Monday, September 30, 2019
Mr and Mrs Ramsay †Characterization Essay
The modernist way of thinking in literature brought about new ways of understanding and writing about people. Unlike the 19th century, where neo-classical influences still prevailed at times, writers of the 20th century focus on an individual’s personal experience, feelings, what he is going through and how this affects him. The new way of looking at people (prompted by the advancements in psychoanalysis among others) makes the modern man a complete man – all the things, however small, that define him are taken into consideration – and an important stress in laid on subjectivity as unique and only way of perceiving the world and appropriating it to himself. In her 1924 essay Mr. Bennett and Mrs. Brown, Virginia Woolf wrote that On or about December 1910, human character changed. I am not saying that one went out, as one might into a garden, and there saw that a rose had flowered, or that a hen had laid an egg. The change was not sudden and definite like that. But a change there was, nevertheless; and, since one must be arbitrary, let us date it about the year 1910. However, perhaps it was only the humans’ change, but also, the way that was written about humans and their life, be it ordinary, outside, and more importantly, their inner life. Such is the case with Mr. and Mrs. Ramsay, the two main characters of Virginia Woolf’s novel To the Lighthouse. The two are a couple in their fifties, married, and have eight children. They form a beautiful, and to some extent typical family. However, there is a lot that contributes to their division. Mrs. Ramsay is a beautiful woman, aged fifty, who has made an art out of being a woman, more specifically a mother. She is arguably the true protagonist of the book, as her being permeates the existence of the ones around her. She is the one who sets everything into motion – be it dinner parties, marriages, helping the ones around her, she is the one who never disappoints, and never seems to fail. She defines her existence through her being a mother and a wife: Oh, but she never wanted James to grow a day older! r Cam either. These two she would have liked to keep for ever just as they were, demons of wickedness, angels of delight, never to see them grow up into long-legged monsters. Nothing made up for the loss. She loves her children, and would do anything to protect them and their childhood. This is the reason why she tells James, her youngest, that they will be able to go to the Lighthouse the following day, and why she resents her husband so much for stating the contrary obvious and crushing little James’ hopes. Although she is no longer a young woman, Mrs. Ramsay is full of vitality and energy. She is the central figure, around which the action revolves and who, at the same time, sets the action in motion. Her intentions are good: knitting socks for the Lighthouse keeper’s tuberculosis-ridden son, tries to be nice to Charles Tansley, Mr. Ramsay’s student with working class origins whom her children mock, to Augustus Carmichael whose old age and opium addiction are sources of others’ looking down on him. Constantly being surrounded by people has led her to become the gracious hostess and caring mother she is, but also to defining (and also seeing herself) in that position for ever. Having been a mother to small children a big part of her life (the Ramsays have eight children), and still being one, she wishes to keep her children at this age forever, supposedly for their well-being, but perhaps this comes due to a need to protect and go on the same routine she has known, as it is hard for her to think about herself outside these terms. One of the instances in which this is evident is the moment when she can follow her regular string of thoughts for as long as she hears some kind of familiar noises in the background. She is not used to being by herself, and not surrounded by people. However, in some truly honest moments, she does not hide behind different masks (seen as roles she takes, mother, wife, host, friend), and acknowledges her own existence as something deeply personal and private: She took a look at life, for she had a clear sense of it there, something real, something private, which she shared neither with her children nor with her husband. What one can also recognize are remnants of Victorian morals and models, in both her and her husband. She is the central, matriarchal figure, who takes care of her family, a dutiful wife while managing the household (one of her recurring thoughts is that the bill for the greenhouse will be fifty pound, and tries to be a matchmaker for Minta and Paul, but also for Lily Briscoe and Mr. Bankes, while being beautiful and admired, as Victorian women were expected to be. She has always maintained and upheld a steadfast belief in traditional gender roles – men being strong and hiding weaknesses (for their chivalry and valour, for the fact that they negotiated treaties, ruled India, controlled finance), and women being the ones bringing the family together, and this makes her resent Mr. Ramsay for his confession to her that he feels like a failure. She cannot bear the thought of her husband being a lesser man than who she thinks and wants him to be, a man better than her: She did not like, even for a second, to feel finer than her husband; and further, could not bear not being entirely sure, when she spoke to him, of the truth of what she said (†¦) but it was their relation, and his coming to her like that, openly, so that any one could see, that discomposed her; for then people said he depended on her, when they must know that of the two he was infinitely the more important, and what she gave the world, in comparison with what he gave, negligible. It is interesting to see the way she influences and sometimes dominates the lives of those around her; her husband is restless after her death and while they are still a couple feels he is a disappointment to her and himself. Prue, her daughter, admires her greatly: what a chance it was for Minta and Paul and Lily to see her, and feeling what an extraordinary stroke of fortune it was for her, to have her. Mrs. Ramsay admires Lily Briscoe for her independence (she was an independent little creature, and Mrs. Ramsay liked her for it), her peculiar charm and her flare of something, that reminds her of herself. In turn, the young painter feels compelled by Mrs. Ramsay’s beauty and personality, that attracts and fascinates Lily, and which she finds impossible to transpose in the painting she is working on. It is only through Mrs. Ramsay, even after her death, that Lily finds her clarity and her vision. Mr. Ramsay is Mrs. Ramsay’s husband and one of the protagonists of the novel. He is a man in his fifties, a father and a metaphysics philosophy teacher. He defines himself through his work and, like an artist, is concerned with whether his work will be remembered, worth remembering, and how long it will survive after he is gone. This is one of the things that constantly drive him. Just like his wife, being raised in the spirit of traditional values and gender stereotypes, in relationships with his children he is tough, insensitive and has the mentality that he must always be authoritarian and must always do things the right way. He is a rationalist, and feels he must stick to sound principles even when it comes to letting his six-year old son James hope that the weather will be fine so as to go to the Lighthouse the following day: But it won’t be fine. While Mrs. Ramsay tries to smooth out what had been harsh before, he has no problem with being harsh as long as it means sticking to the cold truth: What he said was true. It was always true. He was incapable of untruth; never tampered with a fact; never altered a disagreeable word to suit the pleasure or convenience of any mortal being, least of all of his own children. †¦). His duty, his fatherly duty is to make sure his children are prepared for their grown-up life from the beginning, although he is unaware of the fact that his presence stifles them: his own children, who, sprung from his loins, should be aware from childhood that life is difficult. Through the eyes of Lily Briscoe, he is not good enough for Mrs. Ramsay, while through the eyes of his son James, who wants to take his place in a typical Oedipus’ complex, he is too harsh and cold, but he is also admired for his intelligence. Had there been an axe handy, a poker, or any weapon that would have gashed a hole in his father’s breast and killed him, there and then, James would have seized it. Such were the extremes of emotion that Mr. Ramsay excited in his children’s breasts by his mere presence. These do not mean that he and Mrs. Ramsay do not complement and complete each other. As it is observed in the first chapter of the novel, He found talking much easier than she did, but she felt herself very beautiful. He is the talkative one, the intellectual one, but it is her presence that attracts people. Moreover, both of them are dutiful persons. If Mrs. Ramsay thinks her duty is with her family and trying to keep everyone happy and being a gracious host, Mr. Ramsay sees his duty in his work, his duty is to leave something valuable behind. The Ramsays are polar opposites, and can embody the Jungian archetypes of animus and anima. Among others, he has a constant need for approval and for people to tell him that his work is important and valuable. These (new to the time) ideas are what torment him so much as to make him confess to his wife that he feels like a failure, in hope of reassurance and sought-for comforting. However, this situation is new to what both of them have known about the way each other is supposed to be or feel, or the way they should handle it. This explains the distance that is created between them upon hearing each other’s take on the situation. Their inability to show true empathy can be a result of their Victorian ideas about their spouse and marriage and their own role there being put to the test. Victorian society would not have permitted for men to show weakness, not to mention confessing it to their own wives, their obvious inferior, and for women to think that they can even for a moment be better than their husbands. At the turn of a century and an age, they as individuals are confronted with new ideas, new sides of themselves they do not know how to reconcile with the other, traditional ideas everyone including themselves had taken as unmovable. This difficulty is seen in the stream of thoughts of both of them, but also has, as visible result, a cut/breach in communication between them, which leads to a possible estrangement/alienation from the other. What they fail to see is that the 20th century society and way of life gave way to a better way of communicating, they way one felt was important, and no one was supposed to play a previously defined part, and that this is the way things should be. This is seen in how they react to Mr. Ramsay’s moment of complete honesty – Mrs. Ramsay cannot bear the thought of him telling her this and of actually having to be the better one, while Mr. Ramsay cannot get the comfort and reassurance he needs. Indeed, as Virginia Woolf wrote in her essay, human character did change at the beginning of the 20th century. People, both women and men, became more aware of themselves, and most importantly, became aware of their inner life and the attention it deserved. But this could not have been possible without the insight modernist writers offered through their books. What they tried to do, using the stream of consciousness technique, is depict the way human minds work, the messy, not completely coherent ways that this happens, the way in which we perceive a moment and how intense we live it and how much happens within us during that moment as opposed to the measured moment (the irst pages of the first chapter, when the same moment is presented through the eyes and inner thoughts of three characters). What they achieved, however, was to show that human beings are different (as Lily Briscoe says, fifty eyes are not enough to get round one person), and that everyone tries to find meaning in fleeting moments, albeit differently, and that society was wrong in fitting them into stereotypes. And this too helped change the remnants of the Victorian society and turn people of the age into modern souls.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
A Story About Courage Essay
