Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Smoking Cessation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Smoking Cessation - Essay Example It is a significant factor in three out of the five leading death causes in the US – cancer, heart disease and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (Berndt et al., 2011). Nicotine is the addictive drug in tobacco. To curb these negative effects of smoking, cessation programs have to be promoted. Rice, Hartmann-Boyce and Stead (2013) define smoking cessation as the discontinuation of use of cigars, pipes and cigarettes. Smoking cessation reduces the risk of suffering from lung cancer and smokers who quit cause a reduction in their mortality ratio to 1.20 in a span of 10 years of non-smoking. The nursing process provides a systematic framework in provision of professional and quality nursing care in smoking cessation (Maurer & Smith, 2013). It directs activities on smoking cessation towards health promotion and protection and prevention of associated diseases. After assessing the collected data on smoking problems from a community, it would be important for nurses to diagnose t he data. According to Maurer and Smith (2013), this involves the analysis and synthesis of the assessed data in response to potential or actual health problems associated with smoking. Rice et al. (2013) observe that this stage involves the determination of ineffective health management resulting from smoking. It also encompasses the determination of lack of information on smoking and its effects in the community. Having identified the smoking problem, nurses plan how to execute the smoking cessation plan so as to achieve the intended goals (Maurer & Smith, 2013). Planning involves setting of goals. It encompasses aiming at the patient demonstrating maintenance of more effective health patterns. The patient should openly discuss the problems faced due to smoking and the benefits that cessation would offer. Nurses should also aim at keeping the patient free from being injured during the smoking cessation treatment. The intervention phase involves the nurse’s role of care for p atients manifesting smoking related problems. This should meet the needs of the patient and develop a cessation relationship that teaches on smoking and the effect on an individual, family and community as a whole. Nurses should organize for seminars, trainings and community education on smoking and the related lifestyle and assist in the development of a comprehensive care plan (Maurer & Smith, 2013). Health promotion partnerships would be used for strengthening social networks and developing smoking cessation support and influence policies. Thus, intervention generally involves maximization of therapeutic plans and minimization of factors that encourage smoking habits. The third phase would encompass executing the appropriate intervention. With nursing focusing on the public, community level intervention would be appropriate for smoking cessation. The issue of smoking cessation could be approached from a community level where nurses devise approaches that would promote the communi ty norm as noted by Berndt et al. (2011), where the benefits of smoking cessation is advocated for. It would be important to also plan for preventive approaches. According to Maurer and Smith (2013), this reduces known risk factors and enhances protective factors. This nursing process should promote non-smoking habits in the community. As such, during detoxification, Rice et al. (2013) advocate for frequent assessments as the
Monday, October 28, 2019
Increasing Organizational Productivity Essay Example for Free
Increasing Organizational Productivity Essay There is a great challenge in increasing the productivity of organizations particularly to the managers who properly have turned to be experts in their specific fields. Basing on an organizational challenge that is tending to ubiquity, the productivity of the organization is the ratio that evaluates the efficiency of the resources used in the production of services. Production refers to the ratio between outputs and inputs. There are some particular companies that manage to produce more after using less as compared to other companies even when the conditions for productions are quite the same. Two companies may happen to be working in the same industry, deal with the same suppliers and resources, and work in similar business environment and after all, show some differences in organizational productivity. It means therefore the greatest challenge for managers of specific organizations is to have ideas on how to increase productivity. This is one of the manager’s responsibilities that lead to increasing the market share of an organization as well as maintaining profit (Smith, 1995). Goal setting A manager of an organization has to clarify the goals of the organizations, device processes so as to achieve them and in addition control the processes. A Service oriented organization basically shares the same goals with the peer organizations. The goals include developing a service that seems superior as compared to those offered in the marketplace. The second goal involves increasing the market share for the organizations. Sustain the profits and at the same time increase sales volume should be included. Moreover, offering suitable return on investment and using the available technology to increase productivity are also included. The goals also include eliminating waste, fostering the morale of the employees, reaching the best level of functioning efficiency and enhancing the image of the organization. It should be noted that the goals are related to each other and more importantly, their major intention is to increase the productivity of an organization. In all organizations the efforts of the employees basically determine the effectiveness of the organization. Generally, productivity happens in correlation to the interest and concern employees portray to a specific input component. Thus the human resource manager should be actively involved in developing and putting into practice practices and policies which encourage employees’ productivity (Maanen, 1998). Coping with factors that affect production There are some factors that have a great effect on productivity in service oriented companies. These are organization factors, environment factors, factors related to employee and management factors. The management of an organization have the obligation of examining the factors correctively to find out how one factor affects the other. This is because failure to examine a particular factor may lead to lowering of productivity. Since nobody can have a control on the environmental factors, the organization must always strive to be flexible so as to adapt to them. The structure of the organization is influenced by the environment it operates on and the environment has a significant impact on the employees. It is obvious that the style of the management establishes the effectiveness of the organization simply because it affects the reaction and attitude of the employee. Considering the relationship that exists among the factors have an ultimate effect on the productivity of an organization (Smith, 1995). The changing conditions in the economy have intense effect on the productivity of an organization and hence the degree of the stability of the company in terms of economy has effects on decisions concerning growth and staffing. As a result the labour union may change the benefits, wages and work rules and therefore the human resource department have to be cautious of the changes in the labour market conditions. An organization ought to be in a position that it can adapt easily to changing work environment. The organization factors which include structure, climate and technology also affect the profitability, efficiency and more particularly productivity (Smith, 1995). The application of management approaches of economy, efficiency as well as effectiveness as productivity measurement in a service oriented company have been noted not to increase productivity significantly (Bass Avolio, 1998). There is need to incorporate the use of ethical approaches such as empathy and evaluation to increase the production of the organizations to a greater extent. There are limits that seem practical in the level of formalization and specialization of an organization. It may be national, privately owned or publicly owned and to increase productivity, the human practices and policies must match with the complexity and size of an organization. The makeup as well as size of the Human Resource department ought to echo with the organization’s structure. Another thing to consider is the degree of specialization or in other words technology. This involves the technical level of the processes in an organization. To sustain market viability, there is need for a particular scope of development and research. Employees should have the necessary skills basing on varying degrees. An organization ought to focus on whether it wishes to be employee-centred hence encourage employees to attain results. It must bear in mind its reward systems, communicating information, decision making and offering a positive climate for all employees. The Human Resource professionals ought to involve themselves in determining the climate of the organization. If it happens that they do not get involved, it means they lack the power to command a position that seems strong to lead to the implementation of policies created by the climate. Each organization has a basic management style that may be naturally evolved or consciously adopted. Whether democratic, task-oriented, authoritarian, laissez-faire, whether it strives to be reactive or chooses to be proactive or innovative, the managerial style for a particular organization has intense effect on the ability of the HR department in developing and implementing procedures and policies as well as on the employees. The function of the Human Resource is also highly affected by the manner in which resources are attained and used, the question regarding who makes decisions and sets the goals, how communication is communicated and the style of motivation used (Warrwick Organizational Behaviour Staff,2001). Employee attitude is another factor that has effect on the productivity of an organization. It is through the employees that the goals of an organization are attained and as a result they drive the failure or success of the organization. It is important to have employees with the proper educational levels or knowledge and skill concerning the job. Moreover, the employees’ motivation and abilities are also important factors to consider. The organization should avoid setting practices and policies that intensify negatively the employees’ social, personal, religious and political factors since this is likely to affect the workers’ effectiveness hence influencing productivity (Warrwick Organizational Behaviour Staff, 2001) What matters most? Productivity is concerned with what can be derived from the organizations’ resources and hence it is important to clearly list the most significant resource. For example in labour-intensive industries, the major input could be total number of hours worked by an individual and in steel plants could be the equipment. To increase productivity it is good to benchmark the operations in an organization to avoid being left behind in competition. An organization should invest in resources and this does not imply that there is need to use large sums of money. Investment could entail training employees on skills, operations as well as procedures. Training employees help impact in them vital skills that would help them to avoid making mistakes in customer service and manufacturing. For example, investing in technology may assist the organization to speed up in production and reduce the head count hence leading to less wastage. Paying the employees for work done would not bring the best for an organization. There are so many factors that affect the employees’ behavior. The organization needs to carry out an analysis and determine what has been missing in the list of motivating employees. To set things straight, there is need for a balanced approach and studies have revealed that doing away with pilferage of efforts could result to increased productivity (Warrwick Organizational Behaviour Staff, 2001). Best practices Increasing revenues and lowering costs are the major fundamental goals for service oriented organizations. At the same time as a businesses strives to attain its goals and objectives, IT organizations are pushed forward to accomplishing more with less. IT organizations have an added obligation of assisting other organizations comply with the regulatory requirements. Apparently, in the past years, reducing risk in organizations has assumed a different meaning and has become the most significant goal for organizations. For an organization to succeed in increasing productivity, it needs to examine the other perspective of reducing risks. This means that the need to manage and reduce risks is intertwined to increasing productivity. Managing risks involves reliability, compliance and security (Kelly, 2005). From the compliance point of view, development organizations ought to make sure that business processes as well as applications data consistently adhere to the regulatory guidelines and requirements. Failure to do this may imply that many IT departments could be exposing the organization to regulatory and legal risks. Organizations need to meet the requirement of the SOX-type reporting and hence organizations need to perfectly ensure that any alterations in their applications do not interfere but rather meet with other regulations including those of SOX. Basing on the reliability perspective, it is better that organizations continue with the attempts of increasing availability and reliability of the internal and facing customers’ applications. The key component to ensuring reliability is testing. However, many organizations fail in the procedure as they test what they perceive as important since they have little testing time at their disposal. This means that the organization leaves what is most important in real sense. Therefore, to become a bit more efficient and effective, organizations are required to perfect their effectiveness in the testing process and this means that testing should including testing the most important aspects or components and not the easiest components. From a security point of view, this is the real meaning of business in organizations. A breach in the application raises the risks involved in the organizations and therefore there should be a good thought on matters to do with reducing possibility attacks and this henceforth reduce risks linked to data access and applications (Kelly, 2005). The issue linked to managing risks is developer productivity. There is a lot of pressure on service oriented organizations to execute more while utilizing less. There is more job security if there is consequent greater effectiveness and developer’s productivity. It does not count much if organizations purpose to increase productivity without the proper tools as this will not show the practicability of the set goals. This is like purposing to work smarter but not harder. To increase organizations’ productivity, developers ought to come up with new ways of minimizing the time that is not utilized in benefiting the business value. For instance, the time utilized in testing does not particularly give business its value, but instead gives support on the release of an application that is complete which focus on a business need. Looking for ways to effectively and efficiently test will lead to an increase in productivity hence affect positively the delivering of the business value. The best way for efficient testing is creating a good level for best practices and not waste time in rebuilding standards from the grassroots (Kelly, 2005). Nothing comes easy and therefore if in an organization there will be addressing of challenges and risks, more effort and may be more time will be used. This implies that more money will be needed for executing the process. There is no way an organization can increase quality without having to increase time and cost. Organizations need to think on the best manner of reaching quality in the current world in the available time in a manner that is cost effective. This is the challenge that organizations face today. The best practices assist organizations to have a good improvement in the performance and efficiency of the organizations (Kelly, 2005). In the past years organizations considered the top down approach as the best in increasing productivity. However, this can also be achieved by using the bottoms up approach and this helps organizations to define, capture and apply the best practices in particular portions of the cycle of development. For instance, a particular organization may put into practice a limited performance of code of review for specific forms of services or applications. On the other hand, the organization may apply development tools and automated testing that streamline the identification of errors and also educate developers on the appropriate modes of solving errors as well as accomplishing a given job.
