Thursday, December 26, 2019
Oliver Twist Essay - 1641 Words
Charles Dickens wrote Oliver Twist, in 1883, to show the reader things as they really are. He felt that the novel should be a message of social reform. One of its purposes was to promote reform of the abuses in workhouses. In no way does Dickens create a dream world. His imagination puts together a bad place during a bad time; an English workhouse just after the Poor Law Act of 1834 (Scott-Kilvert, 48). In the first chapter of Oliver Twist, Dickens moves from comedy to pathos and from pathos to satire. He takes us from the drunken old woman to the dying mother to the hardened doctor. Such rapid switches help in all the later novels to hold together disparate effects, to provide variety and unity, and to give that double opportunity for†¦show more content†¦(Dickens, 131). Oliver escapes the situation but there is still the presence of a real threat. We are apt to forget how early-Victorian society, the society of the laissez-faire, took for granted individual conditions of privacy and isolation...It was a society where each unit, each family and household, led their secret lives with an almost neurotic antipathy to external interference (Price, 90-91). It was the age of the private gentleman who wanted nothing but to be left alone...He could ignore politics, the Press, the beggar who happened to be dying of hunger in the coach-house; he need feel no pressure of social or national existence...There has probably never been a time when England was-in the sociological phrase-less integrated.quot; (Price, 90-91). Dickens wrote in contrast to the society in which he witnessed around him. He brought together a unity of the two worlds and attempted to bring them together. This goes along with the purpose of reform in the workhouses. All these people have the same outlook and the same philosophy of life, a philosophy which that private g entleman, Fagin, sums up as looking out for number 1 (Price, 91). Dickens is unique in the way he often talks to the reader in quot;one to onequot; conversations. He does this quite frequently throughout Oliver Twist as a way of amplifying what he feels the reader should be attentive to. He also uses this technique to invoke stageShow MoreRelatedPoverty, By Oliver Twist1886 Words  | 8 Pagesthey come about always comes back and bites them. Within Oliver Twist Oliver’s background of poverty plays a major role on how he is introduced to the world and it is also a basis of his value to society and how he is treated. In the novel Oliver Twist, Dickens incorporates the theme of poverty which influences the main character’s behaviors and development throughout the novel. When the novel begins, the young orphan Oliver Twist is trapped within the miserable parish workhouse. â€Å"HeRead MoreEssay on Oliver Twist901 Words  | 4 PagesOliver Twist A Criticism of Society or a Biography With all of the symbolism and moral issues represented in Oliver Twist, all seem to come from real events from the life of its author, Charles Dickens. The novel’s protagonist, Oliver, is a good person at heart surrounded by the filth of the London streets, filth that Dickens himself was forced to deal with in his everyday life. It’s probable that the reason Oliver Twist contains so much fear and agony is because it’s a reflection of occurrencesRead MoreOliver Twist By Charles Dickens1370 Words  | 6 PagesOliver Twist was written by Charles Dickens, English writer and social critic. He is known as the greatest novelist of the Victorian era. It was his second novel and was finished in September 1838. Dickens was writing two novels at the same time, The Pickwick Papers and Oliver Twist. Oliver Twist, tells of the complicated life of an orphan, Oliver, living in the streets of London. The story was inspired by Dickens childhood poverty where he had to get by on his own and earn his own way. DickensRead MoreIrony, satire and humour in Oliver Twist1656 Words  | 7 Pageshumour in Oliver Twist. There are multiple examples throughout Oliver Twist of irony, satire and humour. Although a dark novel, there are many moments of humour and an extraordinary amount of chuckling, giggling and knee-slapping by characters. Each of the literary techniques of humour, irony and satire, employed by Dickens help add focus and depth on the various conflicts between the novels outcasts and its established society. It is impossible to cover all avenues within Oliver Twist that mightRead More Charles Dickens Oliver Twist Essay1137 Words  | 5 PagesCharles Dickens Oliver Twist The novel Oliver Twist is a criticism of the cruelty that children and poor people suffered at the hands of 19th century society. It was Dickens first novel written under his own name when he was 24 years old and in it he already reveals his sharp, but comic comments and criticism. From the start Dickens makes it clear to the reader that poor people and the children of poor people; most especially a baby born illegitimately; were of no consequence in theRead More Oliver Twist - Name Etymology Essays748 Words  | 3 PagesOliver Twist - Name Etymology Summary: Oliver Twist is a poor orphan boy cruelly treated in the public workhouse. Pennyless and hungry, he runs away to London, only to fall into the clutches of a gang of thieves