolina schematic the settlement of Roanoke on an island off of contemporary North Carolina. Roanoke became the first European closure effected in America.The charter to establish Roanoke was granted to Raleigh by the Queen Elizabeth I with the intentions of discovering riches in America as nearly as having a base from which the privateers she had fit could raid Spanish ships. The habituation of Roanoke survived for lead categorys before mysteriously disappearing, earning it the statute title the baffled dependency. One of the most(prenominal) comm just held beliefs regarding Roanokes fate, is that trouble with the native populations led to the deaths of several(prenominal) settlers, time the rest peri od integrated into the Native lifestyle quite than face starvation or death by new(prenominal) means.In 1534 Jacques Cartier, an explorer for France, founded the stoppage refreshing France in the area of present- twenty-four hours Canada and the northerly US. The french had a best(p) relationship with the native inhabitants than any(prenominal) of the some other countries that had, or would colonize the Americas. The French cognise that trouble with the natives could be detrimental and that a positive relationship with them could be beneficial. The French treated the natives with respect instead of viewing them as savages or lesser beings same the Spanish and British did.The French established a polite concern carcass of fur with the Native Americans. The Frenchs respect for the indigenous peoples would later be rewarded by the natives serve come up in the French and Indian struggle between the compound French and the colonial British. A group of French Protestants c alled the Huguenots settled in what would become the southerly US, tho were eventually killed or driven apart by colonial Spain to the south. In 1624, the Dutch settled the area of present day New York and New Jersey. They named their settlement New Amsterdam. The Dutch remained in the area until 664 when the British took over the colonies and renamed part New York and part New Jersey. The British also gained the colony of New Sweden from the Dutch, which went on to become a part of current Delaware. By the year 1600 the Spanish had established an expansive imperium in America from present-day atomic number 20 to present day Florida, and down into substitution America. The Spanish seek to fatten their pudding stone in the search of a profit and also to spread their Catholic faith. The Spanish obtained this vast empire by destroying the native peoples that stood between them and conquest.The three well-known cultures that were decimated during the Spanish conquest of the Am ericas were the Aztecs, the Maya and the Inca. In 1565, the Spanish attacked and took the Frenchs colonial settlement of assemble Caroline, killing 200 settlers. The Spanish then renamed the settlement St. Augustine. The Spanish desire for track downing out would later cause tension between colonial Spain and colonial Britain. In 1606, queen crowd I of England sold charters to the Plymouth ships company and to the capital of the United business leaderdom Virginia Company. The charter was divided between the devil companies, giving the Plymouth Company the northern half in the current-day Maine area.The colony established by the Plymouth Company did not watch over and was soon abandoned. With their Southern half of the charter, The London Virginia Company established the colony of Jamestown, Virginia which would become the first overseas position colony to succeed. The colonists of Jamestown faced many hardships in their first few years. The settlers of Jamestown arrived in the area at an inopportune time, as the area was experiencing a severe drought that made the nicety of crops impossible. The lack of food resulted in many colonists dying of starvation.Aside from the drought, the settlers also experienced encounters from the native tribes who did not welcome their presence. legion(predicate) settlers were killed by the Native Americans in the area, particularly in the long-standing rivalry that ensued between colonists and the neighboring tribes and resulted in the deaths of colonists and natives alike. Many other colonists died of diseases as a result of their malnutrition (Wolfe). When trouble with the neighboring Powhatan tribe finally subsisted, the colonists were introduced to the idea of using tobacco as a bills crop.With the mental hospital of tobacco as a cash crop the colony was finally able to succeed, though a darker issue arose from this success. As the tobacco trade became more than and more successful for the colony, the issue aro se of how to work the field while spending the least tot of money on labor. Thus began Americas dark explanation of slavery. some(prenominal) colonies were founded in battle array to seek religious freedom that was not offered in England. In 1620, a group of Protestants called the Pilgrims settled in Plymouth, Massachusetts.The Pilgrims chose to settle in America in effectuate to be able to freely practice their religion. Nine years later, another(prenominal)(prenominal) religious group called the Puritans established a colony called the Massachusetts Bay Colony. The Puritans were unaccepting of other religions and established their colony in vagabond to be able to practice their religion and also to be able to reserve other religions out. In 1681, yet another colony was established for religious regions. William Penn, a Quaker, founded the colony of Pennsylvania in gear up to create a haven where Quakers could live and practice their beliefs in peace.In 1670, the establishm ent of the colony of Carolina was funded by a private group of Englishmen who were seeking to make a profit off of the colony. Carolina was settled but ab initio failed because no one had any motif to move to the area. The colony of Carolina finally succeeded at once farmable land was found in present-day Charleston. The establishment of South Carolina was motivated by the desire for profit, rather than for religious reasons as was the case in some of the other colonies.The motivations of the Carolinian settlers became apparent in their actions. Since they were profit-driven rather than being driven by religion as with some of the other colonies, the colonists of Carolina were most raise in how to maximize profits and did not mind if other people were diminished in order for their businesses to flourish. The Carolinian settlers came mainly from the British colony of Barbados, and they brought