Friday, October 25, 2019
Dell Incorporated :: essays research papers
The computer industry has benefited from the explosion of home computer usage and has become one of the most competitive industries in the world. With technology growing at amazing paces, many of the computer companies have fallen behind and even out of the industry since the development of the computer. Only the strongest companies have been able to be profitable and efficient. Dell Inc. is one of the few corporations to be able to remain at the top of the market. Dell began as the vision of Michael Dell. The company began in 1984 with a simple business concept to build computers to order and to sell directly to customers. Dell has a history of achieving double-digit increases in annual sales. To maintain this growth, Dell is faced with many challenges in maintaining it’s distinctive capabilities and using objective analysis to ascertain it’s strength’s, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. â€Å"Dell's vision is to work closely with our development partners to provide 100% perceived availability to the application environment.†"Dell's mission is to be the most successful computer company in the world at delivering the best customer experience in markets we serve.†In doing so, Dell will meet customer expectations of: highest quality, leading technology, competitive pricing, financial stability, and individual and company accountability. From the nine essential components of a mission statement, Dell’s mission statement includes: products or services, markets, technology, and concern for survival, growth, and profitability. The most important value to Dell is to satisfy their customers and the second most important value is to be profitable. Dell has three distinctive capabilities which consist of: 1) selling products directly to consumer’s which eliminates the markups of resellers 2) build products as they are order, which eliminates overstocked products and 3) having the ability to respond quickly to customers who experience problems with their products.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
The Inflammatory Response
The body is designed to defend itself against invading bacteria, and infection. The skin and mucous membranes are the first line of defence, the invasion of foreign bacteria can pass this first line of defence and immediately triggers the second line of defence. The second line of defence is the inflammatory response (McCance & Huether, 2009). The mechanism of the inflammatory response is to protect the injured site by killing the agent responsible, limiting its effects on the rest of the body and initiating the healing process (Porth, 2007). According to Botwinski (2001), during infection bacteria grow and divide, and release potent toxins that cause damage to the body’s cells. These toxins trigger the initiation of the inflammatory response. The changes that occur are initiated by the interactions between bacterial products and inflammatory mediators. Inflammatory mediators are chemicals that are released by protective cells or plasma when harmful agents invade the body. Inflammatory mediators include histamine, prostaglandins, and leukotrienes (Kumar, Abbas, Fausto, Robbins, & Cotran, 2005). The main cells involved are the mast cells and are located in connective tissue in close contact with blood vessels. Mast cells play a key role in the inflammatory response, when stimulated by infection they release a potent substance called histamine. When histamine leaks into the tissues it causes changes in the surrounding blood vessels. The two changes that occur in the blood vessels is blood vessel dilation and increased capillary permeability. The changes are designed to maximise the movement of plasma proteins and circulating cells out of the blood flow and into the site of infection (McCance & Huether, 2009). At the onset of injury the histamine that is released causes the blood vessels at the site to constrict for a short time then dilate (Nair, 2009). This widening of the blood vessels increases blood flow, and therefore increases the amount of oxygen, nutrients, and white blood cells being delivered to the site of injury (Botwinski, 2001). New blood vessels can also open up at the site and the area becomes flooded with blood. This increase in blood flow produces the characteristics of redness and warmth and are the earliest symptoms seen in the inflammatory response (Porth, 2007). The blood vessel wall confines blood products and cells in the circulation and prevents it from leaking out into the surrounding tissues of the body. This is done by cells called endothelial cells that tightly line the walls (Braun & Anderson, 2006). The chemicals that are released at the site of injury bind with receptors on the endothelial cells and cause’s them to retract producing gaps in their walls. This structural change allows healing fluid and cells to escape out into the affected area (Porth, 2007). Braun & Anderson (2006) describe that the harmful bacteria are diluted by this increased amount of fluid. The increased fluid and pressure produces the swelling seen at the site of infection. Nerve endings can also be stimulated as a result from the increasing pressure and this is what can cause the pain associated with infection (Nair, 2009). An important part of the inflammatory response is to send circulating white blood cells to the infected area. They are attracted in large numbers to the scene of injury as a result from blood vessel dilation and the release of bacteria substances and inflammatory mediators (Kumer et al. 2005). The white blood cells job is to provide a defence by killing invading bacteria, and getting rid of dead tissue. The main white blood cell in the inflammatory response is the neutrophil and arrives first at the site of inflammation approximately six to twelve hours after the initial injury (McCance & Huether, 2007). Macrophages are cells that live in various tissue locations and like the neutrophils they are released in the blood stream and attracted to the su bstances released at the site of infection. Macrophages and neutrophils are called phagocytes, and share the same job in the inflammatory response, which is to clean up the damage by ingesting and killing the invading bacteria (McCance & Huether, 2005). According to Sherwood (2009), the phagocytes floating in the circulation stick to the inside of the blood vessel wall, this process is called mirgination. Diapedesis then occurs, in this process the phagocytes squeeze through the gaps of capillary walls that were formed earlier on in the inflammatory response. Chemical mediators called chemotaxins accumulate at the site of infection and attract the phagocytes. Once inside the surrounding tissue the phagocytes make their way through the tissue to areas where there are higher concentrations of chemotaxins, this process is called chemotaxis (Roitt & Delves, 2001). Once at the affected area the neutrophils and macrophages eliminate the invading bacteria from the inflammation site by a process called phagocytosis. Phagocytosis is â€Å"cell-eating†and is a three stage process composed of recognition and attachment, engulfment, and killing and degradation (Kumar et al. , 2005). Phagocytes have receptors on their surface that enable them to recognise and attach to the receptors on the surface of the microorganism, this attachment prevents the bacteria from â€Å"getting-away†. In the process of engulfment the phagocytes stretch two surface like projections called pseudopods around the microorganism until it completely surrounds it, the microorganism is then trapped inside. Potent chemicals and enzymes are released inside the phagocyte and these break down and kill the invading microorganism. The pus that forms at the infected site is the accumulation of these phagocytic cells both living and dead (Sherwood, 2009). McCance & Huether (2009) describe that there are three protein systems that are also initiated during the inflammatory response. They are the complement, clotting and kenin systems, and consist of protein enzymes. These systems work along side the protecting cells and help them carry out their roles. The complement system consists of potent defensive proteins that help in the destruction of invading bacteria. The clotting system produces fibrinous tissue that acts as a boundary by trapping the bacteria and maximising the activity of the phagocytic cells. The clot that is formed also minimizes blood loss and prevents spread of infection (Botwinski, 2001). The kenin system consists of mainly bradykinin a protein that cause’s dilation of vessels, vascular permeability, and pain (McCance & Huether, 2009). The protective mechanisms of the inflammatory response prepare the site for healing and regeneration of the destructed tissue. Depending on the severity of infection and damage this can be a long process and is finished when structure and function is returned to normal (McCance & Huether, 2009).