and pickpockets led by the master criminal, Fagin. Befriended by a man robbed by the gang, Oliver ultimately learns his true identity and gains a new home, a fortune and a brand new family! Name Analogies: Oliver: Norman French form of a Germanic name, possibly the name Alfihar meaningRead MoreOliver Twist Essay589 Words  | 3 PagesOliver Twist Oliver Twist provides insight into the experience of the poor in 1830s England. Beneath the novels humor and dramatic plot runs an undertone of bitter criticism of the Victorian middle classs attitudes toward the poor. Dickenss Oliver Twist very vividly critisizes the legal system, workhouses, and middle class moral values and marriage practices of 1830s England. Basic Situation: Oliver Twist is born a sickly infant in a workhouse. His birth is attended by the parish surgeonRead MoreThe Genre Of Oliver Twist931 Words  | 4 PagesCameron Young 3rd English Oliver Twist Charles Dickens, Published in 1838 Genre †¢ The genre of Oliver Twist is coming-of-age Characteristics of the genre met †¢ Coming-of-age is simply the aging of the protagonist, usually going from childhood to adulthood, so the book meets the characteristic of this genre. Characteristics of the genre not met †¢ The only characteristic is showing the increase in age of the protagonist, so this book meets all the characteristics. Setting †¢ The setting is in the EnglandRead MoreLiterary Criticism of Oliver Twist Essay2020 Words  | 9 PagesLiterary Criticism of Oliver Twist Charles Dickens shows notable amounts of originality and morality in his novels, making him one of the most renowned novelists of the Victorian Era and immortalizing him through his great novels and short stories. One of the reasons his work has been so popular is because his novels reflect the issues of the Victorian era, such as the great indifference of many Victorians to the plight of the poor. The reformation of the Poor Law 1834 brings even moreRead MoreEssay On Oliver Twist2076 Words  | 9 Pages Oliver Twist Charles Dickens Honors English 10 Ms. Salsbury Ethan Wigal October 6, 2017 Charles Dickens is a famous British author known for writing many classics. He was born on February 7, 1812, in Portsmouth, England. Born to John Dickens and Elizabeth Barrow, Charles was the second child of eight. He grew up poor, eventually dropping out of school to bring in more money for his family. Dickens worked as an office boy, which helped to start his writing career. In 1836, he finally
Wednesday, December 18, 2019
Congress Should Raise The Federal Minimum Wage - 1042 Words
Many Americans agree that Congress should raise the federal minimum wage, but do individuals truly know the effects of increasing the minimum wage to $15? Some people only look at the comprehensive view of seeking a higher salary, but the increase can cause many negative, as well as positive, effects. Several economists from across the country have done extensive research over the topic of the minimum wage increase, and many differing opinions have formed. The effects can vary from person to person depending on location and implementations that a business takes. Congress last raised the minimum wage to $7.25 in 2009; consequently, a rise to $15 would implement over a 100% increase in the minimum wage. A percentage this high has never†¦show more content†¦These outside factors help business owners find ways to implement the higher labor costs. An increase in minimum wage will have a different outcome for each business. To cover the higher wages and payroll costs, business es must reduce employment or find a way to adjust to the higher costs. History has shown that implementations of new techniques can take effect, such as raising the prices of the distributed products. By raising the prices slightly, a company can take the additional revenue to apply towards the payroll account. Some businesses already have a large profit margin; consequently, they can adjust their budgets to arrange the revenue to cover the increase in the payroll accounts without raising the prices of the products (Wicks- Lim). This adjustment would not affect the workers; however, the employer would take the deficit in the revenue. Unfortunately, some businesses must eliminate jobs and possibly turn to technological advances to avoid the increase in wages (Sherk). The funds saved from the turnover would then pay for the employees left on the payroll. Businesses should never see a drastic decline in revenue from an increase in minimum wage, so overall a business could argue they can still prosper, if the minimum wage rose to $15. The proposal to increase the minimum wage to $15 should directly impact the low-wage workers affected by minimum wage. The envisioned outcome of the proposal is to â€Å"improveShow MoreRelatedFederal Minimum Wage Should Be Increased1180 Words  | 5 Pagesstarted to come to conclusions that the federal minimum wage is excessively low. The government can stand to help people gain more money, resulting in a less poverty-stricken country. The cost of living or gaining has increased significantly over the past twenty years, and the minimum wage, for most isn t enough for them to support themselves. There have been efforts to increase the federal minimum wage, but none has succeeded in getting approved. Minimum