Waking up in the morning to birds chirping and the warm summer breeze is almost impossible when you live in the heart of New York City, well it is for me at least. My name is Sandy Collins, I’m your typical teenage girl. I like going out with my friends, having slumber parties, and going shopping. I moved from Texas to New York City a month and a half ago. The moment I stepped out of the car I instantly loved the change. It wasn’t that I didn’t enjoy living in Texas, but now living in New York felt like it made much more sense. As a child I did everything with my dad. Biking, fishing, rollerblading, you name it. I, Sandy Collins has done it. My dad always said he wanted a better life for me then what he had, he sure meant it. Back when I was almost eleven years old my parents got a divorce, great birthday present, huh? At first when I’d walk into the room where my parents would be arguing, they’d pretend they were only talking loud of some sort. But as the months went by, they didn’t even noticed when I’d enter the room. Soon after that my mom filed for a divorce, leaving me in the middle. It was hard to cope with it to begin with, but soon after that I realized I had no part in what happened. Now four years later here I am making the decision to move in with my dad. When I first mentioned moving to New York to my mom, her reaction was absolutely no. After mentioning it a few more times, giving her a month or two, she finally realized that I should be able to make my own decisions because in the end it’d make me happier. Now five months after, BAM! New York City here I come. The twelve hour drive was definitely the worst road trip, bonding time, or whatever my mom would wish to call it. She came up with a clever idea to shove me, my seven year old brother Ricky, my stepfather Joe, and herself in our beat up Toyota Tercel and take on the task to drive us all the way to New York for the last bonding time she’ll have with me in a long time. Not to mention we’re in the month of July. â€Å"Sweetie would you like something to eat? †mom said shaking my shoulder. I’d fallen asleep three hours into the drive. We ordered from the nearest fast food place, Mcdondalds, filling all our hungry appetites. After about ten hours I became so bored I started to play with the lose thread on my shirt. I could tell Ricky wasn’t having any more fun then I was considering he was opening and closing the screen of his Nintendo DS over and over and over again. The traffic became agony, there’s no doubt that you could put your car in park for five minutes and no would notice. Finally after hours of traffic we arrived at the house. Dad had just walked out the front door waving and smiling. â€Å"Dad! †I exclaimed while giving him a giant bear hug. â€Å"Hi hunny, I’m so glad you’re here. Dad said smiling. â€Å"Nice place you got here†Joe said examining it with his eyes. We’ve never been to dad’s place before, he’d always come to Texas to visit on special occasions and my birthday’s. â€Å"Now you be good, call whenever you have the time and no late night walks, New York is very different then back home. †Mom said. She kept going on until she had run out of things to say. â€Å"Okay, Okay mom. See you at thanksgiving, love you. †I said giving her a hug. I realized after saying that, that made her take-in how long it’d be until we’d see each other again. After saying goodbye to everyone I knew I’d miss each and everyone back home in Texas terribly but I had a feeling this was a change for the better. What we had left of the day, dad decided it’d be a good idea to show me around the neighbourhood. â€Å"Your hair is so straight and black now†dad said. â€Å"Yeah, I coloured it a few months ago. I thought it was time for some change, like moving here. †I said smiling. For the next month dad and I went fishing, rollerblading, shopping, and all the other things we used to do when mom and he were together. I even met a new friend, Paige. She’s the neighbour’s daughter; she told me we’d be attending the same school together up the street when school re-opens in two weeks. The next day we arranged to go shopping. â€Å"Hey dad, would it be okay if I go shopping with Paige today? †I said. â€Å"Sure hunny, I have to run a few errands and do some grocery shopping anyway, so I’ll drop you two off at the mall. †Dad said, smiling as always. Paige is so nice and out-going to be around. My friends in Texas were more down-to-earth. We would still go places and what not, but Paige’s personality screams fun. â€Å"We need to spice up your wardrobe, all of your out-fits are too toned down for NYC. †Paige said, trying on a vintage pair of black boots. After a couple of hours of shopping, we grabbed something to eat and went home. Home I kept thinking. I like it here, being with my dad made me so much happier. Walking down the busy streets of New York with the sound of cars honking, people shouting for taxis, bargainers trying to sell you their no more than $5 junk, was now what I got to call home. Oddly I loved it. When I got home I took my shopping bags to my room and headed downstairs to watch T. V while waiting on my dad to come home and make dinner. As I reached for the television remote the phone rang. â€Å"Hello, may I speak to Mr. Collins? †â€Å"He’s not home at the moment; would you like me to take a message? †â€Å"Sure, is this Ms. Collins? †â€Å"Yes it is. †I said, realizing soon after this person was probably referring to Ms. Collins as if I was my dad’s wife. A moment before I was about to correct myself, the person started speaking again. Oh, hi Ms. Collins, this is Tom’s doctor, Dr. Lee. Unfortunately I have to break the bad news to you; Tom’s cancer results have come in positive. He has cancer in his right lung and it’s too late to attempt to cure it. I’m extremely sorry to tell you this way; Tom’s appointment was re-scheduled in two weeks from now when school re-opens, he cancelled the appointment scheduled for today knowing he’d want to spend as much time with your daughter arriving from Texas before school started. When I got the results, knowing Tom for so long, I wanted him to know as soon as possible. †I didn’t know what to do, I held the phone to my ear ready to reply but my mind went blank. Eventually I replied and hung up the phone. Did I really just hear that? No, it couldn’t be. My dad couldn’t have cancer, he just couldn’t. Who am I kidding!? His doctor called for god sakes, I just didn’t want to believe it. Moments later my dad walked in the front door. â€Å"Hi hunny. †He said smiling.
Saturday, September 28, 2019
BASEL Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
BASEL - Essay Example The Accord outlines a set of standards for establishing minimum capital requirements for banking organizations. It encouraged banks to classify their experiences into broad categories reflecting similar types of borrowers. As an example, all exposures to corporate borrowers are subject to all capital requirements. However, with the advances in risk management practices, technology and banking markets, the 1998 Accord’s approach to measuring capital requirements has become less meaningful. This is why the BASEL have been updated into BASEL II, a consultative document that is believed to provide improved sensitivity to the risks that banks actually face and accommodate improvements in internal processes, more advanced risk measurement techniques and increasing use of sophisticated risk management practices. (Saidenberg, M. and Schuermann, 2005) More accommodating as it appears, the New Accord still has factors which have been pointed out by organizations such as the JCIF (2006) and the BIS (2001) itself that must be considered for determining requirements for market risks and capital standards. The most prominent issue is the improvements of the credit rating process. According to BASEL II, banks are encouraged to implement the internal ratings approach to determine credit capital requirements by using probability of default for borrower rating and loss given default for facility rating. This becomes problematic considering that banks have historically attributed ratings to transactions without separating the two risk factors. Compounding the problem is that banks have tended to rate customers using one or two ratings alone but the Accord specifies that borrowers should be evenly distributed across a minimum number of grades. Banks will find it necessary to re-engineer their internal credit rating system. The Internal Ratings Based approach specifies that credit risk measurement involves
Friday, September 27, 2019
Consumer Behavior Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 4
Consumer Behavior - Essay Example Kollner (2008) states that motivation is a function of two things: a) drive or arousal and b) goal-object. The drive is the motivation that results in behavior directed towards the goal. Kollner says that automatic arousal causes behavior without much thought, which is a likely result of learning. For small-ticket products, this type of motivation comes into play: at the supermarket, the decision to purchase a particular brand of diapers for baby is very easy and does not require much thought, except perhaps the very first time when the diapers choice was made. Conversely, for high end, expensive products, the needs are different and solutions also require detailed analyses and information search, which is also called extended problem solving. In a marketing context, motivation plays a very important role in understanding the consumer. When there is a want or need, the consumer feels conflict and unrest; to appease that feeling he or she looks at various solutions. The marketer must be able to satisfy that feeling by making available the right solution (product or service), at the right time and through an accessible channel. Once the marketer understands what drives the customer to act in a certain way, a lot of insights can be added into the marketing process which will assist in making it more targeted and satisfactory to the consumer. For the diaper example discussed previously, a marketer must know that he need not provide additional information to the customer at the supermarket but make him buy the product by making it easily accessible (eye level rack) and offer him deals and savings (e.g. 10% extra). The process of learning involves assessing and acquiring new knowledge and information about things and utilizing that information for future decisions and behaviors. Learning happens as a result of study as well as experience. This process does not have to be consciously done. Kardes, Cronley and Cline explain
Thursday, September 26, 2019
International competiveness and innovation Essay
International competiveness and innovation - Essay Example Globalisation is considered to be one of the most important events of the modern civilisation. It has brought major developments in the human activities as well in the thought process. This has made their thought process more liberal and innovative. People are using their innovative mind as a tool for economic and social enhancement. Innovation is a common trait among scientists and entrepreneurs who use this trait to bring social, technological and economic developments. Innovation refers to the creation of new ideas, concepts, thoughts that can be further be used for growth and developments. Primarily, innovation is categorized into two major types i.e. radical and incremental. Radical innovation involves the performance improvements of product or services and incremental innovation results in bringing improvements in production process like efficiency, cost-effectiveness etc (Urabe, Child and Kagono, 1998, p.4). Innovation is one of the core features of modern society and technolo gical improvement is a major outcome of this feature that boosts the growth of an economy. The changing technological system has influenced the entire structure of an economy. Modern technological system has led to upgradating international trade and business causing enhancement of economic parameters. Moreover, with the technological developments, many new industries have been evolving to meet the latest of population. On the other hand, the existing organisations also aim to implement latest technologies for shaping their performance for gaining an upper hand and sustainable competitive advantage in the market. Constant technological innovation has become an important criterion for social and economic development and due to this, proper awareness among the entire population is inevitable. People have to realize the importance of basic sciences as it develops a foundation for being innovative, creative and productive. R&D programs are initiated by the organisations seeking technolo gical developments and performance enhancements. 2. Collaborations and Alliances The business environment of the modern world is characterised by highly turbulent phases. With the advent of globalisation firms are increasingly trying to reach out to new consumer markets. Collaboration and alliances are largely used as a tool by business organizations to enter new markets. This strategy has largely been used by the airlines industries to form mega consortiums so as to gain strategic advantage. An example in this regard is the airline industry which has used collaborations and alliances for research and development activities. The major players in the American and European airline market which are dominating the global aerospace industry have used collaborations to enhance the level of research and development activities. In spite of the advantages of a strategy of collaboration and alliances, ‘spillover’ effects are also associated with this strategy. The ‘spillove r’ effect has largely been observed in technology intensive industry segments like biotechnology. However, the analysis of literature reveals considerable difference in the nature of ‘spillover’ in the aerospace industry with patents and licensing being the most prominent difference between the two sets of industries. Difference in demand and supply dynamics also generates considerable differences. The main sources of ‘spillovers’
Strengths and limitations of assessment methods Essay
Strengths and limitations of assessment methods - Essay Example This research will begin with the statement that different assessment methods can be more or less effective in assessing the different skills, attitudes, and knowledge of your students. A teacher would probably set up a practical activity and have learners demonstrate their skills for assessment. Some learners are not, however, as confident as others demonstrating practical skills and need more time to observe others or to practice these skills in a less formal setting. Practical assessments, such as demonstrations, presentations, and simulations can be limited with regards to assessing learners’ theoretical understanding of a subject. Group discussions can engage and motivate the majority of students but some learners might feel left out. Multiple-choice exams provide opportunities for learners to receive immediate feedback and results but do not provide them with opportunities to elaborate on concepts. Essays, on the other hand, provide learners with opportunities to explore their ideas and elaborate on concepts relating to the subject but are difficult to assess. Some assessment methods, like role-plays, can be â€Å"holistic†and help you assess the knowledge, skills, and attitudes of your learners but some learners can be inhibited by their nerves. Given the above strengths and weaknesses of different assessment methods, it is important for an instructor or a teacher to consider individual learner needs. For instance, it is essential that any initial assessment procedure is done in the context of recognizing a learner’s aspirations as well as learning goals.