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Accounting Standards in the United States of America
Accounting in the USA The following report will describe and discuss the major elements of accounting in the USA. It will show that the US Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) are set by the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB), where as the International Accounting Standards (IAS) are set by the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). This report will also state the similarities and differences between these standards. In addition, the following report will use relevant examples to evaluate current accounting problems and issues in the USA related to international convergence of accounting standards.Fargher et al. (2008, page. 67) pointed out that FASB’s conceptual framework (CFW) for financial reporting is generally consistent with that of the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB). However the FASB provides more detail with six statements of financial accounting concepts (SFACs). The first level in the CFW explains the main purposes of financial reports are to provide useful information for investors and creditors, to estimate future cash flows and to claim venture resources. The second level consists of qualitative characteristics and elements of the CFW.The qualitative characteristics of the USA CFW are relevance, reliability, comparability and consistency. The main components include assets, liabilities, equity, investment by owners, distributions to owners, comprehensive income, revenues, expenses, gains and losses. The third level of CFW indicates how the firm executes the events based on assumptions, principles and constraints. There are four assumptions: economic equity, going concern, monetary unit and periodicity. The four principles include historical cost, revenue recognition, matching and full disclosure.The constraints consist of cost-benefit, materiality, industry practice and conservatism. Fargher (2008, p. 229) mentioned that USA uses FASB 95 Statement of Cash Flows, plus FASB 102 and 104. The for mat is the same as the international one which includes operating, investing and financial activities. However, it is encouraged to report cash flows using the direct method even though the indirect method is usually used. Interest paid and received and dividends received are classified as operating activities. Non cash transactions are excluded from the cash flow statement. Fargher (2008, p. 89) stated that the income statement format under US GAAP involves a range of steps but the subtotals are listed before the unusual and rare items. Changes in retained earnings are included in the retained earnings statement and comprehensive income that reports changes in fair value and similar items after the operating income. Note disclosure is based on particular standards plus SEC and other sources under the US GAAP hierarchy. IFRS and US GAAP have some similarities but there are also several differences. The main similarities and differences are in the areas of revenue recognition and inv entory valuation.A similarity between US GAAP and IFRS is that revenue is not recognised until the revenue is actually earned. Under the US GAAP, a large amount of guidance provided usually only applies to specific industries. For example, there are specific rules for the recognition of software revenue and sales of real estate under US GAAP, while comparable guidance does not exist under IFRS (Ernst & Young 2010). Also, both systems define inventory as assets held for sale in the ordinary course of business. A significant difference between using US GAAP and IFRS is the inventory costing method is that US uses LIFO, whereas LIFO is prohibited by the IFRS.Also, inventory valuation is measured under the IFRS at lower of cost and net realizable value. However, under the US GAAP, inventory valuation is carried at the lower of cost and market, where the market is the current replacement cost (Ernst & Young 2010). According to (Todd M. Hines 2007, p1) IFRSs are becoming more important in the global economy. â€Å"Over the last 35 years there has been a strong push towards the adoption of a uniform set of financial accounting standards to replace the myriad number of country-specific standards now in use†. This indicates that each country has developed its own sets of financial accounting standards.It is essential to work towards the uniformed international accounting standards for organisations doing business globally to have comparable information. As a result of this push for internationally recognised set of accounting standards, IFRS were created with the goal of providing a single internationally recognized set of accounting standards. In an ever increasingly globally connected world, more transactions and investment planning occur on a global level. As international convergence has progressed many countries have conformed under IFRS and adopted their standards.The USA has similar standards but continue to use different financial reporting standards. Ho wever these differences according to (Todd M. Hines 2007, p4) often ‘lead to confusion and large complications for preparers and users of financial statements’. Financial statements prepared under different reporting standards are hardly comparable, therefore overseas investors may not be able to compare between the financial reports of business under IFRS and those operating under US GAAP. This can lead to confusion and affect the judgments of financial statement users.Due to the difficulties in comparison the users of the financial information must understand both IFRS and GAAP to make informed decisions. Moving from US GAAP to IFRS will have a major impact on business’ financial reporting in the USA. Decisions made by managers, financial advisors, CEO’s, governments, and the users of financial statements will have to be drastically rethought with the change. If the USA decides to follow the convergence trend towards IFRS, they will be moving into a more volatile reporting environment, particularly in the reporting of assets as well as that of net profit.One alarming statistic is that the volatility of tax benefits, deferred tax benefits in particular, can be 98% more volatile under IFRS (McAnally, et. al. 2010). This increased volatility is due to the greater use of fair value in the preparation of the financial statements, and the eventual elimination of historical cost under IFRS. Fair values are used under IFRS to better reflect the changing economic conditions, but this introduces uncertainty and makes it much harder to predict reported earnings than under historical cost, which the USA uses.Although fair value is more relevant, often it is not reliable due to the influence of economic conditions on the valuation of assets. This increased volatility will lead to retraining in every area of accounting. With the change to IFRS, there will be a large amount of rethinking and retraining for areas such as financial planning and for ecasting as well as in target setting, but the major area it will affect is the reporting of financial statements. Another issue regarding the convergence of the USA to the IFRS accounting standards is the effect it will have on IT systems.As the adoption of IFRS starts to gain momentum among many counties, global business will be dealing with major changes over the next few years. According to Pratt (2010), not only are private companies considering the IFRS, but also public companies including banks and private investors who also have growing concerns about the implication of the convergence. This adoption of IFRS by the USA will bring about several changes in the way recording and reporting financial data is carried out. This is due to the differences between IFRS and U. S.GAAP standards. It has been found that there are 103 differences between IFRS and U. S. GAAP in the way recording of data happens. Management in the performance and technology division of KPMG suggests that the change to IFRS will drastically affect the accounting IT systems in the USA (Pratt, 2010). One of the major concerns for the USA is that under IFRS the financial data needed to keep IT systems up to date will have to be more detailed and more frequent. It is also believed that the financial reporting ledger will be affected by adopting IFRS.Pratt (2010) claimed the US needs to ‘[m]ake sure that the new system accommodates IFRS if [companies] are planning to upgrade the system. ’ This will mean more money will need to be diverted from other key functions and into the development and upgrading of IT systems. With the major push for convergence, the USA needs to critically evaluate the effect that their move to IFRS may have on their IT systems and the software they use. Also, U. S. companies will need to become familiar with the new systems and technology before the change in order to keep up with international competitors.The major elements of the USA include the concep tual framework, financial reports, revenue recognition and inventory. Taking problems and issues into account, our group concludes that the convergence of the USA to IFRS would benefit both, the global economy and the USA. Although problems with financial reporting, volatility, retraining and IT systems may arise, converging to international standards will allow users to have easy comparisons between companies and greater transparency.In conclusion, we feel it is beneficial for the USA to converge to international standards so that there are a set of global standards for all companies to follow. Word Count: 1491 BIBLIOGAPHY Books Fargher, N, Wise, V, Kieso, DE, Weygand, JJ &Warfield, TJ 2008, Fundamentals of Intermediate accounting, John Wiley & Sons Australia, Milton. Websites Ernst & Young, 2010, Revenue Recognition, viewed 29 September 2011, Ernst & Young, 2010, Inventory, viewed 29 September 2011, L. Gordon Crovitz. 2008 (September 8). Closing the Information GAAP, viewed 29 Sep tember 2011. lt; http://online. wsj. com/article/SB122083366235408621. html> Mary E. Barth. 2004. Fair Values and Financial Statement Volatility, viewed 29 September. Journal Articles Todd M. Hines 2007 ‘International Financial Reporting Standards: A Guide to Sources for International Accounting Standards’; Journal of Business & Finance Librarianship, Vol. 12(3), p. 1-8 McAnally, M, McGuire, S, & Weaver, C 2010, ‘Assessing the Financial Reporting Consequences of Conversion to IFRS: The Case of Equity-Based Compensation', Accounting Horizons, Vol 24 (4), p. 589-621Gornik-Tomaszewski, S 2003, ‘Short-Term Convergence Between US GAAP and International Financial Reporting Standards', Bank Accounting & Finance (08943958), Vol 16 (5), p. 39-42 Tarca, A 2004, ‘International Convergence of Accounting Practices: Choosing between IAS and US GAAP', Journal of International Financial Management & Accounting, Vol 15 (1), pp. 60-91 Pratt, MK 2010, ‘GET READY FO R GLOBAL ACCOUNTING', Computerworld, Vol 44 (3), p. 21-23 Laux, C. & Leuz, C 2009. ‘The crisis of fair-value accounting: Making sense of the recent debate’. Accounting, Organizations and Society. V 34 (6-7), p. 826-834
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
IT-based solutions, embracing the newest IT developments throughout the whole organisation Essay Example
IT IT-based solutions, embracing the newest IT developments throughout the whole organisation Essay IT-based solutions, embracing the newest IT developments throughout the whole organisation Essay This reports purpose is to act as a summary, highlighting the consequences that will come to Eden Farm, by them implementing IT-based solutions, embracing the newest IT developments throughout the whole organisation. Hardware Systems: Currently the business is using paper based systems. Three purposed hardware systems that can be used by the Eden Farm Organic Foods business are: * Upgrading and purchasing new computers: This will help the business with storing files and important information. It will also allow the company to communicate via e-mail and video conferencing. A good recommendation for the new systems would be to have at least 100GB Hard Drive to store all the relevant data also a RAM of at least 1GB to allow multiple functions to be used. * Increasing capacity Increasing the capacity of the business will speed up production and allow for more sales. Increasing the capacity of the computer systems will greatly increase the amount of functions the computer will be able to do. * Increasing Communications With the company expanding into different parts of the country there will be a need to easily communicate and advise any department of any needs or changes this can be done by creating a network where all the computer systems with in Eden Farm are connected to the same network allowing internal communications. Software Systems: * Application Software This is a single program that can only do a specific task. It is put into two classes general purpose and bespoke. General purpose application software is software that can be used for many different tasks, and because it is general anyone can get this software. Bespoke application software is software that is custom made and meets a single use. It is a one off piece of software. When a peripheral is connected to a computer a driver may need to be installed to run the peripheral, this driver is a piece of software and can be either an application or an operating piece of software. The driver will communicate between the hardware and software. With the companies new systems there will be need for certain software to manage the computers or certain departments. For example advertising department would need to have graphical software. Also all the computers would need security software for both malware protection and protecting peoples information from thieves and hackers. This will gre atly benefit all departments as each one will have specific software needs. Also the security software will deter thieves and hackers from attempting to abuse the systems also the software fills a requirement for the Data Protection Act. * Specialised Support Software This software will be unique to Eden Farm and help them in the first few months of the new changes to allow them to learn and to adapt to the new way the business is run. This will benefit all the staff and allow them to get up to date with the new system * Internet This will enable instant communications between staff and customers it will also allow for advertisements to be placed for all to see. This will promote the business and make transactions stress free for all. Reasoned recommendations