wages are too low for a human, to provideRead MoreCongress As Part Of The Fair Labor Standards Act1084 Words  | 5 PagesCongress as part of the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) instituted minimum wage back in 1938. The first minimum wage was at $0.25 per hour and the last minimum wage increase occurred in 2007. Over the past 65 years the minimum wage has varied considerably in inflation-adjusted buying power. It has averaged $6.60 an hour in purchasing power in 2013 dollars, but it has ranged from a low of $3.09 an hour in late 1948 to a high of $8.67 an hour in 1968. Today’s minimum wage buys somewhat more than theRead MoreMinimum Wage Should Be Legal1156 Words  | 5 Pagesbusinesses argued about minimum wage. Whether it should be raised or leave it the way it is. But, what exactly is minimum wages? Minimum wage is the least amount of money per hour that must be paid to a worker after surrounding a service according to the law. Many working class families’ lives depend on this minimum wages. There are few families who make less than $15000 a year who feed their families on this salary and still pay bills from it. Over the past year, the federal government has been wor kingRead MoreMinimum Wage Persuasive Essay1106 Words  | 5 Pagesdeserve more than the federal minimum wage? If you said yes then perhaps you are unaware of the many negative effects surrounding a higher minimum wage and after reading this you will be educated on why the minimum wage should not be raised. In the beginning, the minimum wage was created with good intentions. It was originally established in 1938 and was $.25 an hour (Sessions). It was created to make sure that businesses would not take advantage over workers. While the minimum wage was and still is aRead MoreMinimum Wage and Its Implications763 Words  | 3 PagesMinimum wage affects everyone. The current minimum wage is at $7.25 and President Obama announced that he wished to see a change in the minimum wage, he wants to raise the hourly wage to $10.10. A rise in the income of those who are employed will also raise the cost of hiring unskilled labor and can potentially reduce the number of people hired by busi nesses. Also, if minimum wage is raised then the price of the products that the companies are making might increase which will continue the cycle ofRead MoreEssay on The Minimum Wage Should be Raised1371 Words  | 6 PagesMinimum wages go all the way back to 1938, during the great depression, when the stock market crash and bank loan were failing. Families need income of some type, were they wanted to make it fair were individual could get pay the same without a college degree. I am going to start off with a little about minimum wages history and how this could help our Economic. In 1892 Federal Government adopt an 8 hour workday and other wages standard for employee. In 1903 Congress create the U.S. DepartmentRead MoreWhy we should raise the minimum wage1202 Words  | 5 Pagesworked on minimum wages are struggling to live on a salary that is below the poverty threshold. In 2012, the U.S census posted that in a family of three; their income is 18,552, (U.S Census). In most case, one member of the family is working on a minimum wage salary which is below 18,552, (U.S. Dept. of Labor). It has been almost a five years since congress has raised the minimum wage (Huff Post). Throughout my argument, I will share my thoughts as wells as facts on why congress should agree to raiseRead MoreThe Framers Of The Constitution930 Words  | 4 PagesThe framers of the Constitution predetermined that the Congress to be the foremost branch of the government. But not all the powers are enumerated in the Constitution, leaving some roof to the Supreme Court interpretation. Enumerated Powers, are the powers that are listed in the Constitution, which the Congress can hold to. Implied power is the last clause of the Article I, Section 8, of the Constitution. It states that Congress my p ass any law that is â€Å"necessary and proper†in order to be able toRead MoreThe Effects Of Minimum Wage On The Economy1391 Words  | 6 PagesThe Effects Minimum Wage on the Economy The controversial topic about increasing minimum wage is debated countless times over the years. Minimum wage is the lowest wage an employer can pay an employee permitted by law. The contemporary federal minimum wage is $7.25. Minimum wage applies to all domestic workers but teenagers are the main receivers of minimum wage. Minimum wage has a major effect on the economy. The question is are the effects positive or negative. There are many arguments on whetherRead MoreRaising The Federal Minimum Wage1277 Words  | 6 Pagesraising the federal minimum wage that has developed nation wide attention, including protesting and arguments, has caused many discussions on why it could potentially help the economy grow and how it could result in the crash of the economy. Many people feel like raising the federal minimum wage is a must, while others think it will destroy the economy. There are many benefits that come with raising the federal minimum wage, but those benefits also come with many disadvantages. The first federal minimum
Tuesday, December 10, 2019
Impact of Climate Change on the Risk of Forest and Grassland Fires