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Agile Software development (individual Reflection Report ) Essay
Agile Software development (individual Reflection Report ) - Essay Example alyze and gather various sets of information on agile development process so as to use its techniques in developing the Student Attendance Monitoring System. The group got information from lecture notes, books and online sources about the Agile Development process. The group was able to come to an agreement that the system offers a framework that is lightweight, entailing a collection of development methodologies which are iterative used by development teams. From the information that the group gathered, it was clear that agile development software delivers working software of high-quality in the functionality of business value. This is the kind of software that the group needed in the development of the monitoring system. Another technique that the group was looking out to in the agile development process was its combination of methodologies such as question-and-answer (QA), project management, and even in engineering practices, together in a way that will help the agile development team through processes of managing, planning and delivery of the software. Every member of the group had a role to play, assigned by the group leader. With the combination of all the roles, the group saw the realization of its objective on the assignment. The members gathered information from sources mentioned earlier. The group was able to compile the information that Agile’s most popular methodologies include the extreme programming methodology (XP), Scrum, Kanban and hybrid methodologies. The group noted that even though these software methods have approaches that are specific and unique to each of them, they have the same core values and share a similar vision stated in the agile manifesto (Holcombe 2008). During the development process, the group employed some of the XP practices. The practices were pair programming, system metaphor, test first development, small release, and continuous integration and collective ownership. All the group members knew how the system works
Monday, September 23, 2019
Exam_4 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Exam_4 - Essay Example These components are applied in operational management allowing the management to access up-to-date data in real-time. Therefore, operational analytics offer an insight of the data within a data warehouse because it allows greater visibility of the various forms of data at a great speed (Turban, Sharda, Delen & King, 2010). OLAP (Online Analytic Processing) is the commonly used technique in data analysis employed within data warehouses driven by the increase in data volumes and the value of data-driven analytics in business. OLAP is also referred to as the capability to effectively manipulate and analyze data from various perspectives using its operational structure that relies in the concept known as cube. This concept has a multidimensional data structure that allows fast analysis of data because arrangement of data into cubes overcomes the limitations associated with relational databases (Turban, Sharda, Delen & King, 2010). KPI (Key Performance Indicator) represents a strategic objective and measures performance against a goal. KPIs are multidimensional and upon translation, this indicates that KPIs encompass various unique features. One of the distinguishing features includes strategy because KPIs embody a strategic objective. Moreover, KPIs measure performance against specific targets that are defined within the strategy, planning, or budget allowing the targets to take different forms like achievement targets, reduction targets and absolute targets among others. KPIs also have ranges because objectives have performance measures like above, on or below the target. Encoding in KPIs allow ranges to be encoded in software enabling the display of performance through colours like green, yellow and red based on percentages or other complex rules. Time frames in KPI mean that targets are assigned time frames within which they have to be accomplished; as well, the time frames are often divided into small int ervals to allow monitoring of performance
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Managing Change Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Managing Change - Assignment Example Every department of the company should be involved in the process of change. Human resource management plays a very important role in the process of organizational change. When the change is implemented there is always a necessity in personnel training. Human resources department provides expertise in coordinating change and organizes personnel training. HR managers help employees understand their new roles in the company that underwent change and influence their perception of change that is very important for every company: Reh states: â€Å"an individuals degree of resistance to change is determined by whether they perceive the change as good or bad, and how severe they expect the impact of the change to be on them. Their ultimate acceptance of the change is a function of how much resistance the person has and the quality of their coping skills and their support system†(Reh). The department implements personnel selection as the changes, which are implemented, usually demand hiring new specialists. Appropriate human resource management helps implement successful organizational
Saturday, September 21, 2019
To Kill a Mockingbird Racial Differences Essay Essay Example for Free
To Kill a Mockingbird Racial Differences Essay Essay In To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee, the main themes of racism and social inequality are caused by cultural differences. The book demonstrates the struggles associated with the cultural differences in Maycomb, Alabama during the 1940s. The cultural differences are based on the social classes and hierarchy in Maycomb. At the top of the hierarchy are the relatively well-off Finches, with regular townspeople below them. Then there are farmers like the Cunninghams, and then the poor white people like Ewells and finally the blacks. Examples of cultural differences, which cause problems for the inhabitants of Maycomb, come from almost every character. Cultural differences today are profoundly different from those 70 years ago. Racism is not as prevalent and social inequality is almost nonexistent. The first instance of social inequality comes on Scout’s first day of school. When Walter Cunningham denies Miss Caroline when she offers him a quarter for lunch, Scout must explain that Cunninghams never take what they can’t pay back. Also a very dirty Burris Ewell curses at Miss Caroline. This reflects the social hierarchy of Maycomb by showing how the Cunninghams and the Ewells poorest white people in the county. Another example of social inequality is Dolphus Raymond’s problems. The inhabitants of Maycomb see Dolphus as an outcast because he married a black woman. Marrying someone of a different race was extremely uncommon at the time. The biggest example of racism and social inequality was Tom Robinson’s trial. Bob Ewell blames Tom Robinson for the â€Å"rape†of his daughter because it would be the most believable story if a black man did it. In the courthouse there is a separate balcony for black people. Tom Robinson was also convicted guilty even after Atticus gives the jury uncontestable evidence proving otherwise. This is the nadir of racism in the county and shows how the county feels towards blacks. Cultural difference not only cause conflict between blacks and whites but also between white people themselves. Atticus and the rest of Maycomb County are at odds because he defends Tom Robinson while everybody else feels that Tom is guilty. This causes many problems for him and his family too.