about how Eden Farm can use the IT used within the companies above to benefit the employees and management. Recommendation Impact on Organisation As Eden Farm is expanding it may be difficult for them to keep in contact with other departments. Eden Farm should implement a monthly sales report being sent to the main offices like McDonalds do. This will allow them to ascertain which regions are doing the best, what method of selling is making the largest amount like telesales or the internet. Also it will allow them to see what sort of produce people are most interested in. As the business is moving from paper based systems to computer based then up skilling of the staff will be essential. Otherwise the staff will become useless to Eden Farm and there may be cause for redundancies. As Burnley college allows for home and remote working then it is suggested that Eden Farm create a similar method to allow their staff to communicate and gain access to files This will benefit staff as they will be no need to have to go into work to contact or collect important documents and other things. Also it will allow for department interaction so that there is no more lack of communications. Eden Farm can increase their globalisation by setting up an online ordering system, which will allow anyone anywhere to purchase from them, instead of the customers having to call up or visit the shop they will simply use the website. This can increase sales figures and the customer range so that the business can keep on expanding possibly to other countries. A list of risks while using IT that Eden Farm may encounter and how they can be managed. Antivirus packages and Back Ups: A virus checker is a piece of software that prevents viruss wrecking a computer they do this by corrupting work, deleting files and changing settings. They scan the entire computer in all of the files and folders in order to find all if any viruses, when found they can either attempt to heal the file if it is important or delete the file to stop it progressing. It will be necessary to create a scheduled virus scan as all of the computers are at risk of virus and it is the technical support department that must make sure all the computers are free of viruses so that no information can be lost. All the files will need to be backed up so that in the event of data loss the data can be retrieved from a different source, it is necessary for a program to be created for a schedule so that this can be automatically done daily. There are many laws that need to be considered by Eden Farm as they can help protect the companies and its department. These are Data Protection Act 1998 It protects the rights of individuals whos data is stored in both paper based and computer-based ways. It allows individuals to protect themselves and enforce the control of their personal data. The Eight Key Principals of the Data Protection Act: 1. Personal data shall be processed fairly and lawfully 2. Personal data shall be obtained only for one or more specified and lawful purposes, and shall not be further processed in any manner incompatible with that purpose or those purposes. 3. Personal data shall be adequate, relevant and not excessive in relation to the purpose or purposes for which they are processed. 4. Personal data shall be accurate and, where necessary, kept up to date. 5. Personal data processed for any purpose or purposes shall not be kept for longer than is necessary for that purpose or those purposes. 6. Personal data shall be processed in accordance with the rights of data subjects under this Act. 7. Appropriate technical and organisational measures shall be taken against unauthorised or unlawful processing of personal data and against accidental loss or destruction of, or damage to, personal data. 8. Personal data shall not be transferred to a country or territory outside the European Economic Area, unless that country or territory ensures an adequate level of protection for the rights and freedoms of data subjects in relation to the processing of personal data. Copyright Act 2000- This gives the creator of an original piece work exclusive rights to it usually for a limited period. It generally gives the creator the right to allow others to copy the piece of work. It stops people claiming other peoples work as their own and benefitting from it in any way. Digital Millennium Copyright Act 2000 This makes it illegal for anyone to access copyrighted work by any means necessary. This also protects technology, weapons, designs of ships and devices. Meaning that they too cannot be copied. Computer Misuse Act 1990- This prevents people going on inappropriate sites during work hours. It also protects the computer from any unauthorized entry via hackers who set their computers to decrypt passwords and security measures enabling them to access the data. It also prevents people from putting passwords or security on data that there do not have the right to encrypt like someone elses personal data or someones personal computer. Firewalls This checks all network traffic and does not allow any file or application through if it decides it to be a potential risk. It is basically a barrier to keep hazard files away from a computer. The image shows the flow of a firewall.
Monday, October 21, 2019
How to Weed - and Edit - and Work - Effectively
How to Weed - and Edit - and Work - Effectively In my newsletter last week, I wrote about weeding. The letter did not go out until Friday- a notoriously bad day to send out a newsletter- so I am expanding on the theme in a full-out blog. Weeding is an art. We all know that if you don’t weed out the roots of a plant, the plant will grow back. There are many metaphors for this phenomenon. But that’s not what I’m going to talk about today. I’m reflecting instead on the process of weeding. When I go into my garden to weed, I find I’m more effective if I choose the type of weed I’m going to pull: â€Å"Today I’m going to pull out all the grass in my garden.†â€Å"Today I’m going to pull out all the lemon balm.†When my eyes and brain are looking for one particular thing, I have a much easier time spotting it than if I were to say â€Å"I’m going to weed all types of weeds today†or â€Å"I’m going to pick tomatoes and weed as I do it.†Sometimes it can also work to weed a small area of everything that is NOT the lettuce, or the tomato, or the garlic. Again, my brain is focused on one thing, in one small space. When I’m unfocused, I miss a lot of things. Even the thought of weeding my entire garden of everything I don’t want there raises my heart rate and sends me into overwhelm. Its simply too much to do, especially when I have so many other tasks pulling for my attention! I need to take one thing at a time. Weeding is like editing. Like my experience of weeding, if I limit myself to one thing I do a better job. Looking through a document to check for periods at the end of each bullet, or to check for extra spaces, means I’m likely to catch the one thing I’m looking for. Did I overuse the word â€Å"that†? Or â€Å"just†? Or â€Å"really†? It works best to search on each of those words one at a time. Conversely, if I try to find every error, I’ll probably miss a bunch of them. [For a list of common errors to look for, see The Write Life’s 25 Editing Tips for Tightening Your Copy] Despite knowing the downsides of overcommitment in proofreading, my brain often wants to do everything at once and fix everything at once. It takes some wrangling to get myself to concentrate on one thing at a time, especially in this age of distraction. In fact, as I sat down to write this blog I went to do some research on multitasking and ended up doing something else before getting to my Google search. Then my phone rang and I took the call before finally getting back to my article. Have I lost your attention yet? Perhaps I have. I am talking about multitasking, and I have taken you along for the ride†¦ and we all know by now that our brains are not wired for multitasking! Here’s a great article, Multitasking is Killing Your Brain, that describes how multitasking lowers your work quality and productivity, harms your IQ (possibly permanently), increases stress levels, and simply exhausts you. Weeding can be an antidote to multitasking. There is practice to be had in concentrating on one thing at a time, and we could all stand to do a lot more of it. It’s time for me to get out into my garden.
Sunday, October 20, 2019
About the Charles-de-Gaulle Airport Terminal Collapse
About the Charles-de-Gaulle Airport Terminal Collapse A huge chunk of Terminal 2E at the Charles-de-Gaulle Airport came crashing down in the early morning of May 23, 2004. The shocking event killed several people at the busiest airport in France, about 15 miles northeast of Paris. When a structure fails on its own accord, the event may be more frightening than a terrorist attack. Why did this structure fail in less than a year after opening? The 450-meter long terminal building is an elliptical tube constructed of concrete rings. French architect Paul Andreu, who also designed the French terminal for the English Channel Tunnel, drew upon principles of tunnel construction for the airport terminal building. Many people praised the futuristic structure at Terminal 2, calling it both beautiful and practical. Since there were no internal roof supports, passengers could move easily through the terminal. Some engineers say that the terminals tunnel shape may have been a factor in the collapse. Buildings with no internal supports must rely entirely on the outer shell. However, investigators quickly pointed out that it is the role of engineers to assure the safety of an architects designs. Leslie Robertson, a chief engineer of the original twin towers at the World Trade Center, told the New York Times that when problems occur, its usually in the interface between architects, engineers, and contractors. Reasons for Collapse The collapse of a 110 foot section killed four people, injured three others, and left a 50 by 30 meter hole in the tubular design. Was the fatal collapse caused by design flaws or oversights in construction? The official investigation report clearly said both. A part of Terminal 2 failed for two reasons: Process Failure: A lack of detailed analysis and inadequate design checking allowed construction of a poorly engineered structure. Structural Engineering Failure: A number of design flaws were not caught during construction, including (1) a lack of redundant supports; (2) poorly placed reinforcing steel; (3) weak outer steel struts; (4) weak concrete support beams; and (5) low resistance to temperature. After the investigation and careful disassembling, the structure was rebuilt with a metal framework built upon the existing foundation. It reopened in the spring of 2008. Lessons Learned How does a collapsed building in one country affect construction in another country? Architects have become increasingly aware that complicated designs using space-age materials require the watchful oversight of many professionals. Architects, engineers, and contractors have to be working from the same game plan and not copies. In other words, writes New York Times reporter Christopher Hawthorne, it is in translating the design from one office to the next that mistakes are amplified and become deadly. The collapse of Terminal 2E was a wake-up call for many firms to use file-sharing software such as BIM. At the time of the disaster in France, a multi-billion dollar construction project was underway in northern Virginia - a new train line from Washington, D.C. to Dulles International Airport. The subway tunnel was designed similarly to Paul Andreus Paris airport. Could the D.C. Metro Silver Line be doomed to disaster? A study prepared for U.S. Senator John Warner of Virginia noted a major difference between the two structures: The subway station, simply put, is a circular tube with air flowing down the middle of it. This hollow tube can be contrasted to Terminal 2E, which was a circular tube with air flowing outside of it. The outer casing of Terminal 2E was subjected to great temperature changes causing the outer steel to expand and contract. The study concluded that a complete design analysis would have predicted all structural deficiencies within the Paris airport. In essence, the collapse of Charles-de-Gaulle Airport Terminal was preventable and unnecessary had oversight been in place. About Architect Paul Andreu French architect Paul Andreu was born July 10, 1938 in Bordeaux. Like many professionals of his generation, Andreu was educated as an engineer at the École Polytechnique and as an architect at the prestigious fine arts Lycà ©e Louis-le-Grand. He has made a career of airport design, beginning with the Charles-de-Gaulle (CDG) in the 1970s. From 1974 and throughout the 1980s and 1990s, Andreus architecture firm was commissioned to build terminal after terminal for the growing air traffic hub. The extension of Terminal 2E opened in the spring of 2003. For nearly forty years Andreu held commissions from the Aà ©roports de Paris, the operator of Paris airports. He was the Chief Architect for the building of the Charles-de-Gaulle before retiring in 2003. Andreu has been cited as shaping the face of aviation internationally with his high-profile airports in Shanghai, Abu Dhabi, Cairo, Brunei, Manila, and Jakarta. Since the tragic collapse, he has also been cited as an example of architectural hubris. But Paul Andreu designed buildings other than airports, including the Guangzhou Gymnasium in China, the Osaka Maritime Museum in Japan, and the Oriental Art Center in Shanghai. His architectural masterpiece may be the titanium and glass National Centre for the Performing Arts in Beijing - still standing, since July 2007. Sources The Architectural Blame Game by Christopher Hawthorne, The New York Times, May 27, 2004 Paris Air Terminal Collapse Report by Christian Horn, Architecture Week, Investigation of Tysons Central 7 Rail Station - Case Study: Terminal 2E Roof Collapse, Prepared for Senator John Warner by Chance Kutac and Zachary Webb, Technical Office of Senator John Warner, November 22, 2006, pp. 9, 15 [PDF at accessed May 24, 2004] propos and architecture, Paul Andreu website, [accessed November 13, 2017] Paris airport collapse blamed on design by John Lichfield, Independent, February 15, 2005, Terminal to reopen at Charles de Gaulle Airport in Paris by Nicola Clark, The New York Times, March 28, 2008, Gordon, Alastair. Naked Airport: A Cultural History of the Worlds Most Revolutionary Structure. University of Chicago Press Pbk. Ed. / edition, University of Chicago Press, June 1, 2008.