Question: Discuss about the Impact of Climate Change on the Risk of Forest and Grassland Fires. Answer: Introduction The report will discuss in detail about climate which can be defined as average kind of weather in a single place. This concept includes different patterns related of humidity, wind, temperature and seasons. Climate change and different patterns can also have explained as a fundamental role that helps in shaping the natural kind of ecosystems and all kind of human economies and different cultures that actually depend on them. However, climate which is expected now has completely changed since the past has failed to show the reliability of predictors in future. The climate is constantly changing with so many major impacts and the change is also gradually progressing on a faster rate every year. Effects of climate change on risk of forest and grass land fires There are number of results that have shown a slow and increase in the local level of scale and risk of fire in many countries like Australia. This result is actually driven by situations like warming or the reductions in a more humid situation in every kind of simulations and under every kind of emission case and at all kind of periods. Researchers have also measured different functions that are directly related to different kind of fire risks at every step in many states like New South Wales. At the same time they also have to face the extreme risk for fire that rises up to 25%. Also, studies also suggests that by the year 2050, there will low and high fluctuation in emission and it will only rise every year . The possibility of a risk of fire is also increasing at a very high rate since there are constant emission cases by 2100. (Pitman et al., 2007). The results can be broadly seen and calculated in line with previous examples and analysis despite different kind of processes and this can be concluded with the possibility of some increase in risk for fire in Australia and this result from change in climate that is quite high. It is also important to understand here that there is some major investment in different type of fire related issues in the country and the result shows that the investment is more likely to increase in order to maintain the present case of loss. (Frumkin et al., 2008). Natural Causes: - the climate around the world is getting impacted by so many natural factors that can be outside to the system of climate. These changes can be volcanic activities, the orbit of the Earth, and solar results or output. All these factors are important on different timescales which is actually contemporary to the change in the climate are those changes in the volcanic functions and different changes in radiation of solar system. (Dale et al.,2001). Human causes: a lot of credit in climate change goes to so many human activities like consumption of fossil fuels by burning it or the conversion of forest land and agricultural land into commercial work. This is why, right from beginning of the Industrial revolution and different human activity affects on the climate is increasing on a very fast pace. Also there are other impacts on the environment and these functions and change in activities that surface. Public health response The public health response and its effects of change in climate have been reviewed from time to time on extensive basis. The main concerns include different kind of injuries and also fatalities that are related to weather conditions which are extreme, such as heat waves, and there are also many infectious diseases that are directly connected with the changes in water, contamination of food, symptoms of allergy, respiratory and cardiovascular issues that further aggravate the problems like air pollution, or shortage in nutritional values that are also related to changes in production of food. (Keim, 2008). There are number of different indirect concerns and issues where data is supported and there are so many uncertainties that are much greater than so many mental health issues, dislocation of population and civil conflicts. (Haines et al., 2006). In addition to this, there are changes in pattern of different pests present in ecology and there is massive increase in different parasite s and pathogens that impact the wildlife, agriculture, forests and coastal marine animals which can also alter ecosystems and functions. Bio diversity and ecosystem It is important to understand here that change in the climate and any other kind of change in the environment will cause major losses in the biodiversity of the future. Also, there are some high rates of species that are on verge of extinction and causing stir in the environment. Here biodiversity can be treated as a term that is constantly used to define biological diversity at different levels. (Sala et al., 2000). However, in the same context it is important to aim on the explanation of different kind of species that exist in diversity. In this concept, species plays a crucial role in the ecosystems and global species loss can also threaten the stability of the environment on which species and human being depend completely. For example, plant species also witness the energy of the sun that can be fixing from carbon through photosynthesis and this process of biological system provides a base for different kind