Friday, September 20, 2019
The Use Of Sewage Sludge As A Fertilizer Environmental Sciences Essay
The Use Of Sewage Sludge As A Fertilizer Environmental Sciences Essay Fertilizers necessary for the maintenance and increase of soil productivity are classified into two categories: 1) organic fertilizers consisted of crop residues, sludge and manure, and 2) inorganic fertilizers which are synthetic fertilizers consisted of 3 key elements: nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium (Merrington, 2002). Organic Fertilizers Sludge Sewage sludge also known as bio-solid is the remainder product of domestic or urban waste water cleaning at waste water treatment plants. It has high levels of organic content as well as plant nutrients. Although it would make a good fertilizer, the pollutant capability of sewage sludge is high as it is also composed of industrial waste (Merrington, 2002). The process where sewage sludge or materials obtained from it are sprayed, injected or spread on land is defined as land application. It is applied on or below agricultural land surface, forests and lawns because it is high in nutrient content and can enhance soil quality (EPA, 1994). In addition, it serves as a fertilizer supplying the necessary nutrients for crops and other vegetation. Sewage is applied in bulk meaning in large amounts by commercial and municipal appliers for various purposes such as agriculture, golf courses and recovery of mining sites (EPA, 1994). In sites such as mining sites which are completely destroyed and barely have soil substrate for vegetation, nitrogen and organic material content need to be higher than normal level before the site is seeded. For the use of sewage sludge in home gardens or lawns, it is available in a bag or small container intended for small-scale use (EPA, 1994). In the use of sewage sludge, it is crucial to keep in mind the negative impacts it can have if not utilized properly. Nitrates which are easily soluble and have high potential for contamination make up majority of the sewage sludge components (EPA, 1994). As a result, great care is taken in its application and the applier as to fulfill requirements set by the government. Although sewage sludge is applied on land to enhance quality of soil, it is also used as a technique for disposing land (EPA, 1994). Sewage sludge is supplied by water companies for famers to use on their land. Although it contains toxic elements, it still has beneficial effects. According to a study done, farmers who use sewage sludge as fertiliser have a saving of 15 million pounds yearly as it contains high levels of nitrogen and phosphorous as well as necessary micronutrients. In addition, it enhances the structure as well as water retention capacity of soil through the organic matter it supplies (Stout, 1979). Usage of sewage sludge as a fertilizer is not a concept that is applied in many regions of the world. Although before application of sludge on land, it undergoes treatment such as anaerobic digestion to have low pathogen count it still contains potentially dangerous contaminants such as copper, cadmium, zinc, PAHs and PCBs. The amount of contaminants present in sewage sludge is dependent upon the source of the sludge (Merrington, 2002). Toxic metals forming a large component of sludge is a well known fact however, the level at which those metals become harmful is the point of debate (Renner, 2001). As a result, some countries are becoming more restricting or banning to protect the health of individuals. Research compiled indicates that individuals who live in areas within 1 km of land-application sites have been found to show irritation of the eyes, throat, skin and lungs preceding exposure to wind from fields that have had sludge applied. It was found that Staphylococcus aureus was the bacteria involved in the irritations observed on exposed individuals. Although sewage sludge may be low in pathogen count, it is crucial to take into consideration possible interaction of pathogen with chemical contaminants and as a result becoming unsafe for the health of individuals (Lewis, 2002). Manure Manure is composed of three key elements; nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. These elements are a necessity for the growth of plants as well as the enhancement of soil quality through increasing organic matter and water-holding capacity. In addition, acidity is neutralized and compaction is reduced. Manure serves as a great substitute for synthetic fertilizers whose prices increased dramatically in the recent years (MacDonald, 2009). Land application of manure is possible either by grazing animals or transportation from manure storage facilities. Study found that nitrogenous commercial fertilizer doubled in prices in the 2000- 2007 timeframe and then increased again by 62% in between December 2007 and September 2008. Moreover, phosphate commercial fertilizer prices have increased by 115% in the 2000- 2007 timeframe followed by 177% increase between December 2007 and September 2008 (MacDonald, 2009). Although those high prices make manure more appealing, there are limitations that come along with the use of manure. Manure transportation is pricey even if it is not transported very far. (MacDonald, 2009) In addition, manure may not be composed of the exact combination of nutrients required for the growth of specific crops or fields. Moreover, waste that can be transmitted through runoff of nutrients, pathogens and organic matter from land to surface water pose great environmental as well as health risks. Leaching of nutrients and pathogens to ground water, volatile gases and odours contaminating the atmosphere are additional problems faced (MacDonald, 2009). According to the regulations, industrialized livestock production cannot concentrate manure on limited acres as that would exceed the acceptable limits. As a result, it becomes necessary to distribute manure into larger land which in turn requires better transportation as well as application techniques. Storage of manure before it is applied on land can result in problems such as flooding, manure odour and seepage (MacDonald, 2009). Inorganic Fertilizers Nitrogen Nitrogenous fertilizers are a result of combining atmospheric nitrogen with hydrogen to yield final product ammonia. Ammonia is the base found in at least 90% of fertilizers. It is found in the U.S.A. 38% of the ammonia produced is used for fertilizers while the remaining is utilized for the production of Urea. Urea production has increased over the years with an 11% increase from 1967 to 1973 and has become reliable nitrogen source. Hydrogen required can be obtained from varied sources such as natural gas, fuel oil, coal, naphtha and hydrolized water (Stout, 1981). The following chemical equation represents formation of nitrogenous fertilizers 2N + 3H2 -> 2NH3 There is a continuous increase in the use of inorganic fertilizers despite the fact that they require large quantity of energy to produce. Table 11 below displays the use of oil and natural gas for nitrogen fertilizers worldwide. Developed countries utilized approximately four times as much oil and natural gas for nitrogen fertilizer in 1975 (Stout, 1981). Research has shown the greater use of fertilizers in the developed nations has increased yields per hectare. Phosphate Phosphate fertilizers are produced by the use of phosphoric acid, sulphuric acid or nitric acid to decompose phosphate rock. If nitric acid is used further treatment with ammonia is required for it to be utilized as a fertilizer. Although there is lots of phosphate rock available, there are environmental problems associated with mining of those rocks for the production of fertilizers. The sulphur necessary for carrying out the process is obtained from ore-deposit or a by-product of other process. Use of sulphuric acid is very efficient but has the downside of producing large amount of sulphate waste resulting in environmental problems. In addition, world reserve of ore is being depleted and obtaining sulphur from the by-products of other processes is very costly (Stout, 1981). Research shows there is a minimum of 90 * 10^8 metric tons of phosphate rock found in the world and because production in 1972 was only about 13* 10^6 metric tons, there is no concern that phosphate reserves will be diminishing for a while. However, there are environmental problems associated in the mining of phosphate rock such as temporary demolition of land and soil erosion (Stout, 1981). According to the table below it can be seen that phosphate recovery is relatively cheap in North America and Africa followed by Europe while obtaining phosphorous from region such as Oceania, South America and Asia is more costly. Potassium Potassium is the 7th most abundant element in the world and is widely dispersed throughout the world. It is found in soils, rivers, lakes and rocks. Studies have shown that 95% of potash required for production of potassium fertilizers is obtained from underground mines where deposits are 3, 000 feet below the surface in Saskatchewan and 2,500 feet below the surface (Production and Use of Potassium, 1998). There are potassium deposits that are isolated in few parts of the world. Canada, Germany and U.S.S.R. are the top three countries with the highest level of potassium resources. Consumption of potash has exceeded demand over the years (Production and Use of Potassium, 1998). However, research shows that will change in the future and Canada having high potash resources is willing to increase production to meet demand requirements (Stout, 1981). The following table depicts potash distribution in various regions of the world with Canada having the highest in mine production as well as reserve base. Comparisons Between Organic and Inorganic Fertilizers Manure Versus Inorganic Fertilizers Organic and inorganic fertilizers both have their advantages and disadvantages. The following table compares the nutrient content of manure and inorganic fertilizer. It is observed that the level of nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium are significantly higher in fertilizer as opposed to manure. Animal and human excrements contain lower levels of the key 3 elements required for growth. The nutrient content of animal excrement is variable and is dependent upon factors such as type of species and the type of nutrient of feed (Stout, 1981). Sludge Versus Inorganic Fertilizer (Nitrogen Fertilizer) Many studies have been done to test the effect of sludges, synthetic fertilizers and manures on the final yield of crops. Given the same level of water and nutrients, the use of sludges, fertilizers or manure did not have any large impact on crop yield. However, in the long term, due to the presence of micronutrients in sludges, there is potential for damage if metals such as copper, nickel and zinc accumulate (Harrison, 2003). A study was performed to determine the amount of bio-solids necessary to replace nitrogen fertilizer. Different rates of sewage sludge and nitrogen fertilizer were applied in 6 different farms through discing a technique used to turn and loosen the soil in order to prevent the loss of ammonia nitrogen as much as possible. It is important to apply other nutrients to all areas to ensure nitrogen as the only limiting nutrient (Binder, 2009). The above graph shows that sites receiving more sludge (site four and six) had higher yields in comparison to sites that received nitrogen fertilizer. It can be observed that there was minute response to nitrogen fertilizers in all three sites. Results can be explained by the presence of nutrients found in sludge that are not present in nitrogen fertilizers (Binder, 2009). Advantages and Disadvantages Advantages of organic fertilizers Rapid decomposition of organic fertilizers makes nutrients highly available. Organic fertilizers are bulky and readily available. Energy is not