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Leadership Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words - 1
Leadership - Essay Example These are: first belief (B1) signifies the relationship between effort and performance; the second deals with the relationship between performance and outcomes (B2); and third (B3) with the relationship between outcomes and satisfaction. B1 is the perception and belief of the employee whether effort will lead to success or not; a perception of the employee if the work given is hard to perform. B2 deals with employee’s belief whether his performance will result to outcomes. B3 is the employee’s belief as to the satisfaction of his outcomes, and how favorably the outcomes will be. B. Application of the Expectancy Theory of Motivation In scenario, the employees were not motivated to work given the new production process. Some of them do not seem to put forth any effort to master the process, and some just do not exert much effort, though they have mastered it. Some were not motivated to reach the production goals because there is no disparity between the salary of those wh o can meet the department goals, and those who cannot. In addition, they claim that though they were given bonus for reaching the production goals, their salary amount is so small because of the withholdings, thus, not worth the effort. In application of the expectancy theory of motivation, the company must do every means to make their employees motivated to work on the new production process. Some of their employees were thinking they â€Å"cannot just do it,†no motivation is entered in their minds; they were dubious if they can do it. Also, this company should try to make something that will make the employees motivated, so that they will exert more effort towards performance by using Effort-Performance method (like giving additional bonus). The concern about additional hand dexterity to achieve success, the company should, in any way, try to motivate employees that their performance will lead to outcomes. Some of them would think, â€Å"Will I get it?†so, the comp any should make its employees think that they can perform the job; they must believe they will achieve what they expect if they perform well by using Performance-Outcome method (like conducting training). Finally, employees should be made to believe that their overall outcomes will be satisfying, no matter what the situation will be through Outcome-Satisfaction method (like praising them for a job done). Hence, employees are motivated if: they believe that effort leads to performance: performance results to outcomes and outcomes will meet satisfaction. References Green, T. B. (1992). Performance and motivation strategies for today's workforce: A guide to expectancy theory applications. US: Greenwood Publishing Group. Griffin, R. W., & Moorhead, G. (2009). Organizational behavior: Managing people and organizations. US: Cengage Learning. Task 2. Leadership A. Leadership Style Transformational leadership according to Bass (1998), the leader tries to change the values as well as the pri orities of the subordinates through motivating them to fulfill more works in their jobs by introducing to and doing things in new ways. In addition, transformational leaders possess an awesome ability to inspire, motivate, and encourage followers or subordinates to come up with outcomes far beyond of what is
Research Methods Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 7
Research Methods - Essay Example n was asked why his party chose to increase the tuition fees, he replied that it would mainly do two things; firstly, it would ensure that UK’s English universities are well funded and; secondly it would mean that the UK government would not go on raising tuition for higher education students so fast (Vasagar2012). The increasing of tuition fees in the UK has led to a lot of controversy, which has caused many individuals lash out at the Conservative regime and a majority of perspective students traumatized at the thought of having to pay off  £27,000 worth of education fees, prior to adding up the fee of their maintenance loans, as well (Bachana 2013). In the wake of all this, university students in the UK are turning to employment to be able to pay this high school fees rate, as well as settle the loans they use while in school. This essay conducted surveys, observation, journals and books, with regards to how the new English fee system has affected student employment. The main survey method that was used was conducting interviews through questionnaires. In this regard, 250 were distributed to undergraduate students in order to come up with the findings. In addition, using this type of sources will help to conduct an understandable research strategy and accurate timetable of activities. A research question should be clear, concise, centered, complex and arguable. It should be a question that everybody in the team was genuinely interested in (Munn, 2004). These aspects were particularly important because they helped us center on our research by providing a way through the research, as well as writing process. My group’s specificity of a well-developed research topic helped us avoid the â€Å"all-about†types of papers and endeavor towards supporting a particularly arguable thesis, â€Å"the new  £9000 per year English fee tuition has affected student term time employment habits.†Due to the recent debate in UK universities with regards to raising the annual
Friday, October 18, 2019
Bush Tax Cuts Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Bush Tax Cuts - Research Paper Example Mixed reactions were reported. Some argued that they were only beneficial to the wealthy, while others argued that it was not in the nation’s interest to abolish tax cuts during a recession. Still, others opined that tax cuts were too costly for the government that was in dire need of extra revenue to service budget deficits. Bush Tax Cuts Introduction A tax relief initiative is bound to have different receptions from different economic classes. There has been debate over who benefited the most from the tax cuts. Supporters of lower taxes have been of the opinion that tax deductions meant a growth to the swiftness of job creation and recovery in economics (Hughes, 2012). For them, lower taxes on all citizens meant that receipts would go up from the wealthier Americans, because their rates of tax would go down with no option for tax shelters. On the other hand, politicians have been of the opinion that the tax cuts favored the wealthy. They were passed in the midst of promises of how they would boost the economy. But what they claim to have seen is a decade of slow growth. Politicians have a duty to systemize, defend and recommend concepts that are suitable for their subjects and condemn those that fall short of their expectations (Blackburn, 2001). This paper will present views opposing and agreeing to the argument whether it is ethical for politicians to claim that the Bush Tax Cuts were beneficial to the rich and unfair to the poor and also give the writer’s views. One perspective would say yes and agree that it is ethical for politicians to say that the Bush tax cut hurt the poor and unfairly benefited the rich. This is because when President Bush took office, he had to deal with a recession rooted in the previous presidency in order to fight the economic difficulties and create a strong foundation for the entire nation. However, he implemented the income tax reductions that gradually came into force for the middle and lower class but took effe ct immediately for the rich, further lowering their marginal tax rates. Among the impacts of the initiative was that it awoke recognition of a lesser recognized item on the Internal Revenue Code, the Alternative Minimum Tax (AMT). Although the AMT was designed to ensure that wealthy taxpayers did not abuse the numerous tax incentives by reducing their tax obligation by an unfair margin, there were no adjustments to the applicable rates that matched the lower taxpayers (Burman, 2007). For ethical purposes, the adjustments should have matched the lower rates of the Acts of 2001 and 2003. For example, Estate tax, also known as inheritance tax that imposed on inheritances over one million dollars, was reduced. This meant that someone from a rich family could inherit property worth millions of dollars and still pay marginal tax for it. Rich investors also benefited as lower tax rates targeting them made it possible to earn higher returns while their taxes on dividends remained below the average most taxpayers submitted (Hughes, 2012). In a free market, it is ethical for politicians to say there is no justification for cutting taxes and providing greater relief to the rich for a decade yet economic growth slows down in the same period. In view of a market-oriented perspective, the tax cuts were not beneficial to the poor because they were implemented in slow,
Feasibility business Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Feasibility business - Assignment Example Presently this soft drinks corner is furnishing a mixture of wonderful local wines, coffees, and several soft drinks along with some foodstuff as well. The future plan is to offer unparalleled Swiss based beverages which include imported cheeses, chocolates, pastries, local and imported coffees, and some related fast food or snack items as well. The major aim is to offer the customers with highest quality services and products to keep them staying again and again. We believe that by getting crucial financial support through the sale within first two years, our cafà © will be able to capture 10-20% of the cafà © industry at Ashland Oregon. The project has estimated that it will enjoy a 37.3% profit for its investment by the end of April, 2014. Cafà © house is a business combination of beverages and foodstuff that is readily available and dished up promptly at sites. This is multi-billion dollar business which in turn keeps on progressing extremely fast around numerous international locations. A cafà © house or franchise is somewhat different from fast-food points as it is recognized from nominal service and by refreshment items simultaneously which may be presented immediately soon after placing the order. The drinking stuff in conjunction with related eatables are usually prepared in volume upfront plus preserved hot for its reuse. Numbers of cafà © houses or beverage outlets are sections of some reputable restaurants or franchises, while standard drinking and eating products are supplied to each venue through main sites. As compared to some other food businesses, the budget fundamentals to set up a cafà © house are comparatively compact in USA especially at locations consisting of low and medium earning community. M ostly eateries wherever people sit a while and enjoy by drinking some coffees, wines or eating some readily made foodstuff are also measured as