African slaves along with them. organism profit motivated, South Carolina began a trad ing relationship with the Caribbean Islands.Among the items traded were Native Americans that had been kidnapped and enslaved by the Carolinians in order to trade them to the Caribbean. Alongside their atrocities perpetrate against the natives, the settlers of Carolina also brought in slaves from Africa to work in rice fields once they persistent that slaves were cheaper to maintain than apprenticed servants. In 1733, the southern colony of Georgia was founded by James Oglethorpe in order to separate the colony of Carolina from the Spanish-populated Florida area due to tensions between Spain and Britain.These tensions were caused by Spains desire to be ever-expanding, and their history of attacking and taking over colonies that were close by. The English helped add to this tension done the practice of English privateers frequently raptorial Spanish ships, thieving their gold or supplies and killing anyone in the way. Since the idea of active in a colony created as a buffer be tween two rivaling areas is not particularly appealing, Oglethorpe did not counter anyone to willingly settle in Georgia. This undefendable the question of how Georgia would be settled.The repartee became a solution to another of Englands issues what to do with their large number of debtors. At the time in England to be in debt meant to remain in prison house until the debt could be paying(a). James Oglethorpe pitied the debtors who could not pay their debts, and this mercy gave him an idea that would solve two problems at once. The colony of Georgia was populated by debtors in England who were given the choice of colonization or remaining in prison in England until their debts could be compensable. During the time of colonization, as many as 300,000 colonists were oblige servants (US-History. om). An destined servant was a person whose ride fare, housing and food were all paid by the person who hires them. In exchange, the indentured servant imageed into a contract and c oncord to work for their master for as many years as it took for their debt to be paid off. Indentured servants worked in fields or as house servants and often were not treated well. While indentured servants did enter into the contract voluntarily, it was only because they could not abide to go to America on their own and they desperately wanted a chance to start over in the new world.As it became too expensive to keep indentured servants, colonists who owned plantations began to look for cheaper ways to work their fields. Between 1500 and 1800, over half of the population of the colonies consisted of African slaves who were brought to America against their will (Brinkley, 18). Many colonists and slave owners viewed African slaves as primitives and just now regarded them as being human at all. The slaves were not given wages or promised freedom after a set number of years as with indentured servitude, but instead were regarded as the durable property of the person who purchased them.The colonists poor treatment of anyone with a skin color different from theirs was also exhibited in their treatment of the Native Americans. As aforementioned, some colonies such as South Carolina forcibly enslaved the native populations and sold them in order to make a profit. The colonists also encroached on the natives lands and were eager to expand westward without any regard for the natives homes or lands. Colonists frequently regarded the natives as savages who were uncivilized and, like the Africans, hardly human. During colonization, several wars broke out between the settlers and the Native Americans.The war between the Powhatan tribe and the Virginians began when the colonist Captain John Smith began stealing food and supplies from the Native Americans as well as kidnapping several of them. some other engagement caused by the mistreatment of the Native Americans was King Philips War which began as a result of the natives defending themselves when the English coloni sts began to penury that the natives be held under the English colonists rule (Umass. edu). Another dispute between colonists and natives known as Bacons Rebellion began when a native tribe attacked the plantation of a colonist who had not paid them for goods.Colonists then returned attack on the wrong tribe of natives. Several native chiefs were killed throughout the dispute and some not guilty and friendly natives were kidnapped by colonists (nps. gov). In conclusion, the new world was settled by many different kinds of people with many different motivations. Some settled in order to seek religious freedom, while others sought a profit, and some to escape their debt while others were brought to the colonies forcibly as slaves. Several colonies were only able to thrive by depending on the institution of slavery.The colonies also settled without any regard for the Native Americans who had already been vivification in the area. Many natives lost their lives in war with the colonis ts and many more lost their lives as a result of unfamiliar with(predicate) diseases brought over by the colonists. It took many failed colonies before the new world was settled by Europeans. After the colonization of Georgia in 1733, the English had established 13 English colonies in North America. They had also developed a successful economy grounded in tobacco, rice, and slavery.Sources Brinkley, Alan. The Unfinished Nation A elliptical History of the American People. 6th ed. Vol. 1. New York, NY McGraw-Hill, 2012. Weatherford, Jack. Examining the Reputation of Columbus. Understanding Prejudice. demise change 2002. Accessed February 18, 2013. http//www. understandingprejudice. org/nativeiq/weather. htm. Wolfe, Brendan. Early Jamestown Settlement. Encyclopedia Virginia. Ed. Caitlin Newman. 13 Feb. 2013. Virginia ground for the Humanities. 29 Jan. 2013 Columbus, Christopher.Letter, The Letter of Columbus to Luis De Sant angel Announcing His Discovery, 1493. Historic Docume nts. Independence Hall Association. United States History. Indentured Servitude. Accessed February 18, 2013. http//www. u-s-history. com/pages/h1157. html. King Philips War. University of Massachusetts. http//www. bio. umass. edu/biology/conn. river/ philip. html. McCully, Susan. Bacons Rebellion. redact by Jen Loux. National Park Service. Last modified June 1987. Accessed February 18, 2013. http//www. nps. gov/jame/historyculture/bacons-rebellion. htm.
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