directly needed in the manufacturing process and they are highly renewable. In addition, they also have little direct cost and provide a method to dispose waste. Although they dont have high amounts of the three key elements they have other minerals that are not found in synthetic fertilizers that contribute in increased water retention capability of soil, its structure and its resistance to erosion. (Morris, 2007) Disadvantage of organic fertilizers Organic fertilizers are not very high in nutrient and analysis of components is not very precise. Decomposition of organic material cannot be controlled as it is dependent on temperature and soil moisture. This results in the release of nutrients when they are not needed. It is very difficult to meet necessary nutrient levels for crop growth solely through the use of organic fertilizers. Waste from humans and animals consist of disease causing microorganisms and therefore need to be disposed of safely (Morris, 2007). Advantage of inorganic fertilizers Inorganic fertilizers on the other hand are very high in nutrient concentration and transportation of handling is fairly easy. In addition, it is analysis of content is very precise and can utilize waste from other manufacturing process (Morris, 2007). Disadvantage of inorganic fertilizers Inorganic fertilizers have increasing cost and are produced from finite resources. It requires large use of energy for manufacturing. Unlike organic fertilizers, availability is dependent on production, cost and region. Moreover, inorganic fertilizers create waste in processing. Although both organic and inorganic fertilizers contribute to water pollution, the manufacturing process of inorganic fertilizers alone results in water pollution. Nitrates pose a big threat due to the increased algae growth in lakes and water supplies. Phosphate fertilizers also have fluorides and sulphur oxides as a by-product (Morris, 2007). Blue-baby syndrome resulting in babies having pale/blue skin as well as lethargic eyes is caused by nitrates found in organic fertilizers contaminating drinking water. Other reproduction problems are also caused as a result of inorganic fertilizers (Morris, 2007). Nitrates from inorganic fertilizers pose a big threat due to the increased algae growth in lakes and water supplies. Algal Blooms result in formation of increased biomass, decreased sunlight to plants found in water, decreased oxygen levels and disruption of food webs. As a result, it is an issue requires great care (Morris, 2007). Regulations and Safety Although animal manure serves as a great fertiliser and soil amendment it has risks associated with it as it can exceed limits resulting in severe environmental problems. To deal with these problems government has ensured to have regulation and conservation programs. In some states there have been lawsuits initiated against livestock operations as a result of damaging water resources from manure (MacDonald, 2009). To meet the requirements of those regulations the livestock operations have to deal with increased costs and as a result it is predicted there will be changes made to manure use. Prices are dependent on the excess manure that needs to be disposed. In addition, if farmers are not willing to take in manure for use in their cropland livestock producers must transport the excess manure farther to use for their crop (MacDonald, 2009). It is absolutely necessary to ensure that sewage sludge applied does not cause any harm to the environment or humans. To ensure safety, requirements that must be met before application have been prepared although they differ from region to region. The following table presents the requirements set by Maryland Department of Environment for application of sewage sludge (OMalley, 2009). In addition, acceptable maximum concentrations of contaminants found in sludge to be applied in land have also been set by the NYSDEC. Cumulative limits represent the maximum level of chemical that can be applied in land repeatedly and over time. The following table displays acceptable limits for various types of contaminants (Harrison, 2003). Restrictions set by NYSDEC for applying Class B sludges makes certain that appliers obtain permits specifically for the sites they want to utilize which also includes acceptable limits of contaminants. Nitrogen levels should also not exceed limits. A mandatory waiting period of 14 months in the case of above ground crops and 38 months in the case of below ground crops have been set by NYSDEC. It is recommended that appliers check with their local regulations as it may vary from region to region (Harrison, 2003). Conclusion In this section we have talked about how organic fertilizers are compared to inorganic fertilizers, including the advantages and disadvantages of each. Sewage sludge is categorized as an organic fertilizer. It is a good fertilizer because of the amount of nutrients it contains. However, regulations are made to ensure that its application is safe to us, animals, and the environment because sewage sludge also contains many dangerous contaminants. In Conclusion The purpose of this report is to provide information about the compositions, the treatments, and the applications of sewage sludge. Sewage sludge comes from wastewater filtration and is often perceived as environmental waste that needs to be eliminated. However, sewage sludge can be used as a fertilizer in agriculture because of the nutrients it contains. The only downside is that sewage sludge also contains many toxic and dangerous substances that must be limited or removed before it can be safely used. Many treatments were developed to limit these toxins and pathogens. Government also made regulations on the applications of sewage sludge to protect the environment. Overall, sewage sludge plays a role in our life and environment. Understanding the importance of sewage sludge makes us appreciate its existence as more than just a mere waste.
Thursday, September 19, 2019
How to Tell Someone Off :: essays research papers
I usually do not respond to such letters, but I will do an exception this time. And this because I believe that in your arrogance you must have posted this idiotic letter in your forums, so that you look a tough guy to your friends. I apologise for not being an intelligent player, its obvious we cannot all be smart in this world. To make a miserable point if your ex-majesty allows me : 1) I did not try to accomplice anything rather than have fun with the war. It was not my choice if everyone attacked me, what does it mean 'what did you try to accomplice' do you really think I invited everyone aboard ? 2) Generally speaking Orcs do not go 'for honour', is this your first day in the game ? 3) I have never lost acres, sorry. Despite the battering I always ended up with more than I started with, in every single war. I have only been broken once this age, and this by a province 1,000 acres bigger than me. Pure luck of course, I don't have the brains to be good. 4) Sorry you cannot see my point in playing, it is only to have fun. I guess yours is... honour ? Nah... land ? Hmmm†¦ good try. 5) Your judgment is excellent and you perception magnificent - yes I always try to get beaten down to use this as an excuse for aid - how did you find out Since my plans are all clear now, yes I become monarch because my provinces also like to see me beaten down to pulp and then help me back; *sigh* I thought none would ever realise†¦ As for declaring to a kingdom 700k smaller than us - sorry about that - someone whispered to me that going into war with kingdoms 85% of your networth is legal. As for the attack on us, sorry it drew our attention - its fair to attack provinces who war others but not declaring on another kingdom - my apologies As for you not being organised, I never said that, you kingdom fights well, apart from you who's presence I just noticed by this letter. That’s probably besides the questionable tactical approach of hitting only one and leaving the rest untouched, but we shall see who will come on top it in the following days won’t we ?
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
How Much Deviation from Religious Doctrine is Acceptable? Essay
Central to any religion is a unified set of beliefs that is shared amongst all its followers. These can range from stories about the origin of the universe or the lives of prophets or other important religious figures to sets of rules governing how you live your daily life. It is these beliefs that define who is a follower of that religion, and deviation from them could result in a person being outcast, persecuted, or even put to death in various areas and time periods. However, these beliefs are by no means universal. Interpretations of religious doctrines may strongly differ even between members of the same religious sect. These issues are very relevant even to non-believers as they have a strong influence on people’s opinions of important social issues, such as gay marriage, abortion, and the teaching of creationism in public schools. We have read about several different and contradictory interpretations of Christian theology in class, and through surveys and discussions we have seen that within our own class members of the same religion vary greatly in their beliefs. An important question then is how much should an individual be allowed to deviate in their beliefs from established doctrine? The answer is not so obvious because once some deviations are allowed it can be not easy to know where to stop. I think it is easier to focus mostly on Christianity in answering this question both because of the material we covered in class and because it is most relevant to America today. It is important to realize that from a historical context religious doctrines are by no means an absolute truth, as many would believe. They have been altered many times in the past and should be able to continue to change with the times. No religion shou... ... arbitrary set of rules. This applies not just to religion but to political and moral ideologies as well. If we really want to seek the truth, I think we could really learn a lot from the Gnostic tradition. Works Cited Bacon, Benjamin W. "The Canon of the New Testament" The Biblical World, Vol. 21, No. 2 (Feb., 1903), Published by: The University of Chicago Press. Web. Available at: Cicero , John Ross, and Horace McGregor. The Nature of the Gods. Penguin Classics, 1972. Print. Pagels, Elaine. The Gnostic Gospels, Vintage, 1989. Print. Plato, and Christopher Gill. The Symposium. Penguin Classics, 2003. Print. Weir, Peter. Dead Poets Society. Perf. Robin Williams. Touchstone Pictures, 1989. Arcand, Denys. Jesus of Montreal. Centre National de la Cinà ©matographie, 1990.
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Essay --
Pharmacokinetic (PK) modelling plays a critical role in drug discovery and clinical pharmacotherapy of several types of drugs. PK modelling and simulation approach have been widely use to explain and predict PK profile of a drug. Several PK simulations are employed to measure estimated therapeutic window, dose selection, and to identify mechanism of action of chemicals and their metabolites in various tissues throughout the body. This integral component of drugs development process can be employed to investigate hepatic deposition of substrates. The data generated from such trial may be used to predict substrate deposition in vivo or to extrapolate deposition from animal to humans. For instance, measurement of transhepatic extraction in the isolated perfused rat liver permits assessment of hepatic clearance in vivo as the product of extraction and hepatic blood flow, assuming the flow is known. Hepatic clearance can them be predicted across mammalian species through incorporation of extraction into physiologically based PK models (Dedrick, 1974). There are different approaches to ph...