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Molecules and Processes of Life Activity 6 - Cellular Respiration and Lab Report
Molecules and Processes of Life Activity 6 - Cellular Respiration and the Effects of Pollutants on Its Rate - Lab Report Example The amount of gas emitted at the top of tube was observed to over 10 minutes so as to determine cellular respiration rate. The pollutants used included; vinegar, salt solution, isopropyl alcohol, baking soda, soap solution, and bleach solution. The result for yeast mixture was compared with the results for yeast-sugar mixture. The yeast-sugar mixture exhibited a faster cellular respiration rate. The outcomes of the pollutants had mixed results. Except baking soda, most of the pollutants utilized had a lower cellular respiration rate. According to Carpenter (2013), cellular respiration is a process in which chemical energy in the food is reaped and converted into energy that is utilized in carrying out the normal life process. Every organism requires cellular respiration for survival. This process happens in three distinct phases; glycolysis, Krebs cycle, and electron transport chain. Lippmann (2009) argues that during these cycles, oxygen and glucose in our body are turned into carbon dioxide, energy, and water. The first phase of cellular respiration is when one glucose molecule is split to produce two pyruvic acid molecules, a 3-carbon compound (Schapira, McQuaid & Froneman, 2011). This first phase is anaerobic, implying it does not need oxygen to occur. The remaining phases require oxygen. As such, the experiment was conducted within an oxygen zone and a considerable time frame to allow the three phases of cellular respiration to occur. To test our first hypothesis, the experimental design was such that yeast was mixed with water then poured into a test tube. A wider test tube was placed over the yeast test tube and flipped together over 10 minutes to observe the level of gas amounting in the wider tube. The amount of gas was recorded every minute in the10 minutes. The same was done to a yeast-water mixture but with granulated sugar added into
Contract law in the 20th century Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Contract law in the 20th century - Case Study Example The case is connected with the situation when the parties were negotiating on the subject of Walford's buying the photography business belonging to Miles. They have come to a certain agreement as for the purchase, and Walford was going to provide Miles with the bank comfort letter with the purchase price; Miles in return was obliged and has agreed to terminate any other negotiations as for selling his business with any other third parties. Against previous agreement, Miles sold his business to the third party and thus Walford had to bring the case to the court for breaching the previous agreement. Traditionally, such kind of agreement would be called a 'lock-out' agreement, when one of the parties agrees not to perform negotiations for a certain period of time with any other third party; however, it was also concluded that the case lacked two essential components to be a 'lock-out' agreement: the period of time during which negotiations had to be stopped had not been defined, as well as any provision as for determining negotiations by Miles was absent. Despite the fact that Walford was insisting on the applicability of the good fait principle in the case, the Judge of the case, Lord Ackner, was sure that the principle of good faith was not applicable to negotiations, as it was contradicting the essence of negotiations as a notion. It was supposed that the principle of good faith is inconsistent with the notion of negotiations in the contract law, because it contradicts with the opposite opinions and positions the parties take in negotiations. However, the case should be viewed from another viewpoint: whether Lord Ackner was thorough in his research to state that the principles of good faith are
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Molecules and Processes of Life Activity 6 - Cellular Respiration and Lab Report
Molecules and Processes of Life Activity 6 - Cellular Respiration and the Effects of Pollutants on Its Rate - Lab Report Example The amount of gas emitted at the top of tube was observed to over 10 minutes so as to determine cellular respiration rate. The pollutants used included; vinegar, salt solution, isopropyl alcohol, baking soda, soap solution, and bleach solution. The result for yeast mixture was compared with the results for yeast-sugar mixture. The yeast-sugar mixture exhibited a faster cellular respiration rate. The outcomes of the pollutants had mixed results. Except baking soda, most of the pollutants utilized had a lower cellular respiration rate. According to Carpenter (2013), cellular respiration is a process in which chemical energy in the food is reaped and converted into energy that is utilized in carrying out the normal life process. Every organism requires cellular respiration for survival. This process happens in three distinct phases; glycolysis, Krebs cycle, and electron transport chain. Lippmann (2009) argues that during these cycles, oxygen and glucose in our body are turned into carbon dioxide, energy, and water. The first phase of cellular respiration is when one glucose molecule is split to produce two pyruvic acid molecules, a 3-carbon compound (Schapira, McQuaid & Froneman, 2011). This first phase is anaerobic, implying it does not need oxygen to occur. The remaining phases require oxygen. As such, the experiment was conducted within an oxygen zone and a considerable time frame to allow the three phases of cellular respiration to occur. To test our first hypothesis, the experimental design was such that yeast was mixed with water then poured into a test tube. A wider test tube was placed over the yeast test tube and flipped together over 10 minutes to observe the level of gas amounting in the wider tube. The amount of gas was recorded every minute in the10 minutes. The same was done to a yeast-water mixture but with granulated sugar added into
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Modern IT Infrastructure Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Modern IT Infrastructure - Essay Example There are additional expenses that are to be bore because of training costs for the employees, establishment of an Information Technology Department in the organization for regular functioning of the system. Henceforth there are costs involved but definitely the benefits far outweigh the costs. Our company is now competing for market in a highly dynamic and challenging environment and therefore it is imperative that we establish quick, reliable and efficient information processing and business processing system within the organization, which unfortunately is not possible within the domains of out existing IT infrastructure which is based on batch type computers working without Virtual memory. It is therefore recommended that the current system be upgraded with a newer system with capabilities for multi programming and virtual memory. The report attempts to justify the proposed requirements in the light of current and future business processes. Multi-programming or Multi Tasking is the ability of a computer to perform simultaneous processing on various projects or as a part of one project or task. It is a much better computing system over the old batch type systems with possibility of calculating two requirements at a time and therefore considerably reducing the processing time and therefore saving the time by doing calculations which is wasted during user input process. It ensures that the idle time between calculations of one requirement can be used for another requirement and therefore can process lots of requirements simultaneously. This reduces overall processing time and increases the efficiency of the system and the cuts off time from the whole process. Most of the time used on a computer is used in inputting the data and afterwards the calculations is generally the smaller part. The batch type system processes the requirements one at a time whereas a
Monday, October 14, 2019
Sunday, October 13, 2019
JEdgar Hoover :: essays papers
JEdgar Hoover J. Edgar Hoover was a young 25-year-old when he became the acting director of the Federal Bureau of Investigations. His first federal job was as a clerk in the files division, and he quickly became one of the most respected and feared men in the free world. Even presidents knew better than to cross him. A consummate politician, Hoover was one of the first to ride the â€Å"media train†to power. He used the media as a tool and he knew that what people read and what they see and hear directly affect what they think. A brief biography, as an introduction to the man will aid us in the understanding of who he was, and through this we may gain incite into the reasons for why he did the things he did. Hoover was born New Years Day 1895 in Washington D.C. the youngest of three children. He had an older brother and sister that lived and an older sister that died as a baby. His mother, Annie Hoover had the greatest influence on him as a child. She was strong willed and militaristic in her approach to raising her children and running a family. She instilled in him a strong sense of right and wrong, and taught him the work ethic for which he would live by. Hoover was a winner, during his school years and beyond. As a boy Hoover was afflicted with a speech impediment. He was so determined to overcome this handicap that he read aloud for hours a day until he no longer stuttered. Hoover was short and slight in stature but he was athletic and quite agile. He was a member of his high school track team that went all-American. He was on the debate team and did quite well. This is probably where he got his combative nature. He was also the captain of his ROTC company in college. Giving him the leadership skills that he would need in later years. Hoover graduated near the top of his class from George Washington University with a bachelor’s degree in Law. (Powers, pp.48-52) With all of this going for him one might expect him to join the army as an officer as other men his age were being drafted to war, but as sole provider for his mother he was exempt from the draft. He also got his first taste of federal service when his uncle got him a position as a clerk in the files office of the Department of Justice.