of food chain for so many animal consumers. At this level, the complete growth of all kind of plants and other species can termed as a primary source of production. (Champin et al., 2000). This basic of different ecosystem functions has some importance for international food supply and for different rates of change in climate since there is production that shows the rate at carbon content can be removed from the nature and ecosystem. Currently there is a great concern that is related to the stability of both human managed ecosystem and natural atmosphere, specifically give the changes in international phase that already exists. (Hooper et al, 2005). Conclusion The regions climate or a town is in its specific kind of nature. For instance, the atmosphere or the weather of a place like Hawaii is quite warm and at the same time, sunny. On the other hand,the weather ofplaces like Antarctica at the same time is freezing cold. The climate of Earth is actually an average of all kind of worlds local climates. This is why it is claimed, change in the weather is actually a change in the typical climate conditions of thatarea or town. It actually can be a transformation which is dependent on an areas average rainfall and it can be a major transformation that depends on average temperature for a present month or season. Reference Pitman, A. J., Narisma, G. T., McAneney, J. (2007). The impact of climate change on the risk of forest and grassland fires in Australia.Climatic Change,84(3-4), 383-401. Dale, V. H., Joyce, L. A., McNulty, S., Neilson, R. P., Ayres, M. P., Flannigan, M. D., ... Simberloff, D. (2001). Climate change and forest disturbances: climate change can affect forests by altering the frequency, intensity, duration, and timing of fire, drought, introduced species, insect and pathogen outbreaks, hurricanes, windstorms, ice storms, or landslides.BioScience,51(9), 723-734. Frumkin, H., Hess, J., Luber, G., Malilay, J., McGeehin, M. (2008). Climate change: the public health response.American Journal of Public Health,98(3), 435-445. Haines, A., Kovats, R. S., Campbell-Lendrum, D., Corvaln, C. (2006). Climate change and human health: impacts, vulnerability and public health.Public health,120(7), 585-596. Keim, M. E. (2008). Building human resilience: the role of public health preparedness and response as an adaptation to climate change.American journal of preventive medicine,35(5), 508-516. Sala, O. E., Chapin, F. S., Armesto, J. J., Berlow, E., Bloomfield, J., Dirzo, R., ... Leemans, R. (2000). Global biodiversity scenarios for the year,287(5459), 1770-1774. Chapin III, F. S., Zavaleta, E. S., Eviner, V. T., Naylor, R. L., Vitousek, P. M., Reynolds, H. L., ... Mack, M. C. (2000). Consequences of changing biodiversity.Nature,405(6783), 234-242. Hooper, D. U., Chapin, F. S., Ewel, J. J., Hector, A., Inchausti, P., Lavorel, S., ... Schmid, B. (2005). Effects of biodiversity on ecosystem functioning: a consensus of current knowledge.Ecological monographs,75(1), 3-35.
Monday, December 2, 2019
Persuasive Essay Topics Essay Example
Persuasive Essay Topics Paper Topics for a Persuasive Essay What is a persuasive essay? Tips on writing a good persuasive essay More tips on persuasive essay writing How to structure a persuasive essay? Persuasive topics list Do you know that feeling which appears after a month of a strong quarrel, when you suddenly come up with such a great argument but understand that now is needless at all? Of course, you do. This artful â€Å"after quarreling†arguments drive us crazy and torture for a few days after that. How to choose the best persuasive essay topics? What about improvement? How to gather yourself, stay concentrated and tell the reasons clearly and with right ranking? What is a persuasive essay? A persuasive essay is a good answer to those two questions. This essay is a type of writing that attempts to convince the reader or opponent that your argument or claim is correct. The main objective of the persuasive speech is to make the students master the art of persuasion. Persuasive essays are a bit like argument essays, but they tend to be a little kinder and gentler. Argument essays require that you discuss and attack an alternate view, while persuasive essays are more like attempts to convince the reader that you have a believable argument. Tips on writing a good persuasive essay We will write a custom essay sample on Persuasive Essay Topics specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Persuasive Essay Topics specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Persuasive Essay Topics specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Let’s read some rules! The goal of a persuasive essay is to convince readers! Memorize it. Use the next three tools while writing persuasive essay topics. Their names are Ethos, Pathos, and Logos: Ethos, or Authoritative Appeal: It is a backup of what you say with facts from reliable sources. Your audience can believe everything you tell them after that. 2. Pathos, or Emotional Appeal: Speak to the audience as human beings, allowing them to view an issue from a variety of perspectives. 