National Buy Nothing Day Essay
​A hard-working, single mother receives her pay-check that to her horror reads a measly $225.30. She doesn’t use the money for her, instead she uses that money to care for her two children, she needs to pay the rent, and the electricity but her kids need food to grow. As she heads to the bank to cash the check she passes the neighborhood local store and no cars are outside and the light are dim. Nothing comes to her mind as to what seems different, she proceeds to head over to the bank, and notices that there is no clerks and no long lines? So many things run through her mind so she parks her beat-down car, that clanks and rattles. As she becomes even more worried there is a bright white paper that reads,†Due to the over-consumption rates, the government has issued a National Buy Nothing Day, we are sorry for any inconviences.†Her world is instantly shut down and she becomes scared as to how she is going to feed her children. This is exactly what I fear wi ll happen if a National Buy Nothing Day is issued, so in my opinion, a National Buy Nothing Day would be a bad idea. ​A National Buy Nothing Day would become a huge inconvenience to many people over the world. Many people in the United States work minimum wage jobs and have a family to care for. 75% of the population works pay check to pay check just to give the basics to their family, and majority of the money is spent on food that they hope will last them the whole month until they are paid again. Sadly, more times than you would like to see parents unhealthy and always tired because they put their children before themselves, and what if the National Buy Nothing Day just so happened to fall on pay day. The heartbreak that would radiate from the couple, and the worry that rushes through their mind as to how they are going to feed their kids tonight and when t hey are going to be able to come back and cash that paycheck? Now that the parents view is shown, imagine the reaction of the kids that come home and see that there is no food on the table and the have to be told from their parents tha t they have to go to sleep hungry tonight. That’s heartbreaking for anybody, and everybody. ​Along with an inconvenience to many Americans, a National Buy Nothing Day would hurt the life of a teenager, very significantly. Teenagers are the main percentage of individuals that add to the rate of over-consumption. Even though they are the big spenders in this era, they often rely on the â€Å"quick stops†to help them proceed with their school day. 8 out of 10 teenagers have a car in high school and with having a car comes a huge cash flow. Many teens can barely wake up in time to go to school and this often leads to them not eating, and scientists have proven that this can greatly affect their performance with anything they do in the day. So they make a quick stop at either McDonalds, or in New Mexico Blakes Lotaburger for a quick burrito, so they can eat something to fuel their bodies for the day. High school athletes rely on eating more than anyone, because they need that fuel to burn off, either at their zero-hour basketball practices or their afternoon football practice. So, the Buy Nothing Day would send these athletes hungry to school and the only thing they will eat is their lunch, and with starting school at 7:00 and not even eating until 12:00, that’s a 5 hour long span of lacking concentration in class. ​Medication is more times than others bought on a daily for many individuals with medical problems and the vast majority of this is children. 30% of individuals die annually because of lack to medications that can save them, and 10% of them are children. Thats almost half the percentage! Children are more venerable to illnesses and harsh sickness than adults due to the fact that their bodies are still developing. What if on the National Buy Nothing Day that one child that has for instance, epilepsy, runs out his precious medication that prevents seizures. At any moment in the day he could experience pain in their head and in a blink of an eye, they are having a seizure. On the daily, 2/3 children die a day from seizures and helpful medication prevents this from ever happening. How must it feel for a mother to know that you can’t go and buy your child medication because the government just shut down all stores for a day that may open the eyes to consumers? Anxiety that p asses through mother knowing their child is at any time vulnerable to a life-taking illness. ​Of course, many feel differently. One argument cited by many others is that a National Buy Nothing Day would open the over spending ways of many Americans. Yes, maybe this all we need to open our eyes but would just like other events that were supposed to â€Å"help†us, more times than others we just go back to our old ways. Like for instance, in the time of The Great Dust Bowl, Farmers were plowing heir fields non-stop and destroying the once fertile land. Then once the Dust Bowl came wiping out anything that was in it’s way, Farmers soon realized that their ways were in desperate need of reform, but what happened again? Farmers were back to their old ways and doing what they just did before. It’s the mind of the American people that determine everything we do. Now should it be the government’s job to show us our wrongs? Why no! We can say were going to change but do we ever really do? For a national objective to work, everyone has to consent to it. ​Although a National Buy Not hing would open the eyes of many consumers everywhere, it can greatly impact others in different ways. Like the mother who can’t find a way to feed her beautiful, small bundles of joy, or the teenager that can’t buy his breakfast for the day, more negatives aspects come out of this than the good.
Monday, September 16, 2019
My Philosophy of Leadership
MY PHILOSOPHY OF LEADERSHIP Christine Harris Byrd In my own definition, leadership is an attitude, not a position or routine, and not based on one certain formula or method. It is based on one’s experiences and personal values, and therefore no two leaders will never be the same. There are only a few characteristics that categorize them together. Leaders are those whose actions reflect their heart. They inspire themselves and others in a way that creates a chain reaction of positive events, thoughts, changes, and of course, attitudes.Whether their attitude affects a whole society or one single person, they are a leader because they genuinely care for the well-being of others and live according to their own principles. Most importantly, a leader is one who does not settle. They are always striving to grow as an individual, learn more, accomplish more, and challenge the norm. Based on my personal experiences it is prevalent that I will become more of a transformational leader ve rsus being a transactional leader. So much of my growth has been based on inner-challenges and the influence of other leaders.I agree with the concept that stresses the importance of â€Å"powerful personal characteristics†and using your talents and skills to help and influence others. I have a fiery personality, which means I become very passionate for what is important to me and let my emotions dictate how I think, feel, and act. Most distinctively I believe that the main purpose of our actions is to aspire for happiness. One cannot truthfully portray leadership if his actions do not make him happy. To put it simply, I believe that being a transformational leader is a lifestyle.Never does one reach an end point or master the skill. As they strive to transform others, they too continue to grow. There are five main components of my personal leadership philosophy. The first and foundational component on which it is built on is â€Å"hard work. †An important part of ha ving a leadership attitude is by illustrating your words through tangible actions. Rolling up your sleeves and diving in or â€Å"going the extra mile†establish both credibility and respect. In my experience, hard work can also come in the form of a weakness.I am most content when I can just put my head down and work, but I have learned that when working together with others, I have to be conscious of other’s opinions and pace. I believe that it also means that one has to be resilient because the harder you work and the more times that you put yourself out there, the higher the chances are that you are going to fail. The difference between someone who succeeds and someone who does not is how one reacts to the situation. The second component is to be a â€Å"forever student. †John F.Kennedy defined this perfectly when he said, â€Å"Leadership and learning are indispensable to each other. †Whether we are working in our area of expertise, teaching someon e else, or simply living there is always room for improvement. I believe that everyone has a story to tell and by listening we are exposed to a new perspective that changes the way we see things or strengthens our standing beliefs. This also ties in to the idea of not being an individual who settles. Being curious, asking questions, and purely just listening are some of the most essential habits a leader can have; they are the spark plug for creativity.Components three and four are closely connected. To â€Å"be happy†and â€Å"have passion,†as previously mentioned, are two characteristics that are naturally intertwined with our personalities and functional needs. Often time’s leaders struggle with their conscious over taking the path that they are expected to take and the one that makes them happy. In a society where â€Å"time is of the essence†we as leaders must prioritize. Happiness is the key to what makes each of us tick and passion is the specia l ingredient that creates determination, energy, focus, and a servant heart.I know that I am going to have more respect and admiration for an individual who is steadfast and passionate, regardless if their beliefs and priorities align with mine. The fifth and most personal component for me is to â€Å"take risks. †Every situation we approach in life involves some sort of risk. Every decision, experience, action, goal, and emotion has both a positive and negative outlook. The final lines of a quote that has become my personal motto can best define this component: Risks must be taken, because the greatest hazard in life is to risk nothing.The person, who risks nothing, does nothing, has nothing, and is nothing. He may avoid suffering and sorrow, but he simply cannot learn feel, change, grow, love, or live. Chained by his certitudes, he is a slave, he has forfeited freedom. Only a person who risks is free. As individuals who continue to strive for that leadership attitude, we h ave to be able to throw all cards down on the table, and continue to do it over and over if we ever expect any gain or satisfaction. Of course as the most challenging component, it is also the most important.Ultimately is all boils down to the question of â€Å"did I give everything; do everything that I possibly could to make the outcome positive? †If so, then regardless of the outcome, you have shown positive leadership. The leadership theories that best describe my personal philosophy are servant and authentic leadership. The life-changing experiences and memories that have had the most significant impact on my life are the ones that challenged me to become a better person and that came from the kindness of others.I have seen firsthand how hard work, learning, happiness, passion, and taking risks can change one’s purpose in life and have learned that when we surround ourselves with those components and others who share them, it creates a positive chain reaction. I value the opportunity to live based on my personal values and firmly believe in leadership that is modeled to serve and benefit from each other. I have always believed that effective leadership encourages everyone to participate in the decision making process.The effective leader is one who can clearly articulate the vision of the organization to all stakeholders in a meaningful and accessible way. The simplest way to describe my personal belief about effective leadership is that , â€Å"the (leader) needs to model what management researcher Robert Greenleaf called servant leadership- a philosophy that encourages collaboration, trust, foresight, listening, and ethical use of power and empowerment. †(Krajewski, 2004). My mission is, as a leader and a follower, to empower those around me to use their natural alents to assist the organization as well as themselves. I believe that the foundation of effective leadership is personal integrity. My actions will serve as an example f or others and will be based upon honesty, respect and fairness. I will keep my word and will treat people fairly and with respect for diversity and the rights of each individual. I will trust the members of my team to make sound, ethical decisions and I will guide and support them. I also aim to develop, through example, a learning community among my co-workers. As a leader, my goal is to be a collaborator.Everyone has something unique to bring to the table. It is my hope that they environment that I co-create encourages awareness and cultivation of this authenticity. DePree (1989) defines leadership as follows: â€Å"The first responsibility of a leader is to define reality. The last is to say thank you. In between the two, the leader must become a servant and a debtor. †References: . De Pree, Max. The Art of Leadership. New York: Doubleday, 1987. Leadership . Krajewski, Bob. . In Their Own Words. Learning From Urban Schools Pages 14-18. March 2005 | Volume 62 | Number 6
Sunday, September 15, 2019
Knowing About Past Cannot Help People Make Important Decisions Today
In this burgeoning and intricate society, There has sprung up to a heated debate on technology, what is the primary goal of technological development. One of the typical view is that the advancement of technology is to increase people’s efficiency so that everyone can has more leisure time. However, it is just part function of technological development, even false to some degree. Undeniably, in the modern society, the advancement of technology indeed provides us with a lot of new facilities and recreational places. We are living a society surrounded by televisions, Internet, theme park. No matter where we want to travel we can go much quickly than ever. However, there are some phenomena really different what we imagined. The work hours every week has been increased even a great number of people are supposed to work additionally and work on weekends. The holiday we can have seems so short for us, and we usually waste a lot of time on transportations on the holidays. More and more people prefer sleep on weekend, because they are so tired after long time of working. What is more our efficiency is indeed increased. We can use internet to deal with our business and the money changing in the society is much more frequency; the products a company is much faster. When I was a child, I had to looking for a lot of books before I could find out the answer I need to solve my qualm. But now the answer can be printed on the screen, if you google it. But it is not the real goal of the efficiency. First the goal of technology is provide us a comfortable life, so that there will be no starvation and live longer. On the agriculture, more and more information on climate is provide and more corps are hybridized with a good quality, and we do not be hungry. On the medicine, the invention of new drugs can help us cure more tough illness. The second goal of technology development is seeking answer on what we do not know and improve our ability to deal with problem. The development of mathematic makes us more logical we think about questions. The development of physic provides us a clearer picture of the cosmic. The final goal of technology is pushing the society forward. The development of machine saves us a lot of labor. The development of space exploring provides a kind of ability on new planet and new materials. In sum, the advance of technology is not simply increases our efficiency, but a kind of progress of human. The goal of technology is not give us more time on the computer games and waste our time on the Internet chatting. Technology is our tool like a sword for a knight to fight against a intricate problem on our way to paradise.