Saturday, October 12, 2019
Analysis of Richard Adams Watership Down Essay -- Watership Down Rich
Analysis of Richard Adams' Watership Down Richard Adams novel, Watership Down, is the account of a group of rabbits trip to search out a new location to inhabit. After escaping the Sandleford Warren because of one rabbit’s instincts, nearly a dozen rabbits cross virgin country. Along the way, they run across a few other warrens. These places exhibit a completely different way of living to the fleeing group. What they learn is vital when they develop their own warren. From these places they manage to collect some rabbits to increase their size once they reach a resting point at their final destination. Each of the places they encounter is set up differently. These warrens contain a distinct and unique social system, belief and leadership role. Sandleford warren is the first location presented in the story. An Owsla, or group of strong and clever rabbits exercising the Chief Rabbit’s authority, governs the warren. The Owsla is rather military in character. When one of the rabbits, Fiver, comes across some prized Cowslip, the Owsla hurry over to confiscate it for themselves, saying, â€Å"Cowslips are for Owsla- don’t you know that? If you don’t, we can easily teach you†(Adams 14). The Chief Rabbit of Sandleford, Threarah, gained his position by strength, level-headedness, and a certain self-contained detachment. He resisted all ideas of mass emigration and enforced the complete isolation of the warren. The rabbits leave their warren in search of a new home not only because they believe Fiver when he tells them that something bad will happen to the warren, but also because the think they can make a better home somewhere else (Adams 24). The very moment that Hazel and the other rabbits encounter Cowslip’s warren, they realize there is something unnatural about the rabbits. They have no fear of other things, appeared detached and bored, unusually groomed, and gave off a particular scent. Also, not one particular rabbit is considered a leader. They cannot really have a leader because no one can offer them protection from the dangers they face. The mystery behind this warren is that a human controls it. He shoots all the enemy animals in the area, puts out good food for the rabbits, and then snares them for their meat and skin (Adams 122-3). The rabbits are aware of the snares, but choose to pretend life is okay, because they cannot escape their inevitable death... chosen by the people and acts according to the will of the people. Watership Down thrived in the end, with Hazel basking on the bank and counting the blessings of their warren (Adams 395). Throughout the novel Watership Down, Hazel and his group experience a diverse assortment of warrens. Each warren contrasted the others with their leadership, social system, and beliefs. In the view of the author and many readers, Watership Down was the â€Å"best†of the locations. But if the story were to be written in a different point of view, such as that of Cowslip or Woundwort, how would the reaction be different? They could be portrayed as the poor, misfortunate rabbit. It could change the entire theme of the book. This is the case in the novel All Quiet On the Western Front, where the reader sympathizes towards the German troops during the first world war. If the story were to be written in the vision of Cowslip or Woundwort, would the reader view them as the protagonist because of their acceptance or leadership, and Hazel as the antagonist because of his attempt to be different and change the method? Work Cited Adams, Richard. Watership Down. Rex Collings, Ltd.: New York, 1972.
Friday, October 11, 2019
Project Shakti Case Questions
Project Shakti case questions With the advantages and benefits HLL attained from the market strategy in competing with the other FMCG companies in urban area while facing the intense situations of shrinking market shares brought by its rivals emulating the market strategy, HLL experienced a hard time of scaling up its attractiveness in products. After gaining the temporary increased sales, the competitors in rural marketing aggregate again. Increasing numbers of companies, heating up competition force HLL to struggle a way to explore a new less competitive market and extend its sales.Project Shakti initiates under such sharp condition. It weighs the special situation in rural India. Scattered villages and poor transportation stumbling HLL products being reached by its customers; low accessibility and educational level are the results of less consciousness of products and brands. The demands in rural area are limited. Project Shakti is generated to justify the disadvantages. It has tw o objectives when it was born. One relates to business that is to extend HLL’s reach into the untapped markets and improve its brands and products awareness among customers in that area.The other involves social factors, which is aiming at creating a sustainable livelihood opportunities for underprivileged rural women. That means women will be involved in operating their own enterprises by themselves. Moreover, this project builds up a bridge of communications among women and entrepreneurship, brands and customers, technology from urban to rural, backward lifestyle and modern lifestyle, short-term economic growth and long-term sustainable strategy.For the sake of business growth, forming small groups (Self-helped Group) and select one to invest in business is easy to manage, organize and operate, which is also profitable and no need to take too much risks. It targets the segment of rural women because it can easily access to potential customers since women are the mainstream of household purchasing. By directly selling the products, customers know about the brand including the attributes, reputations of consuming, service; seller (female operator) will be able to attain more profits aside from cheaper supply.Besides, female customers also have the opportunities to understand how does the project work, which might encourage them to join in. HLL decides to introduce the RSP system to coach women how to create and grow viable business is a creative action of sustaining both the business and women’s belief and confidence. This approach actually provides a platform of specifically doing a marketing research, knowing about customers’ preferences, purchasing ability, potential sales, market size, helping to explore new market and segment.Utilizing the project as a communication program. This move no longer need to hired anyone to coach entrepreneur, instead, the entrepreneur itself initiates the communications with customers within a supported br and among rural communities. They present products through many means, passing the products information to customers at different educational levels. It is the easiest and most direct way to generate contacts between consumers and products.This strategy modifies their living styles and improves the quality of life, spreading awareness of health and hygiene practices in rural India. It also energizes the products growth in category and enlarges its market. Introducing technology brings the increasing numbers in accessibility of their products. iShakti is another efficient communication between entrepreneur and distribution, entrepreneur and outlets, entrepreneur and company, entrepreneur and customers, entrepreneur and stockiest, entrepreneurs, customers and brands, customers and products, etc.It is a window to look outside and inside due to the poor conditions of transportations in rural India. It is convenient for entrepreneur to manage products information. This creative action im proves the operating efficiency. However, the costs are too expensive and would drag iShakti away from being scalable and sustainable. Though the project Shakti has negative impact on temporary shortage of money, such in the brand supported communication programs, more costs in setting up additional technological portals, the way its social image builds and brands pread indicating that the project has a very huge potentials in gaining more market share, and grows sustainably in the long run. It is no longer a simple products they sell, but products deliver a belief, a conception and an idea that women are not a group of people who only concentrate on dealing with house chores and taking care of husband and children. The products also build an image for all rural women that they could also fulfill their dreams and completely have the ability to operate their own business.It brings confidence and belief that make them realize their value of living. The project Shakti successfully incr eases sales and enlarges its market, both financially and socially impacts lives in rural India. The profits it brings not only on the behalf of its own, but also benefits women who responsible for the entrepreneur, and customers living in rural India. It changes the way of viewing themselves and values in life.
Thursday, October 10, 2019
Marketing Plan New Product Essay
Titles Page No 1) Executive Summary 4 2) Current Marketing Situation 5-6 3) Threats and Opportunities 6-9 4) Objectives and issues 9-13 5) Marketing Strategy 13-19 6) Action Programs 19-21 7) Budgets and Controls 21-23 8) References 24 Executive Summary on Apogee Apogee is a shoe which is completely made from old, unused soccer balls. After using a soccer ball for quite sometimes it becomes unworthy to use. So people throw out the old soccer ball to buy a new one. But what they don’t realize is how harmful this plastic material can be for our environment. To remove this problem and also to make brand new merchandise we are going to produce trendy shoes from these unused soccer balls. These shoes can be worn by the people of all ages. These are also going to be stylish so fashion concerned people can feel attractive in them. Next comes the huge issue of environment safety. There are many products in the market which are very useful but there deathly for our environment. But this shoe is completely made from recycling old soccer balls. So it does no harm to our environment. In fact it works to protect the environment. The third issue is price. People want to wear new and fashionable shoes. But most of them can’t afford such expensive products. As apogee is made from old soccer balls it is really cheap to produce. So we can offer people new and trendy shoes at a minimum price. Reviewing all the features of apogee we can assertively say that this product is going to be popular, environment friendly and last but not the least inexpensive. Current marketing situation We are planning to produce shoes from recycled soccer balls. In the current market people of all classes need shoes. They want more trendy & sturdier shoes. Furthermore people are now more conscious about the environment they live in. So we choose this idea of making shoes from recycled soccer balls keeping in mind the environment as well as the customers both at international and domestic level. Our customers: In today’s modern world there is a craze about sports, particularly about football.Soccer mania is here and everyone seems to be riding high on the popularity wave. Everyone watches football now a days, so what if they could use a product that not only served their purpose but also indicate their love for the game and that’s how we came up with the idea of making shoes from recycled soccer balls. Football is popular around the globe , specially in Europe and south america. As we are planning for a global launch of our product we will concentrate particularly on these region. The youths of Bangladesh are quite interested about sports and of course football, so we are developing our product keeping in mind their taste and preferences. We are hoping we can go global with our product after we are successful in making it a success in our domestic market. Market segmentation: We are planning to divide our market on the differences of our customers trend,styl e and fashion. We will develop these shoes for both boys and girls. For Boys and girls who are aged from 10 to 15, we will asses their current demand for new shoes and also we will customize them according to their needs. We will use the same strategy for customers aged 16 and above. Thinking internationally, we may think about the international preferences of our global customers. We will also give our customers the alternative to customize their product according to their need and taste. Current market competitors: currently adidas and nike are dominating the sports accessories business by providing state of the art merchandises specially sports shoes. But what we want to do is we want to create an positive image of our product by creating the ultimate soccer shoes that is available and most importantly affordable for the customers. Furthermore we are using recycling material to make this product that will also create a positive image. As they say â€Å" first impression is the last impression†and that’s exactly what we are planning to do. We wan to make a global impact. Opportunity We cannot sustain our consumerist lifestyle without getting inundated by garbage and exhausting the earth’s resources. Solid waste disposal experts engage in an uphill struggle to contain this virtual avalanche of garbage we produce every day. It is apparent that digging a hole, a landfill, is clearly not the answer. Sooner or later, the waste becomes uncontainable and will spill into our farming areas, forests, and water sources. Here we have shown some opportunities of producing shoes from recycling football soccer – Good raw material: As football is an international game and it is produced for international purpose, we are getting almost best quality of product. If we recycle the soccer and if we produce shoes from this waste material, ultimately we are getting good quality material for producing shoes. Less expensive: Many of we have the tendency to buy pure leather shoes. Sometimes we desire to buy but we step back when there is a question of money. If we use the useless soccer we will be able to reduce the cost of soccer and so ultimately we will reduce the purchasing price also. Save animals life: As we are using football soccer as our raw material which people consider as wastage, we are helping our environment to keep sound. When we are using animal leather, animal lives are in danger. So if we use the soccer we will be able to protect the life and it will be environment friendly. Proper utilization of resources: We are using the proper use of resources which is also good for environment. Environment friendly: Football is made with plastic, synthetic paper, leather and rubber. We know plastic, synthetic paper, plastic are discomposed material. When we get the utility, we throughout the ball in the dustbin that may causes problem to the environment. It may stick in the drain and can create problem in drainage system. Objectives and Issues of APOGEE: Marketing plans are written documents that help us communicate our marketing efforts for the following year. One of the most important parts of the marketing plan is the objectives and issues section, which helps internal employees or external stakeholders understand the marketing goals. 