3. Logos, or Logical Appeal: Prove that your argument is true and makes sense to the audience. More tips on persuasive essay writing Except for those three tools, we have some pieces of advice to you as well: Select your point of view. It means that you have to come up with a clear purpose and aim. Which side of the problem are you going to talk about? Will you give any solutions to solve it? Investigate your audience. You have to comprehend if they will agree or disagree with you in advance. Search a lot your topic. You can’t look superficially while writing. A persuasive essay must provide specific and convincing evidence. Going beyond your knowledge and experience is necessary. If you need to visit the library or interview people who are experts on your topic, do it. Encourage your arguments. Use hard facts. You can gather these from your research, observations, or personal experiences. But be careful! In order to avoid plagiarism, you must cite your sources. You should always use verifiable statistics. Being able to back up your argument with data is important. How to structure a persuasive essay? The introduction in your persuasive essay should grab the readers attention and provide background information about your subject. It should end with a clear statement of your thesis. The body should consist of all the arguments that support your thesis. Each paragraph should focus on one particular theme. Use the last sentence of each body paragraph for the transition to the next paragraph.In order to establish flow in your essay, you want there to be a natural transition from the end of one paragraph to the beginning of the next. The conclusion should restate the main argument and supporting point. If its something your reader wont easily forget, your essay will have a more lasting impression. Don’t just restate the thesis; think about how you will leave your reader. What questions may be raised? What actions could reader take after reading the essay? Best 50 persuasive topics Finally, the top 50 persuasive essay topics to choose from while writing a persuasive essay. Exams don’t show real students’ abilities. Sugary water: like Pepsi, Coca-Cola has to be forbidden from selling in schools’ canteens. Should the government allow the fast food in schools? Different classes or even schools have to exist in each city or town. Parents must be in prison instead of their children who commit any crime. Only parents are responsible for their children diet. Parents must check if their kids have any drugs or alcohol each week. Has the government rights to kill terrorists if they don’t have evidence to avow? Animals are for the living, not for testing medicine. Is it illegal to talk on a hands-free device while driving? Alternative energy is cheap enough to replace the fossil fuels. Police have to kill dogs if they have bitten someone. Is it ok for teachers to have mobiles on the lessons? Churches have to pay taxes as any other governmental agency. Do teachers need to wear the uniform as pupils? Children have to be allowed to drink starting 18 years old. Does the government have rights to control Internet content? Are children who commit an adult crime be trialed like an adult? Prisoners who are now free have to have rights for voting. Are such hard sports like: box, karate, all-in wrestling legal or the government has to control it? Sex orientation is visible starting from childhood. Is death penalty a crime? The humans are the main causes of a climate change. Mercy killing should be legal. Adults must be allowed to carry stun guns. If a person hasn’t got citizenship of a country but committed a crime, it should be convicted according to the rules of the last country. Is there an equal representation of genders in politics? Usage of telephones make children difficult to concentrate People should be more attentive to what they post on the Internet. Cyber-attacks are a vital intelligence tool for all countries. Recycling rubbish is more important now than it was a few decades ago. Is it important to represent girls as like boys in sports competitions according to modern growing up feminism? Domestic terrorism is not the one while a woman or man didn’t complain to the police. Fast food restaurants shouldn’t write the number of calories on boards. The government should cancel the taxes. If the defendant is not guilty because of insanity, psychiatrists should testify it in court. Prospective parents should be required to take parenting classes. Getting married in high school have to be forbidden. Prisons should use music and art to calm prisoners. Educated people must be involved in volunteerism forcibly. There is no such thing as good and evil. Sexual preferences determine human behavior? Selfishness is in big demand in today’s society. Intelligence is a thing which runs in the blood. Genetics determines human behavior. It is harder to be bad that to be good. God is alive. There is very much evil in the world that we should at least believe in God. Education at universities is not important in modern technological society. Wealth and success are things with which you have to be born. By the way, don’t forget to check your essay or precis before giving back to the teacher. That is an obvious rule to avoid misunderstandings. Now, you understand everything about persuasive essays and believe we helped you choose the best persuasive essay topics.
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