Saturday, September 14, 2019
Norm Paper
PAPER # 1: BREAKING A NORM NAME: Nisha Tommy A norm is a principle of right action binding upon the members of a group and serving to guide, control, or regulates proper and acceptable behavior. Social norms are group-held beliefs about how members should behave in a given context. Sociologists describe norms as informal understandings that govern society’s behaviors, while psychologists have adopted a more general definition, recognizing smaller group units, like a team or an office, may also endorse norms separate or in addition to cultural or societal expectations.The psychological definition emphasizes social norms' behavioral component, stating norms have two dimensions: how much behavior is exhibited and how much the group approves of that behavior. The people living in the society develop social norms. These norms have its importance and pay a vital role in the socialization of an individual and molding of personality. There are some important functions of social norms, which play essential part in the smooth of the society. These are control behavior, harmonize the society, and law and order. I chose to violate a social norm when riding on the elevator.I did this in a hospital environment where doctors, nurses, technicians, and mostly patients were around me. I monitored the reaction of ten different groups throughout the experiment to get the best result. It is included different nationality and different age group. I rode the elevator ten times but instead of standing the â€Å"normal†way which is facing the door an unspoken social norm I stood the wrong way standing by the door looking at the back of the elevator. I felt very uncomfortable for the first few times but, after that I started enjoying people’s nonverbal reactions.Still it is hard to break a norm by knowingly breaking it. I got various reactions. Some people stare at me as if I was not normal. Some rolled their eyes and others startled their forehead. Some of them as ked me if I was ok. Some couples looked each other and smiled. Some shook their head. Some of them didn’t look at me at all they were looking on the floor. One of the employees asked me â€Å"Do you work here? Which department do you work for? †One person asked me â€Å"Do you have elevators in your country†? One person asked me â€Å"how long have you been in US†? After my answer she made a facial expression.The question â€Å"Are you ok? ’’ contradicted my hypothesis and proved it wrong which was even if I stand the wrong way in the elevator and go against the social norm then people still won’t really react. This experiment proved my hypothesis wrong. While I had thought I wouldn’t get any reactions I did in reality get many reactions from staring to being asked if I was ok. Many people stared at me as though there was something wrong with me or even felt uncomfortable around me. My hypothesis was proven wrong because clea rly breaking a social norm is more significant than I had assumed.The experiment proved a lot about social norms and breaking them. It showed the significance of social norms how much social norms play a role in society and people as individuals act. The social norm I broke was implicit yet it proved to be so great in how people saw me and how they reacted. I standing the wrong way changed the way some people felt in the elevator they started to feel uncomfortable because my actions went against the social norm which is standing facing the door and anything that goes against the social norm is not normal.The gesture was small yet it proved to generate greater reactions. This experiment proves that there are such things as social norms that aren’t even formally stated and as a society rules are set as to how once should behave and when broken one is met reactions and seen as different and â€Å"not normal†. Even in fast paced places where people tend to be too busy or t hey are stressed or even too sick to notice, people notice the breaking of social norms and react toward it because that is how people were taught to look at differently those who don’t follow the social norm.I had believed that in United State where the attitude of minding your business is what people shape their lives around this would not be the case but I was wrong. Adhering to social norms is clearly a big part of people’s lives and shapes the way they act. What surprised me about the results was the way people acted toward me how some people were feeling uncomfortable. This surprised me because they were acting like there might be something wrong with me just because I was standing the wrong way. The man who asked me if I am ok shocked me the most because I didn’t expect anyone to actually ask me this.All of this also shows how the environment plays a role in a person’s life. The social norms of a place which differ from place to place shapes the so ciety it sets the social code. Especially in the case of the man who asked me if I was ok. His behavior and the rest of the experimental group showed how me breaking the social norm affects not only me but the people around me and changes the way I am seen to the world. He would have probably not asked me this is I was standing the right way. But because I violated the social norm his behavior and reactions changed.The groups acted differently because of the variable which made all the difference. One can bring in conformity to explain these results. Society as a whole has learned to conform so as not to be the odd one out. The social based rules that were made people as a whole have learned to change their behavior to conform to the universal social code so they aren’t different. And when they see someone who acts differently they see them as â€Å"weird†different. People like behaviorists would say have been â€Å"shaped†a certain way a socially acceptable w hich is why people reacted the way they did to me.I went against everyone the rules of society by not conforming hence I was the odd one out. If it weren’t for the social norms then maybe I would not have gotten the reactions I did because there wouldn’t be anything to conform too. One can infer that some of the reactions showed the following of the social norm of not being rude. While some of them stared they did not do anything as not to be rude which is in its own way following a social norm of politeness. This experiment has taught me basically a lot more about social norms and society. I got to see firsthand how social norms work and how much they play a role in everyone’s daily lives.I learned how people react toward people who don’t follow the social norms and break them. If this experiment was conducted somewhere else I would say definitely the results would be different, because the place makes the social norms. Every environment is different and society makes rule based on that. What might be acceptable in one place might not be so acceptable in another and vice versa. For example in some place standing away at a decent distance is considered disrespectful that is going against the social norm whereas in America that is not the case. Here standing too close is breaking the social norm.The results might have been more drastic or there might have not been any reaction at all. This experiment helped in providing the significance of social norms. The experiment also proved to show the difference between following and breaking social norms. After breaking the social norm I got to see many reactions which proved my hypothesis wrong and showed how conformity has a strong impact on society. By standing backwards in an elevator I broke the social norm of standing facing the back of the elevator and hence I became the odd one out. I enjoyed doing this experiment as a whole.