1. To save our Environment Our main objective is to save our environment through recycling. We will prepare shoes by recycling footballs. In recent years, scientists have been carefully examining the ways that people affect the environment. They have found that we are causing air pollution, deforestation, acid rain, and other problems that are dangerous both to the earth and to ourselves. With the help of recycling we can protect our environment to some extent. Recycling is a process using materials (waste) into new products to prevent waste of potentially useful materials, reduce the consumption of fresh raw materials, reduce energy usage, reduce air pollution (from incineration) and water pollution (from land filling) by reducing the need for â€Å"conventional†waste disposal, and lower greenhouse gas emissions as compared to plastic production. When a football gets old and rusty, it has no use. We often throw it into the dustbin or somewhere else. It is polluting our air and land. With the help o f recycling we can convert these footballs into shoes. We hope it will reduce air and land pollution and thus we can protect our environment. 2. Sell quality shoes with low price: Another objective is to sell quality shoes with low price. People now are very concern about quality and price. They want high quality product with low price. So we will sell high quality products with low price. 3. Increase market share: Another objective is to increase our market share. With the help of marketing strategy we can increase our market share. In this case we have to invest a lot of money in promotion and distribution of the product. We are expecting to increase our market share up to 10% in the next year. 4. To be the number one in the existing market One of the most important objective is to be the number one in the existing market. For these reason we have to implement our market strategies properly which have been discussed later. Issues that can affect our objectives: 1. Environmental issue: Environment means everything that makes up our surroundings and affects our ability to live on the earth. Today environmental issue is very important. There are many organizations who are working to protect the environment. They are creating pressure on the companies. So we will sell environment friendly product. We will not use any synthetic leather or any other chemicals that may cause harm to our environment. 2. Health issue: Today people are very health conscious. They want to know everything about the product. If they feel that the product they are using are not safe, they will not use the product. APOGEE shoes are really safe because it is a green product. We will not use any chemical product in producing the shoes. 3. Social issue: We have to work in our society. So we have some social responsibilities. We have to think about our society and produce products according to their needs and wants. We should keep a friendly relationship with the people of our community. 4. Child labor issue: Another important issue is child labor issue. According to the labor act policy in 2006 child labor has been banned from all the industries. Showing respect to the law we will not use any child as our labor. 5. High quality with low price issue: People now are very concern about quality and price. They want high quality product with low price. So we will sell high quality products with low price. We will also give some discount to our customers. Marketing Strategy Of Apogee : Introducing a new product to the market can be a challenging task for a business. No matter how much confidence you have in the value of the product or how unique it is, there are still things to consider before unleashing it on the public. The marketing concept of building an organization around the profitable satisfaction of customer needs has helped firms to achieve success in high-growth, moderately competitive markets. However, to be successful in markets in which economic growth has leveled and in which there exist many competitors who follow the marketing concept, a well-developed marketing strategy is required. Such a strategy considers a portfolio of products and takes into account the anticipated moves of competitors in the mark. Customer Driven Marketing Strategies for Apogee : Making strategy decisions need to be customer driven as your end customers are the ones who will be making purchase to our products and services. The topic of Customer Driven Marketing is how to divide up the identified market into meaningful customer groups, choose which customer groups to serve, create market offerings that best serve targeted customers and position the offerings in the minds of customers – referred to market segmentation, targeting, differentiation and positioning. The reason for having customer driven marketing strategies is companies today cannot appeal to all buyers in the marketplace. Buyers’ behaviors are difficult to predict, too widely scattered and too varied in their needs and buying practices. Companies must design customer driven marketing strategies that build the right relationships with the right customers. Why Customer Driven Marketing for Apogee : In a nutshell, with proper application of a customer driven marketing strategy, the we can focus our efforts on meeting distinct needs of individual market segment & to target segments in which it can profitably generate and sustain customer value. It can then communicate & deliver the chosen position with its resources available for an effective strategic marketing plan. With a customer driven marketing approach, the company has clearer direction to maintain its desired marketing position on targeted market segment(s) through consistent performance & communications. Nonetheless, for larger companies such as Unilever and P&G, they can offer complete range of products to serve all market segments to meet customers’ needs. We must divide up the total market ,choose the best segments and design strategies for profitably serving chosen segments. This process involves market segmentation ,market targeting , differentiation and positioning . Market Segmentation : As we are making shoes from recycled soccer balls and its for everyone ( Boys,girls,Childrens) we can divide our markets into 2 types – 1. Customers Aged 10-15. 2. Customers Aged 16 and above. Market Targeting : Footwear sales have been falling in developed countries and slowing in emerging countries due to lower income levels; and therefore, less spending on apparel and footwear. Consumers are focusing increasingly on value for money, looking for simple, hard-wearing shoes that last . As children and young people are passionate about stylish shoes we are focusing them as our target market . Positioning : We will make our shoes more attractive than our market competitors . We will sell our shoes at a reasonable price . We will give them longer lasting shoes and will guarantee them for a certain period. We will use our distinctive shoe logo or Brand name so that we can hold our market for a long time. At the beginning we will give advertisements to acknowledge them about our products .We will give discounts for our special customers . Our shoe logo Differentiation : We will serve our customer a different service compared better than our competitors on the following basis : I. We will make our Shoes attractive. II. We will sell our shoes at reasonable price. III. We will give discount to our customers . IV. Will give them guarantee for our products . V. Will take orders from customers to make customized shoes . Marketing Mix : This section outlines how we will make strategies for each marketing mix element of our Apogee shoes and how each responds to the threats , opportunities and critical issues . Product : In order to outdo our competitors we will take specific strategies for our product .The strategies will be – 1. We will make a variety of products on some specific categories such as for boys shoes ,Sandals , Sport shoes for girls we will make clogs ,lace ups, heel shoes etc. 2. We will always promise them 100% best quality for our product . 3. We will follow Fendi ,DIESEL ,Armani , Burberry ,Moschino designs to make our shoes . 4. We will use clear shoe box, ,paper shoe boxes in packaging our shoes . 5. We will make it eco -friendly. paper shoe boxes plastic shoe box clear shoe box – Price : We will always try to give customers good quality shoes at a reasonable price .For this we need to take some sort of incentives , they are – 1. We will give price tag on each of our shoes. 2. We will give 5% discount on our shoes at the starting of our business in order to get consumer attention on our shoes. Place : 1. We will open our branches in home and abroad. 2. We will try to open our branches in U.S.A , Canada , South-Africa .So we will obviously try to make an influence on consumers to buy our product. 3. We will always try to sell the shoes that were produced first. 4. As shoes will be produced in Bangladesh we need to transport them across national boarder and in home .We prefer to transport shoes to abroad by air and in home by our private transport . Promotion : 1. We will advertise our shoes on newspaper, magazines , and on t.v. 2. We will open our own branch in home and abroad . 3. We will show the positive sides of our products such as its durability, comfort ability , up to date with latest designs and customer choices . ACTION PROGRAMES A Marketing Action Plan is a way of putting in place a structured series of activities to get a predictable result. Here are the basic steps: 1. Define the service we want to offer. 2. Define our Target Market for the service. 3. Define additional outcomes 4. Plan the resources required 5. Plan of costing Financial Plan Our financial plan is based on receiving several loans to purchase/fabricate the production equipment, provide initial operating capital, and establish the customer value. We will achieve profitability early in the first year and due to the expected high growth rate, we will realize strong profits on sales by net year. APOGEE shoes are made with recycled soccer ball and produced in fair-trade factories. We also sell only to independent retailers worldwide in order to cycle money back into local economics. Our hope is that people with similar philosophies will be inspired by our experiment in grassroots capitalism and start their own business ventures. This company pretty much focuses on one thing: recycled material. In making shoes, we use 80% recycled material and other things. Our principles underlie on low cost, but effective marketing strategies. Budgeting Apogee develop and make use a effective budget plan that will make sure to achieve expected profit rate. The following is an estimate of the sources of our principal costs: Capital costs †¢ Land fees †¢ cost of special equipment and †¢ Cost of set-out containers. Operating Costs †¢ Labor; †¢ Supplies; †¢ Administrative and Overhead; †¢ Truck Maintenance; †¢ Fuel, Maintenance; †¢ licenses, insurance, registration fees; Cost of Production WE will establish a minimum cost estimate for producing hoe. As we use the useless soccer ball for producing hoe the cost will not be high than using the material. Recycling less energy and generate less pollution than using less material. So here we have low energy cost. Promotion cost Our budget include marketing cost. Because e need to advertise.issue pre release, and make calls to potential customer. We will determine the cost of each marketing element. Labor cost In Bangladesh, the labor cost is not high. Here at first e hire some labors who are expert in this work. We analysis that this cost will not exceed our budget. We will make sure that we can get maximum output from labor. Distribution cost Apogee first launch some testing product and when it reached at higher growth rate then it ill export it product to other country. Controlling Apogee practice a constant marketing control process. First it set specific marketing goal. Then we will measure it performance in the marketplace and then evaluate the cause of any difference between expected and actual performance. Finally it takes corrective action to close the gap between it goal and it performance. This may require changing the action program or even changing the goal. (RESOURCES) Recycling Benefits – A Recycling Revolution Threats on scrap sources accessibility: the loss of access and a new †¦†¦recycling†¦/recycling†¦/†¦ Photos – National Geographic Kids
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