Friday, September 13, 2019
Media Violence and Children Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Media Violence and Children - Essay Example Its negative impact is beyond the scope of simple parenting skills. The situation requires vigilant engagement and extra effort on the part of parents so that this issue is effectively addressed. Parents must be involved in choosing the kind of media that their children are exposed to. Increased activism also becomes imperative. Parents should call for a mechanism of control and even some censorship, in addition to a standardized filtering system from policymakers. Media is an omnipresent factor in the lives of many people. It can be accessed easily by the public at any time and on their terms. The question becomes is society conscious of what is being delivered to them through these media sources. For example, individuals tend to turn on television for background noise during everyday chores. This is when adolescent may begin watching negative content unintentionally. Consequently, it is important to evaluate media content daily and discover if there is true value to what is seen or heard. Even cartoons, typically stereotyped as being innocent in nature, illustrate overly animated characters freely engaging in violence with no concern for consequences. In the classic cartoon, Tom and Jerry, the mouse plots various schemes of violence to stop a cat from catching him. Unrealistically and comically, this show encourages adolescents to devise vengeful tactics. Additionally, it portrays violence to be humorous and acceptable. If peer pressure were a factor in the lives of adolescents, they would be inclined to try a drug since in many movies and television shows drugs are practically advertised. In the show Weeds, the normalcy factor is not eliminated when the mother herself is a drug dealer who uses her children as a means of dispensary. There are many television shows that portray different scenarios, all in which we must caution ourselves in the sense that adolescents are immature. Sex and drugs are also prominent fixtures in violent media. In the
Thursday, September 12, 2019
Critically discuss the extent to which the defence of loss of control Essay
Critically discuss the extent to which the defence of loss of control in the Coroners and Justice Act 2009 compares to the defence of provocation - Essay Example 2 This was supplanted by the defence of loss of control that had been induced by a triggering event, under the Coroners and Justice Act 2009. 3 The principal changes effected by the new act are; absence of a requirement for the loss of control to be abrupt; exclusion of sexual infidelity as a qualifying trigger; requiring a qualifying trigger to pertain to fear of violence from the deceased or to things said or done. 4 With regard to triggers that are based on things said or done, the requirements are that the extenuating circumstances should be very grave in character, and these circumstances should have justifiably made the defendant believe that he been wronged. In the event of such fear having been incited by the defendant, then it is to be ignored. 5 The Coroners and Justice Act 2009 specifies that loss of control has to be on the basis of one of the qualifying triggers, if the defence is to be successful. These are loss of self – control that can be attributed to a fear of serious violence, as provided under section 55(3); or on account of circumstances of an extremely serious nature, which result in a justifiable sense of having been wronged. The latter qualifying trigger has been provided under section 55(4)(a) and 55(4)(b) of the Act. 6 The difficulty associated with the provisions of this Act is that a defence wherein the defendant has probably acted out of danger is placed in the same category as a defence attributed to fear. However, there is some improvement, as the law has now come to recognise that loss of self – control can be occasioned by emotions other than rage.7 This is of great benefit to battered women who kill or grievously injure their tormentor. Under the provisions of the Homicide Act 1957, the defendant should have experienced a loss of self – control. The 2009 Act has clarified that loss of self – control was not required to be spontaneous. However, the presence of the
Wednesday, September 11, 2019
Physical security and risk assessment of the alfred p.murrah building Term Paper
Physical security and risk assessment of the alfred p.murrah building - Term Paper Example A commission was formed to deal with rectifications of the existing principles that had been used to direct the construction of the Murray building. It was found that use of beam columns provided the highest degree of vulnerability in the event of explosion attacks thus the propping up of three edge bond with all having completely diverse technique. First there was the pre-Northridge moment-resisting bond was looked into. This majorly looked at three distinct areas that might create points of weakness. These are the preliminary error extent, beam susceptibility to succumb to pressure and finally the fracture strength that the fused parts contained was put into perspective. Second model put into question the independent manner of each element then later on putting together these elements to have them form one strong connection. These elements were the T-stub, panel zone and the shear tab. Those already built buildings that were constructed by method of riveting the joints, it was deci ded that an alternative better method be used. This method had to withstand earthquakes and the uneven constricting and none rigid nature in the joint section as well as the caternary action. The pre-Northridge moment-resisting frames degree of success was gauged by mean-centered deterministic technique as well as the likelihood technique according to Goldstein (2010). First a resolving reviewing of frames with complete and incomplete force wielded T-stub joint was put to test having in mind three beam spans from both bearings. Buildings that were initially built and had unsupported concrete mixture as well as unsupported brickwork infill plates were looked into. To achieve the need for comparative simple method for the preliminary vulnerability assessment, an energy-oriented nonlinear fixed pushdown analysis method was developed. This method offers a different procedure of
Tuesday, September 10, 2019
Border security issues (week 8) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Border security issues (week 8) - Essay Example Human smuggling involves transporting illegal immigrants across the border. The difference is that in human trafficking, people are forced to migrate, but in human smuggling, the illegal immigrant gets transported after exchanging a sum of money or any other expensive items (United Nations, 2012). The other difference is that in human trafficking, as noted in the first paragraph is that the relationship between the trafficker and the victim continues, but in human smuggling, the relationship between the smuggler and illegal immigrant ends once the person reaches their destination. However, there are those cases when a smuggled illegal immigrant ends up becoming a victim of human trafficking if the relationship continues with the smuggler, in which case it now becomes human trafficking case not human smuggling. The two illegal activities involve transporting illegal immigrants into another state. Therefore, they are likely to be eliminated or reduced using similar strategies. Some of the short-term strategies of reducing or eliminating human trafficking and smuggling involve identifying those policies that are likely to reduce them (The OAS Anti-Trafficking in Persons Section, 2005). It is also easier to broaden awareness and understanding to the people in Amexica, detailing how the problem affects them. The long-term strategies are likely to take time before they are implemented effectively. Some of the long-term strategies involve implementing the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime (UNTOC). The other long-term strategy is to effectively implement the UNTOC through its protocol to prevent, suppress and punish the trafficked people. An inclusive international approach is also necessary in the country where people get trafficked from that is Mexico and the count ry of destination such as United States. United
Monday, September 9, 2019
Nuclear Non-Proliferation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Nuclear Non-Proliferation - Essay Example Many theories exist on the 'why' and 'how' of nuclear proliferation such as 'classical realism' and 'neo-realism' but what is generally accepted is that the locus is external in nature. As per Fry, "If a state bids for hegemony, other states willform an alliance to contain and deter the expansion-revisionist states" (Fry 3). This is based on the assumption that states seek to, "maximize their power in order to survive in a competitive international system," (Ogilvie-White 44). Hence, nations who see a perceived threat to their national interests or in extreme cases to their very existence (as in the caser of Israel) seek to acquire a nuclear deterrent since "security represents the intimate challenge to a states survival (Ogilvie-White, 45). This theoretical debate is best exemplified by the arguments propounded by Scott D. Sagan and Kenneth N. Waltz in their book 'The Spread of Nuclear Weapons, A Debate' (New York: WW Norton and Company, 1995). This scholarly debate has two basic schools, one that views states as unitary, rational entities and the other which feels that proliferation occurs as an outcome of organizational interests. Both views have their merits and limitations as will be expanded upon. However, it is quite apparent that given existing geo-political realities, more and more states will seek to acquire nuclear weapon capabilities as a safeguard against nuclear blackmail. The first school of thought, led by Kenneth Waltz are the proliferation 'optimists' in that they feel that nuclear proliferation is not necessarily a negative outcome, and that contrary to popular belief, it may even have contributed to world peace. According to this theory of 'rational deterrence', "once more than one state has acquired a second-strike capability, war between the nuclear armed states is unlikely to occur, due to the fact that mutual destruction is almost assured" (Waltz 1990, 734). Waltz argues that near parity in nuclear weapon capability leads to a reduced probability of armed conflict on account of the prohibitive costs of waging war; unacceptable levels of mutual destruction; and lesser chances of miscalculation by the political leadership, since the ramifications such miscalculation would be catastrophic. This theory certainly gains some credibility when one considers that there has been no all-out war between two nuclear powers. However, Waltz qualifies this optimism by laying down certain pre-conditions that have to exist for stable deterrence. These are firstly, that "there should be no preventive war while a state is developing its nuclear capability; secondly, "both states must develop a sufficient second-strike force to retaliate if attacked first; and thirdly, "the nuclear arsenals must not be prone to unauthorized or accidental use" (Sagan and Waltz, 51). This position seems quite reasonable since nuclear wars are more likely in conditions of asymmetry, even though the asymmetry might be in terms of conventional military capability. It also reinforces the rationale of states seeking to acquire nuclear weapons capability in order to maintain the balance of power through nuclear deterrence. This would be particularly true of states which see themselves surrounded by inimical neighbors, as in the case of
Sunday, September 8, 2019
Answers QUESTION Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Answers QUESTION - Research Paper Example In making decision, bounded rationality was involved since vehicles are available from many locations, varied models and varied prices; however, time and funds are limited thus bounded rationality assisted in making a decision to buy a vehicle. Bounded rationality is the idea in decision-making, where rationality of persons is not directly comparable to their knowledge. The intelligence limitations and limited time affect their decision making (Gigerenzer 13). The final decision is to purchase Midsize Station Wagons; Toyota Prius v with 4 cyl, 1.8 L, Automatic (CVT), HEV, Regular (U.S Department of Energy 1-2). This is because it is affordable and among 2014 Most Fuel Efficient Cars. The decision is satisficing after making necessary research and choosing appropriate alternative regarding the new vehicle to purchase. Satisficing is a decision-making plan that aims for a suitable or sufficient consequence, rather than the most favorable solution (Weber 41). This is so since aiming for the most favorable solution may demand needless use of time, power and resources. Files might be stored in Noncontiguous locations when the disk is new and has not been defragmented. A file kept on disk can get fragmented that means that it is kept on non-contiguous segments. Noncontiguous data access is a contact that functions on data that is not categorized inside memory, file, or both (Savage 85). One instance of contiguous information in memory and noncontiguous data in file is a submission that keeps a 2D assortment in a file, and then afterward needs to interpret the one portion from every piece into a contiguous memory safeguard. In order to maximize access when the file information is contiguous, a reminiscence function can buffer the access in order that data access is implemented in memory and just one file write/read demand is essential(Savage 85).. Contiguous:
Saturday, September 7, 2019
Efficiency in a Unit of a District Health Authority Essay
Efficiency in a Unit of a District Health Authority - Essay Example Also, managers will have a hard job ÃŽ ¿f finding out how to improve things. Good communication ensures that people are all aiming and working towards one common goal. By communicating effectively the management can explain objectives and employees have the chance to share their views. There are many ways that managers can communicate with the staff it can be written or verbal. There is a lack ÃŽ ¿f formality with staff and the workplace is ÃŽ ¿f a relaxed atmosphere. There is not a lot ÃŽ ¿f organisational structure evident this is apparent as the dietary department is run by a team and there is no manager, however, there is a senior nurse. Nurses had to help with administrative duties to help clear the backlog. They were doing the job ÃŽ ¿f the receptionist; the receptionist was not carrying out their duties. There are a mixture ÃŽ ¿f views on how the department should be run. It is good to have a mixture ÃŽ ¿f views however this can cause conflict and also shows lack ÃŽ ¿f direction. When employees have different views they will priories differently. With a proper organisation, chart introduced it would help to overcome the informality within the department as it would clearly state the different staff levels and make objectives become unified. Authority will then flow through the hierarchy. Hierarchies can motivate staff. Maslow’s hierarchy ÃŽ ¿f needs show that different things motivate people and that they have needs to be satisfied. Employees must be satisfied to work properly. He also theorized that a person could not recognise or pursue the next higher need in the hierarchy unit her or his recognized need was substantially or completely satisfied, a concept called Prepotency. According to various works of literature on motivation, it suggests that individuals often have problems consistently articulating what they want from a job and this would have been no different in the case ÃŽ ¿f East Neasden’s clinical staff. Therefore, a problem could be that the non- clinical staff such the general manager ignored that these members ÃŽ ¿f staff said that they want, instead of telling them what he ( the new general manager) wants, based on what managers believe most people want under the circumstances. Â
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